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YEA, Made it thru the Weekend!

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    YEA, Made it thru the Weekend!

    Boy the weekend was hard! Friday nite Joe asked me if it was okay if he got beer. I said I couldn't stop him but I wished he wouldn't. HE DIDN'T!! Later he thanked me! Joe and I are soooo used to drinking, especially on the weekends. It's been such a struggle, not the no drinking (with the help of Campral) but CHANGING THE ROUTINE. We are so used to going home, drinking and watching videos or tv until we pass out. Hell of a life I know, but that was our routine. NOW we have to fill those hours. You know there is life after 8 pm? Who knew!:H The hours in the morning during the weekend are hardest. We have been going out to breakfast every day or lunch if sleeping in. Hey that's another question. When we first stopped drinking the first few days we stayed up late and woke early REFRESHED. The last two days we have struggled awake. This is day 6 AF and it was a b*tch getting up today....almost as much as when we were drinking, but not the sickness But boy are we dog tired. What's with that? Anway happy to have made it thru this first weekend. Glad for this community! Thanx for reading my ramblings:thanks:

    YEA, Made it thru the Weekend!

    That is great! Weekends can be tough. Not sure why you are so tired, could be your body is catching up on good restful sleep which we do not get when we are drinking too much......
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      YEA, Made it thru the Weekend!

      well done hart isnt it fantastic to be awake in the evening i cant actually say what time i fell asleep when drinking cos i never remembered people used to say did you see such and such a programme hubby would insist i had bit i couldnt remember. i am sleeping realy well too it's almost like being a teenager again when your mum used to call and you would groan and say 10 more minutes, the sleep is so refreshing, my hubby still has a drink and i find that hard


        YEA, Made it thru the Weekend!

        Perhaps you are trying to fit in too much to those sober hours. Let your bodies rest a bit. Maybe you need to go to bed at 8pm rather than pass out then! Just sometimes to catch up on the rest. Are you eating well, alcohol has lots of calories that give you a quick rush like sugar does. Try more complex carbs. Well done on 6 days and well done to Joe for sticking with you, thats brilliant.
        Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


          YEA, Made it thru the Weekend!

          (((Lushy, Hereatlast, Goingsobermum))))


          Maybe it is catching up on sleep, but enuf already!


          I'm glad I am going thru this WITH Joe. I bet it does make it harder for you. I admire you are doing it just that much more!:goodjob: Yea, I have watched movies that Joe said we've seen and not remembered them. Sad, really.


          Yes we are eating well. It's hard not to OVEREAT. Part of that going to the fridge and looking for (beer) and choosing a snack instead. Those habits are hard to break.


