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Why am I so hungry???

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    Why am I so hungry???

    Im on day 9 and I was just wondering if anyone new why I am so hungry since I quit drinking. All I want to do is eat and sleep and eat and sleep some more. I know others have mentioned they are craving sugar. Does anyone know why or when it will stop? I really want to lose some weight about 25 pounds, but I have no energy and I'm always hungry. After every meal I feel like eating some sugary sweetness...I don't want to gain anymore!!!
    Honeysoup :heart:

    Why am I so hungry???

    Same here Honey! I can't say that it's gone away either. I've noticed that if I eat healthy balanced meals I don't want as much "junk"...but believe me, I have my moments where I don't care! If I do have something sweet, I try to make sure it's lower calorie and then I TRY to limit myself. I'm sorry, I know this is probably not what you wanted to hear. I wish I could say "Oh yeah that totally goes away!"....but for me it hasn't!
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      Why am I so hungry???

      Hey Honeysoup. I understand where you are and the frustration it leads to. I have been a BIG drinker for years. I also have been a big bicycle rider for years. I was able to stop drinking or moderate while training but now find that I am not able to moderate very well at all anymore. I have read a lot on nutrition to enhance athletic performance naturally with food and supplements. A couple years ago I came across ' The Thrive Diet' and read it. IT promotes a plant based clean diet. I learned many very helpful lessons in the book, for instance I never really knew what Kelp was and now I eat it fairly regularly. Anyway not to get too long winded here is a link to a video that may help you.[/video]]Crowd out Cravings - YouTube . The Author, Brendan Brazier has made an industry from very humble beginnings. He is an ex triathlete and did it on a vegetarian diet. I don't promote anything except disseminating good information. Do a search for him and you will find many helpful articles and videos. Link to the book Thrive Diet (Paperback): Brendan Brazier: Books .
      As Hippocrates said "Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food"
      Article Source: Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine

      Best to you, I know you can change if you fill your mind with solid information and eat 'your medicine'. Be patient and give your body time to do it's thing but give it Nutritionally Dense food/ not empty calories.
      Day 13 here


        Why am I so hungry???

        I am also on day 9 and feeling the same way, at least about the sugar. When I first stopped I found I had a lot of fluctuations in my blood sugar. I found that drinking a sugared beverage would help regulate that- I had like internal humming going on. I think our bodies are just trying to regulate to a find homeostasis with the absence of AL. I try to eat regularly, not miss meals, and I'll allow one treat at night. While drinking I never liked sweets, I was already consuming so much sugar. Now that I am off I crave goodies of all kinds, I am just keeping it to a minimum. I work out everyday and eat a vegetarian diet so I am hoping my one treat (piece of chocolate or sometimes an ice cream bar) will not adversely affect my weight loss goals. The first day AF I was 172.4. This morning I was 176. But I have heard that alcohol is a diuretic so some of the weight is probably water retention. However, I am eating 3 rounded meals a day now that I have quit, which I think is healthier overall! I hope to be closer to 160 but I am allowing myself time. Our bodies won't change overnight, and neither will our cravings for AL or sugar! Keep hanging in there. Try choosing cut up fruit or making a smoothie. OOh that sounds amazing! Make sure you're taking the supplements, it will help with energy. Also, using a happy light can increase energy, especially during these winter months. You're doing great to get to 9 days! Keep up the progress.
        :earth: Tree23


          Why am I so hungry???

          I have been talking with another friend and she says let at least two weeks of AF set in before worrying about my thing at a thats it, that is what I am going to do. That means I have 5 more days of junk food to
          Honeysoup :heart:


            Why am I so hungry???

            I was wondering since we have been drinking the calories we consumed are now not consumed and the body is missing those extra calories we no longer get?
            AF since 10/20/2013
            Smoke free since 09/24/2007
            Meat free since 09/20/2008
            With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


              Why am I so hungry???

              I wouldn't worry about diet right now Honey. A good greasy meal got me through MANY a night when I wasn't feeling too strong! I'd rather go into a food coma than a drunken stupor. When you feel stronger, you will want to eat all works itself out! :l Have some pizza or something for ME tonight!
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                Why am I so hungry???

                I settled for a cheeseburger and fries...good old American Meal!
                Honeysoup :heart:


                  Why am I so hungry???

                  K9 I just had pizza, garlic bread & pasta!! Moooo!!! Never ate that much in my previous life! Jaysus I'll be rolled outta me chair!!
                  Honey.....Nom Nom I cud defo go for a cheese burger aswell as all the food I just ate!! I'll have to get my jaw wired of I keep it up!!!


                    Why am I so hungry???

                    Jammy lol, i can so relate to that. I go to the shops for bread and milk and spend $50 on other food too. I told my son he will be rolling me out of bed soon or he will be my carer and i will be on one of those shows having gastric banding. When i used to drink it was like "food, whats that". I used to eat grapes, a farking lot of grapes". My latest craving is steak sandwiches, cant get enough of them and sweet things. Oh well i can cope with some weight gain and i know eventually my eating will settle down.
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Why am I so hungry???

                      Dear all,

                      Wanted to share a quick fix for all for the sugar can cravings which I have devised and at lest works for me. I am on day nineteen and first thing I did was kill the sugar on day 1. I have not had sugar except limited to fruits and milk for the last 19 days.
                      1. Generic...have fuller low glycemic meals..avocados and quinoa, oats etc
                      2. Start your day with a teaspoon of fresh ground cinnamon with honey and end the night with the same. It slows stomach emptying rate by up to 15 percent and stabiliuzs the blood sugar which kills the sweet cravings.
                      Do let me know if it works for others.




                        Why am I so hungry???

                        Vy, Do u think that if u put the cinnamon & honey in warm water it'd work the same? Cud probably to that quicker than off a spoon!


                          Why am I so hungry???

                          Great website...Welcome to Thrive Forward. Thank you! I put it in my favorites.
                          Honeysoup :heart:

