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First Day - Trying NOT to drink today

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    First Day - Trying NOT to drink today


    I was sober a LONG time I can't even remember how many years I had. I've been back drinking for the last 5 years and it's getting worse. Pretty much every other day if not every day. I don't just have one, I get drunk. Every morning I tell myself I will not drink today but by the end of the day I've got drink in hand. I desperately want to stop but am having a very hard time doing it. I never craved alcohol before but I am now. I don't want to go to AA meetings for one, I don't have alot of time and two, I just got soooo tired of them all those years. BUT I need support bad. So here I am reaching out in need of support and help.

    HELP!!! thanks for being here

    First Day - Trying NOT to drink today

    Hi, today is my day 1 too! I posted at the Newbie Nest and joined the roll call to keep myself accountable. I haven't had a lot of time AF. Thirty days back in 2011 and 60 days a few years before that. It's funny yesterday I found my journal from 2011 and I totally white knuckled the whole 30 days and then wanted to moderate. Reading my entries I realize I was miserable the whole time. When I was moderating it was all about when and how much. I was bargaining with myself. This time must be different. It has to stick and be forever. We can do this just start with today and go to bed sober. I will be rooting for you.


      First Day - Trying NOT to drink today

      Hey you two!! The Newbie's Nest is a great place to start! I'm heading over there myself after I finish here! I have checked in there every day for the past 3 years and as you can see from my date below, I've been sober!! I tried to moderate for a year and I never drank harder! Getting your head right is key and we can help!! Also find the Tool Box, links to both are in my signature line. You've found a great place if you are finally ready to get this monkey off your back! We're glad you're here!!! Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        First Day - Trying NOT to drink today

        Nice to have support! Thank you both


          First Day - Trying NOT to drink today

          Hi Dana and Bastet! Welcome to the best support place - you did you first step - came here and decided you need to stop. Read posts and stay close, also write posts too.
          AF since 10/20/2013
          Smoke free since 09/24/2007
          Meat free since 09/20/2008
          With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


            First Day - Trying NOT to drink today

            Thanks so much My Luck! I'm sure I will be here all the time and will rack up posts trying to be supportive of everyone.


              First Day - Trying NOT to drink today

              Hi, Dana and Bastet--

              Welcome to MWO. My first recommendation is to listen to what Byrdie says - she is a wise one around here. I found a lot of support in the Nest and reading the tool box as she says. Many good ideas for getting through those first days.

              I agree about moderating, or "taking time off" with the intention of drinking again. That had me counting down, white knuckling, focusing on the sacrifices I was making (all to "prove" I wasn't addicted). This time I have taken that off the table. I am hanging on to my sobriety one day at a time, but I have no intention of drinking again. This has ended the bargaining, the keeping track, and the endless chatter in my head.

              This week, take care of yourselves. Lots of water, good food, and as much exercise as you can stand. And check in here, posting and reading as much as you can.

              I am only on day 43 sober, but I can tell you with a clear head that that struggle you are feeling today WILL go away.


                First Day - Trying NOT to drink today

                You've done it before, quit for years! You CAN do it again. I haven't been able to accomplish it, but I am on my way with 70+ days. Today is as good a day as any for your last day 1. Bastet, you too!
                Every AF day is a milestone.


                  First Day - Trying NOT to drink today

                  Dana, good luck on your AF journey. The title of your post got me thinking..... Trying NOT to drink.... That's like trying not to think about a pink elephant. That's the white knuckling part.I know there is a lot in the tool box. But I always try to remember that I need to think about what I do want instead of what I am trying to avoid. Just a shift in mindset.

                  Hope it helps, not that I am an expert by any means, just my 2 cents.


                    First Day - Trying NOT to drink today

                    Quoting the wise Yoda: "Do or do not, there is no try".

                    On that note, glad to have you here, come join us in the Nest. We look forward to getting to know you!
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      First Day - Trying NOT to drink today

                      Hi Dana and welcome! This is a wonderful supportive place and you can do whatever you set your mind to as long as you have the right tools. The right tools are here!

                      LookingforPeace - good point - look and visualize what you want.. not what you don't want!
                      "We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
                      ~John Lennon

                      Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

                      ~Author Unknown


                        First Day - Trying NOT to drink today

                        Hi folks. Good luck on your quest for meaningful sobriety. Also on your journey of self enlightenment which also comes with putting the drink down one day at a time.maybe I should declare myself.i am a retired family doctor from the. North of England uk.i was in multiple active addiction for over 20 years.i eventually put down alcohol and psychoactive substances on nov 7 2012 and am now living my life in the right way and am at last happy and serene.i am totally happy in my own skin for the first time in my life. Devoid of any anxiety or fear. I attend and run 3 AA meetings a week although you can get quality sobriety without..alas I couldn't I just became a dry drunk!!!. You see today is another 1st day for me as I keep everything in the day.i will post further. Feel free with feedback I'm here to learn and to help

