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How Can I Help My Friend?

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    How Can I Help My Friend?

    Hi Community

    Let me begin by introducing myself as Steve. That really is my real name and I'm happy with it so feel free to call me by it.

    I am a gambling addict so I can appreciate what everyone on this community is going through. We all have good days and the bad days are always just around the corner. Just like everyone here too.

    The reason I'm here for help is that I have come to realize over the Christmas period that my very best friend is a very functional alcoholic. I never saw it coming at all. Everytime our paths would cross she would always act in a professional manner without showing any obvious signs of what had consumed her the previous night. To everyone who knows her even close family and friends its well hidden. But its eating away at here from the inside everyday.

    I know she is already using the My Way Out system. She asked me to check it out as she thinks its the answer to her prayers.

    My friend is currently doing everything she can to fight the alcohol winning.
    Exercising, taking all her tablets and keeping busy and sleeping a lot.
    She is doing the 7 day sober program and it was going well for the first 2 days. Day 3 went well until she went to bed and found herself waking up screaming out for help twice during the night. I think this might have something to do with her suppressing something from her early life cause she's had nightmare since 3 years old. She is now craving a drink as we both expected. I keep telling her 'she doesn't drink' and she agrees which is good.

    From the little I've read it seems that Day 4 could be a killer to get through. We are both prepared for a tough day as she'll be alone this evening. She says she's expecting to call for help. We have managed to get through the tricky days when she would have usually hit the bottle by going on road trips just so she couldn't drink. So far its all working.

    The current situation is we are now at Day 9!!:goodjob: We have succeeded with getting through the 7 Day Sober Plan and are now with success working through The Sober Revolution. She is quite anxious at the moment as we are visiting another friend of mine who is a Psychotherapist. She will be performing Hypnotherapy on her to try and find the reasons behind her anxiety which seems to be the main reason shes an alcoholic.

    Hopefully by getting help and support from this community she will continue on her journey and find sobriety? It has been a amazing 9 days so far when for years she would always let the bottle win. I'm so proud of her and will continue to help her in this challenge that she will win. I know she can do it!

    So with with this in mind can you give any advice on what to expect. I'm 5 mins down the road and am willing to rush the be by her side.

    How can I best help her?

    How Can I Help My Friend?

    Hello Steve, what a good friend you are. If she is already on the MWO forum she has access to amazing resources. A face to face support from a best friend is great and rare.

    I can't offer much more than to be supportive and keep on doing what you are doing. Addiction is a bitch for sure.
    Enlightened by MWO


      How Can I Help My Friend?

      Hi steve
      Has she thought about going to AA meetings or any alcohol self help meetings so she can be around other people who understand her? It might really help and support her.
      She could take Antabuse to get her through the first few mths. Then she can't be tempted to drink because she simply wouldn't be able to? xxx


        How Can I Help My Friend?

        Hi Vegan

        Thanks for helping out.:thanks:

        Not sure about 'Antabuse' Have messaged her to find out.

        She has done AA in the past but finds it too stressful. She gets really anxious and this tends to make her want to drink. In a couple of weeks she is taking me along to an Open AA type group session as she feels she'll be able to cope better with it. We have had some success, She's reached 10 days now AF!! And we now have sessions with my Hypnotherapist who she feels comfortable around, so things are coming together. One day at a time.

        I'll keep you posted.

