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Newbies in need - Day14!

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    Newbies in need - Day14!

    Congratulations on AF day 15, wow that's fantastic and good luck with the DETOX.
    Have a good day.

    BS X
    It is easier to stay out than get out.

    Mark Twain


      Newbies in need - Day14!

      Hi everyone,

      Thanks for starting the thread today Janice, you are doing so well with your mum being ill.

      Bluesky well done on day 8 and good luck to you Olie. Retteacher I'm with you back on day 2, wish I hadn't slipped at the weekend but at least I didn't go mad!

      Zincityzen you're doing brilliantly with 15 days you're an inspiration and I know what you mean about compensating with sugar etc. I've never eaten so much chocolate in my life before. I even had a sneaky choc ice in bed last night.

      I'm feeling a bit low today because I've put on weight and just can't seem to find the motivation right now to find a job. I am having to deal with all my insecurities and fears at the moment instead of putting them off while I deal with the hangovers.

      Nancy I know what you mean about counting the days, I started trying to modify my drinking on the 25th April and since then I have 16 af days out of 19. I don't worry to much that they are not all strung together. The odd slip for me is a million times better than how I was drinking before.

      Hi to everyone else in the thread, have a great day and I'll see you all later.

      Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


        Newbies in need - Day14!

        Congrats. that's fantastic, keep going. Glad that you are getting things sorted out with your B/F, he really does care about you. We hurt so many people when we abuse ourelves with alcohol. My husband is my best friend but I just can't talk to him about my alcohol problem because like you I am so ashamed of it and have yet to understand why I do this to myself and my family. This Site helps loads though and I'm just waiting on my package to arrive from the States so things will even get better. Have a great day and
        a good workout at the GYM (Exercise helps loads).
        BS X
        I'm not coming back on this thread today or else I'll be looking for another job - so good luck to everyone and speak tomorrow.
        It is easier to stay out than get out.

        Mark Twain


          Newbies in need - Day14!

          Wow, imagine being able to control it I think that is just wonderful, congratulations. I know what you mean about the weight issue and think it goes hand in hand with the alcohol consumption. Could you possibly join some exercise group or go for a brisk walk or swim every day - exercise does help and try to limit the sugary foods (easier said than done). Don't be too hard on yourself, we can't do everything at the same time. Slowly, slowly, Good luck Kitty.

          Got to run.

          BS X
          It is easier to stay out than get out.

          Mark Twain


            Newbies in need - Day14!

            Non-alcoholic wine

            I don't think the non-alchoholic wine tastes that great. But it gives the illusion of drinking.

            It was an interesting experiment. Even though it is non-alcoholic, I wanted to keep refilling my glass and almost finished the bottle even though it didn't taste very good (but only 150 calories in the whole thing!). The problem for me is largely psychological. So I don't want to be drinking too much non-alcoholic. I will probably try the non-alcoholic once a week or so to see if I can have just a glass or two.

            If there was alcohol in it (beyond these trace amounts) I would have needed another bottle.

            Regarding sugar, I really believe it's good to try and tackle those cravings too, because alcohol is loaded with sugar. If I am hungry i have a handful of almonds or nonfat cottage cheese sweetened with splenda.


              Newbies in need - Day14!

              Thanks Bluesky, that would be good if you could start the thread off tomorrow - thanks for listening to me going on about mam! Zincityzen - can relate to the sugar cravings!! I'm on day 15 too and feel so tired all the time. I don't normally have a sugar craving but I have now!! Tucking into cheesecakes, choccy biscuits, fizzy drinks, you name it! Kitty you are being too hard on yourself - 16 out of 19 days is brilliant - turn it around and think about how well you are doing compared to before - don't be too down about your weight at the moment, you have enough to think about with this. You are doing well, keep telling yourself that! Do you know, I've just realised its 'that' time of the afternoon - it feels great when I realise that drink is not the first thing on my mind! (Now its getting the computer to myself and logging on to MWO!) I tell you something though guys, doesn't the news of little Maddy missing in Portugal, put all this into perspective?? Just how are those parents coping? Janicexx
              AF since 9 May 2012
              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                Newbies in need - Day14!

                Thanks Janice,

                And it is awful about little Maddy, it makes me cry when it comes on the news. I don't know how the family cope, especially when it was the little tots birthday on Saturday. It certainly does put things into perspective.

                Lets hope they have some good news soon.

                Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                  Newbies in need - Day14!

                  Hart, hey neighbor! Great that your husband is with you on your journey. I think mine will come alone, just not ready jet.

                  Jancie thanks for your support. I’m so sorry to hear about your mom. Just remember, it’s not her anymore. My mom was a violent alcoholic also.

                  Nancy you are right about the social circle. I made a list in my journal yesterday of all my friends that trigger my drinking and those that don’t. I’ve told most of them what I’m doing and feel supported. I’ve stopped so many times I don’t think they believe I can do for long, but they support my every attempt because they care about me. But I hope to show them that this time I can do it for good.

                  Day 6 for me today AF and I’m doing good. The sun is out and I’m doing to the doctors for a check up and so glad I’m going not smelling like cigarettes and alcohol!!!! YEAH ! PLEAESE doctor, don’t tell me I have lung CANCER! It’s my biggest fear because my mom died last year and many others in my family have died that way.


                    Newbies in need - Day14!

                    Not doing to well. Have drunk for the last 4 nights, first two just 3 glasses, then last night my son flew over from Ireland and it got to 5 glasses and tonight, probably 7 or 8. I know I am out of control tonight because my daughter clocked me pouring another drink and I gave it to her, but as soon as she was out of the room I topped mine up again. This is not moderating. Somehow, I have a self destruct button, because we are so busy getting the b and be ready, I haven't been taking my supps, topa or doing the CD's so everything is against me, what should I expect. I would like to moderate, but I haven't really given myself a chance because as soon as I started to moderate, I stopped all the support. Should I go back to AF or is it still possible to moderate? Disappointed in myself.


                      Newbies in need - Day14!

                      Hi all,
                      I'm tired today and a bit weepy. Forgot to take my kudzu to work and really wanted to drink but made it home without it. Bird


                        Newbies in need - Day14!

                        Amanda, just hop back on the may day bandwagon!!!

                        I did and you can too.

                        we have to keep trying after we fail.


                          Newbies in need - Day14!

                          Hi Amanda,

                          As Nancy said just jump straight back on. You know you can do it. I've slipped a couple of times, it's just the nature of the addiction.

                          You are going through a very stressful and busy time right now, so cut yourself some slack.

                          Moderation is very hard to do, just try and clock up as many af days as you can. I'm sure when your B & B is up and running you will have more time and energy to focus.

                          Good luck,

                          Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                            Newbies in need - Day14!

                            Hi everyone. Does anyone ever have an easy day not drinking kinda out of the blue. My hubby is at work tonight and that is usually while I will drink during the week, but tonight the urge is just not there tonight. I haven't taken any of the supps yet today. This happens to me once in a while, but it never continues into the next day. Just curious if anyone experienced this.




                              Newbies in need - Day14!

                              Hello all,

                              All my pill and potions arrived yesterday and I was feeling very unwell from a 3 day binge week end so got into them straight away. My topa has not arrived as yet. I am just going to take it easy. Have not make any plans for the week end and will keep it that way just to give myself a chance. I live with my Mum and Dad as Mum has very advanced alzheimer's and look after her and dad. It is full on so on the week ends I run away and stay with my friends who love a drink. I think I will start contacting my less bingy mates. Good on all of you. I would love to be free of this but one can only try. Ange


                                Newbies in need - Day14!

                                Hi Amanda, the supps, support, CDs ... I think when we're newly AF we need the whole package, booze is attractive poison to us and too hard to be moderate at first without the supporting stuff. This AF is SO different than when I've been AF in the past, and its because of the CDs, this forum, kudzu.. Don't be so hard on yourself, what's past is past, just hop back on.
                                Hi Julie, yeah as I was mentioning above, my AF days have gotten easier and this program has made the difference. Temptation comes in little stabs, and some days not at all. However, I haven't had friendly folks coming by my house with armloads of wine just yet. I've been a bit of a recluse since going AF.
                                Detoxing from coffee has been hard. I got a splitting headache this morning, caved, made a small cup and now tonight my evil headache has returned!
                                Welcom Ange/Groover! This Is A Good Place.
                                "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams

