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My First Leap

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    My First Leap

    Hello all,
    Well here goes. After reading MWO several weeks ago, I have been "stalking" these threads and am ready to jump in!!! I started the sups on Tuesday and had several AF days. Last night I went to book club and discovered that for now moderation cannot be my thing - a glass of wine never stays just one glass of wine! As I have tried to stop or control my drinking in the last few months, it has only increased. (My compulsive nature, anything I give up I tend to indulge in more!) I have noticed several of you asking each other - what is your goal? I think that this is so important. By stating our goals out loud in type it makes them real. It holds those little voices at bay that tell us, come on our drinking is really not that bad!!! Those voices that come after we have had a little (days or even hours) of AF time. So here is my leap!!! My goal is 40 AF days!!!! (Not to be biblical - It carries me through my daughters graduation and beach trip!) Any joiners?!? This is day 1 AF for me. Thanks for listening to my ramble!!!:new:

    My First Leap


    Sounds like you have a good solid plan which should help you succeed. As you've notice this is a great place for support. I also plan for mods which I am actively working on. The suppliments have really helped me cut down on the amount of alcohol I can have in one sitting and it really helps in stringing together a nice set of AF days.


    Suddenly I see
    This is what I want to be
    suddenly I see
    Why the hell it means so much to me.

    -KT Tunstall


      My First Leap

      Welcome Evergreen, good to hear from you. Good luck with your 40 day goal!! Janice
      AF since 9 May 2012
      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


        My First Leap

        Good Luck Evergreen! where you from?


          My First Leap

          Welcome Evergreen. Funny you mention the compulsive thing. I reckon a lot of addicts have a little ocd! Good luck with your goal


            My First Leap

            Hi Evergreen & welcome,

            I did an AF stint in january, and am now moderating, with the help of the wonderful people here you can achieve whatever you want .....

            Love & Hugs


              My First Leap

              Hi Evergreen....good to meet you.
              I think the goal thing is a GREAT is hard to stick to a plan when you haven't actually GOT one:H
              Plans mean that it is easier to tell your mind and body what they should be expecting, and can make it easier to make out a good routine and formulate plans for 'troublesome' times you can see may be also cuts out the 'will I won't I' which can often be a downfall, dilemmas are often resolved with (in my experience)...ok then....yes I will, but then I'll be good for......but then something else will always crop up....heck...that's life!!

              Good on you, and welcome to the first day of Fantastic sobriety and self pride....
              zippedy doo dah........


                My First Leap

                Thanks all!!! I wrote this this morning. How wonderful to come back and see the welcome responses. cke123 I am from Virginia. Betty Boop, it is encouraging to hear that you were able to moderate after an AF stint - that is what I am hoping for. Does anyone just do the sups? I am nervous about the Topa Dopa - my job requires mental acuity. (I have been an evening drinker - rarely get hangovers, growing tolerance which is what has scared me.) Again, I am rambling! Again MANY THANKS for the support!


                  My First Leap

                  Good luck evergreen. I have been doing the kudzu, l glut and milk thistle for about 2 weeks and it seems to help. i am doing mods right now. good luck with the 40 days. i have a feeling you will make it.


                    My First Leap

                    :welcome: Evergreen,

                    There are many people here who haven't taken Topa so try maybe without first and see how it goes. I have the Kudzu as a back up in case and have used the CDs - other than that it's the wonderful nature of this site and the friendship and support of the people here that have got me to 73 days AF - have thought about mods but know it would be a slippery slope, and am just enjoying the feeling of no alcohol for the first time in about 20 years!

                    Good luck with your goals and look forward to hearing more from you.
                    :rays: Arial

                    Last first day - 15th April 2012
                    Days 1-7 DONE
                    Days 8-14 DONE
                    Days 15-21 DONE
                    30 days DONE
                    60 days
                    100 days


                      My First Leap

                      Hi Evergreen, I'm on day 13 and just doing the supps - milk thistle, l-glut, kudzu, vit c, and evening primrose. Take l-glut and kudzu every morning and lunch and they seem to help that afternoon craving. I'm also waiting for the cds to arrive. I know the supps have definitely helped me as I have tried to stop before/cut down and its just been impossible. Good luck, Janice
                      AF since 9 May 2012
                      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

