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Newbies in need - Day14!

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    Newbies in need - Day14!

    Good morning everyone - hope the weekend went well! For anyone new visiting MWO, we start this thread each day so that us "newbies" can chat and support each other. So whatever your goal, come and say hello and let us know what sort of day you're having. It would be great to 'meet' you!
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

    Newbies in need - Day14!

    Day 15 for me today and I'm relieved I managed to get through the weekend safely - a bit of a struggle at times. I'm hoping my cds come this week as I feel my motivation is going a bit but I'll just keep coming on here and read all your wonderful posts. Have a great Monday everyone! Janice
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


      Newbies in need - Day14!

      Dear Janice and friends
      Thanks for starting the thread off today, especially when you are so busy and have your Mum not well. How is she doing today? I hope things are going better for you.
      I didn't manage to check in over the w/e as computer was down but am so happy to report that today is my AF day 8, a great achievement for me. I think the best reward of being AF is the wonderful relief one feels in the morning, the happy faces of my family, and the list goes on and on. I still feel it's been easy for me as I have not put temptation in my way and am still avoiding social events. One day at a time.
      Bravo to everyone, whenther it be AF or moderation or even if you have failed your goal. Today is another day so good luck to all, we can do this together. Have a great day.

      Bluesky XX
      It is easier to stay out than get out.

      Mark Twain


        Newbies in need - Day14!

        Hello everybody
        So relieved the weekend is over and I'm avoiding social functions too. i can't wait to hop on the computer each day and log into MWO during " witching hour" . It helps to distract me.I have been feeling so incredibly well since cutting out the booze that i started to toy with the idea today that i could have a wine and still be well!! How dumb am I !!
        really need my tapes to arrive to kickstart the motivation again. So happy that my husband is trying ot cut down with me. That really helps, particularly as he was quite scathing at first and not supportive, probably because he felt confronted and threatened. Anyway, so far it's all good and I thank you all out there for the unjudgemental ( is that a word?) support.
        love Jane:thanks:
        Jane :heart:


          Newbies in need - Day14!

          It's day 1 here - hopefully. I got all the sups and tapes last Friday, but started with sups during the weekend, did not have time for tapes - and that was my fault, I was too busy enjoying my last drinks. What a stupid thing to do, but that's how I've been last few month's - "ok, today is my last, I'll start tomorrow". Now I have no excuse - I have the lot and need to put it work.

          Also, I am feeling stressed as I was supposed to do a lot of work yesterday but after a couple of glasses of wine I decided to postpone all the work until today - so I have a lot of catching up to do today.

          Off to gym now...



            Newbies in need - Day14!

            Hi Everyone: Day 2 beginning for me. Jane: I had 6 AF days last week & felt great. I decided to "reward" myself w/wine. That was not a good idea. Was on a 2 day bender. I know it has to be AF for me one day at a time.

            Yesterday was OK for me. I had something come up for me w/my husband. It wasn't a big issue, but I needed to discuss it w/him. I was AF & was able to do so. If I was drinking, I would not have cleared things up. When I'm AF, I'm not foggy, guilty-ridden etc. so issues can be dealt with.

            Have a great day everyone.
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Newbies in need - Day14!


              I can absolutely relate to you as nearly everything you say I say "DITTO". I was thinking of my "REWARD" the other day and then I decided that my "REWARD" is getting a sound nights sleep, waking up feeling so relieved, mentally fantastic and being able to look my family in the face without sheepishly scurrying around them wondering what I did the night before. It's still early days for me and of course no temptation so far so it's been sort of easy. I could never see me being able to refuse a drink if I was offered aghhhhhh. One day at a time. I wish I could moderate but have never been able to it has to be all or nothing, but who knows maybe one day! So here's to your DAY 2 RETEACHER and good luck.

              OTIE WELCOME I can relate to you also (In fact I can relate to almost everybody here!!!) it's always our last day and we will start tomorrow. The great thing is that you have started and you are in a great place where we all encourage and help each other. Even though some of us are pushed for time and can't reply you will always find somelse who has the time. It's a wonderful place. I see you are off to the gym - that's great - keep it up, exercise really does help.

              Good luck to all at MWO and speak soon.

              Bluesky X
              It is easier to stay out than get out.

              Mark Twain


                Newbies in need - Day14!

                Yes like you Janie I am feeling great and also toyed with the idea yesterday of my reward (like reteacher also) but deicded that would be a silly thing to do..... it's wonderful your husband is helping you, that's great.
                Congrats on your day 15 AF, fantastic, hope your Mum is feeling a wee bit better.

                BLUESKY XX
                It is easier to stay out than get out.

                Mark Twain


                  Newbies in need - Day14!

                  Good morning all,

                  I moderated over the weekend. Not feeling terrible about that because I managed to not go overboard. Aiming for AF during the week. Four days is the longest I've made it AF since starting MYO so this week I am hoping to reach 5. I'm determined! Happy Monday. I'm off to work.



                    Newbies in need - Day14!

                    Thanks Bluesky, well her brain scan was clear so thats good news - I'm not sure why she's still so confused and mixed up though as its about 2 weeks since she last had a drink. I've read about wernicke-korsakoffs syndrome - when the brain is affected through alcohol - but don't know if this would show up on the scan or not. Anyway, they're keeping her in hospital for the time being. It just makes me realise how alcohol can change us - she's not my mam - I lost my mam some time ago. She used to be so gentle, loving, understanding, funny, caring, beautiful, full of self-respect but now she is bitter, angry, aggressive, negative, depressed, uninterested, sad, no self respect - the list is endless. What a waste of a life. Well done on Day 8 Bluesky, doesn't it feel good when the days start to mount up - its important not to look ahead too far and just take each day at a time but its also rewarding and motivating to look back at your AF days and say "haven't I done well" and you have!! Otie - now you have everything, good luck with getting started! thanks everyone for keeping me afloat! Janice
                    AF since 9 May 2012
                    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                      Newbies in need - Day14!

                      my tracking

                      Well, I don't know how i should measure my performance this month.

                      I meant to do the whole month AF.

                      I have four days in the beginning, four days of cheating. This is day 6 since my cheating days. So am I day 10 in May or day 6? maybe it doesn't matter. I do plan to get to the end of this month.

                      My sleeping is pretty erratic. I feel exhausted during the day and early evening then wake up in the middle of the night and can't sleep for most of the rest of the night.

                      Aside from that, all is well. I am starting to really see the folly of dealing with problems through drinking. It's like Allan Carr suggested in his book, if you see danger, you don't stick your head in the sand like an ostrich, right?

                      Last night, I had some non-alcholic wine. I am going to try to teach myself moderation with that. Come end May, will have to make a decision. I might want to go longer than a month to rid myself of these psychological habits.

                      I think the point of doing 30 days is to learn how to deal with issues without resorting to drinking and to deal with social situations without drinking.


                        Newbies in need - Day14!

                        Thanks ever so much for your kind words of encouragement, you put a smile on my face, it's nice to be encouraged and it does feel good to see the days mount up. Thank goodness for you and everybody at MWO.
                        I'm so sorry about your Mum, it should be a lesson to us all shouldn't it? My husband is always telling me that it damages the brain cells, but we never think it is going to happen to us do we? Thank goodness her brain scan was clear, why don't you ask the Drs about the WK Syndrome next time you see them, just to put your mind at rest. My father was a raging alcoholic who was never nice just abusive and violent all the time, how sad. It must be hard for you to cope with all this when you know she used to be a wonderful Mum and wonderful person. Look at what the alcohol has done to her, and yet we continue to drink, why don't we learn our lesson? My husband used to ask my why on earth I would want to drink after having lived with an abusive violent alcoholic for a father. I can't answer that, I do know that "touch wood" I am a "functional alcoholic" and he was totally dysfunctional. So I used to tell myself that at least I can hold down my job, am not voilent, etc. etc. but it's still not right drinking to the extent that one has to pass out and then go back for more the next evening just to black out again, is it? One day at a time!
                        Anyway, what I wanted to say also is that I can start the thread off tomorrow as Abduggan is still busy with her B&B and you have your Mum to worry about, so please let me take over for a bit. I can start it off at approx. 07:00 am UK time.
                        Courage to us all.
                        BS X
                        It is easier to stay out than get out.

                        Mark Twain


                          Newbies in need - Day14!

                          Hello everyone, I'm feeling better and better. Day 15 AF for me. My cravings are more like a little stab of longing, and haven't lasted very long. Not on Topa, but using Kudzu L-glut and the hypno tapes exactly as directed, though last night I kept dozing off, mind wandering. Starting a detox diet today because my sugar/fat cravings have taken over the alcohol cravings in some ways. Cheers, good work everyone!
                          "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


                            Newbies in need - Day14!

                            As usual the saying goes "one day at a time" whether it be AF, Moderation, "cheating", don't be too tough on yourself. I could never take on a challenge of 30 days, panic panic. There is another thread going of "30 day" people have you checked that out? How was the non-alcoholic wine? I have thought about it but didn't see the point as I'm sure it doesn't lift you up to the level we seem to want to be on.

                            Keep going no matter what and good luck.

                            BS X
                            It is easier to stay out than get out.

                            Mark Twain


                              Newbies in need - Day14!

                              Good Morning All,

                              This is day 4 AF for me with a total of 11 AF days in the last 12. Last Mother's Day I got completely wasted and felt like kaka the next day. This Mother's Day I had a rather low key day and woke up feeling ok. I did oversleep so the gym is postponed until tonight.

                              Janice - Have they checked her blood oxygen levels? When the brain is oxygen starved it acts weird.

                              To all the rest, good job on how ever many AF days you have under your belt. Cheers to adding one more to the total.

                              Suddenly I see
                              This is what I want to be
                              suddenly I see
                              Why the hell it means so much to me.

                              -KT Tunstall

