I stopped drinking for a 7 month period up until May last year, then I stupidly started drinking again, thinking I could "control it" this time.
Yeah right.
My binges have been even worse than before, including last night...my drink-fuelled behaviour has possibly ruined my 4 month old marriage!!
So it's crunch time and time for alcohol to be shown the door again.
Was sitting here actually talking myself out of trying to quit again with all sorts of thoughts such as "I'll be miserable without alcohol... How will I get through the next wee while without it... I've got a party to go to soon..." Blah, blah, blah.
Note to self: err your life was f*cking fab for 7 months when you quit before and none of the above applied!

Just feels scary being at this stage again, but I can do it.
So, here goes...