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Here Goes!

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    Here Goes!

    :h Been visiting MWO. First time for this. Went almost 30 days in January just because! But I started the whole cycle over again and I guess you all understand. Need to get a grip at this point before I lose what is most important. Ordered the tapes and supps 5 min ago. Glad to be here! Please tell me I can do this!

    Here Goes!

    It can be done, and welcome to MWO! Lots of great people with great advice here - people who will support you 100%.

    I too reached a point where if I kept going I stood to lose my family, and am happy to say that tomorrow is 30 days straight AF and 57 out of the last 60!
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


      Here Goes!

      Welcome itsallaboutme! It can be done and it sounds like you have the positive mind-set to do just that! Stick around here, read lots and post with your heart's content!


        Here Goes!

        Absolutely you can do it !!!........
        We're all here to help each other.
        Good luck and keep posting.
        Victoria xxooxx


          Here Goes!

          It is possible. Lots of people here have made the escape to a sober life. Follow the program and keep everyone here updated for support. You will feel sooo much better

          What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
          ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


            Here Goes!

            Finally finding my resolve.

            Don`t quite know what`s happened to me.

            Just feel as if I finally found my resolve to change my life.

            Fed up using any and every reason to drink, including the terrible anxiety from which I suffer.

            So, am on diet, which includes zero booze.

            Shall buy something particularly nice for dinner tonight.

            Dare say as night wears on I`ll find myself craving my wine, but ain`t buying any today, as if I don`t have a btl, I can`t drink a btl.!!!!

            Feel empowered, cos I want to beat `Winey`, and, am gonna, no matter how tough it gets, and I think start will be especially tough. Starlight Impress


              Here Goes!

              I ain`t got the strength within......just ain`t got it

              Posted earlier about how I was soooooooooooooooooo determined to notch up my 1st abs day. Funny, felt sooooooooooo determined earlier in day.

              Anyway, went to Tesco to do the weekly grocery shop-bought lots of healthy and tasty stuff, as I planned to start a diet today, as this was supposedly gonna be my 1st abs day, and I`m carrying at least 2 excess stones due to wine.

              Well, was in turmoil in Tesco, and gave in and proceeded down booze aisle, although I did really want to not give in.

              Anyway, have almost finished my btl of wine-am sorry to say that it was gorgeous. I have a btl every single night.

              Where do I go from here? I have no willpower-the lure of wine entrances me. I`m a slave to wine-wish I could free myself...........feel so low and worthless at mo.

              Starlight Impress


                Here Goes!

                Maybe some of the others who have overcome the temptation can give you some tips? Could you start by having a couple of glasses of wine instead of the whole bottle? I'm not sure what else to offer as I am trying mods right now. Tomorrow is another day to try though so don't be too hard on yourself.


                  Here Goes!

                  Hi Starlight impress
                  That booze aisle at Tesco will get you everytime! spend your dosh in the cosmetic section instead!!
                  Now, as a beginner, only 2 weeks in, I will tell you what is working for me ( at this point) ...I am following the MWO program to the letter, but without the Topa drug. I read MWO and then Allen Carr's 'Control Alcohol' book. Now I'm about to start on 'Dry'. The books help keep me motivated and fill in the empty evening times. I'm drinking a lot of tea!!
                  I go on the web page a couple of times a day to record my drink tracker and read supportive posts from other members. That stops me feeling so alone in my quest to give up the demon drink. But you know what is really working for me...I feel so healthy and my depression has lifted. I actually feel HAPPY.
                  So, my dear friend, I hope my tips ( learnt from others on this wonderful forum) help.
                  Post tomorrow and let us know how you go.
                  Oh, and stop beating yourself up.You are doing more than most of the drunks out are recognizing it's not right to drink a bottle a night and trying to beat it!
                  Good on ya.
                  Jane :heart:


                    Here Goes!

                    Starlight... big hug from me. I understand how hard it is to give up something like this. I'm a real red wine lover too *Ugh*... just not the next morning! Here's my suggestion for you... go and buy a copy of the Allen Carr 'Control drinking' book and read it. It's helping me and it might just make you look at that beloved wine in a different light to the way you see it now.

                    Also, for me - for now - I am abstaining during the week (was drinking a bottle nearly every night. Sometimes up to 2 bottles) and trying to moderate on weekends. I figure it's a good start for me and I am getting my body used to periods of no alcohol. I'd like to abstain but haven't made that final decision, which is frustrating, as I think you can relate.

                    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                      Here Goes!

                      Jane Rees... we keep posting the same stuff at the same time! :H
                      :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                        Here Goes!

                        Starlight, it is a mind set really. I had tried and given in so many times because I was simply addicted. Addicted to the alcohol, addicted to the high, addicted to the way it passed time and addicted to just about everything about it. Most of us have tried and were determined and then caved in. No one here is any different than anyone else. It is a habit - it is an addiction!

                        It really helps to change-up your routine. By-pass the liquor isle no matter what the temptations are at the time. Try to do something different in your evenings. It takes a lot of work and it can be draining but it is imperative you try to do something else than drink. Quitting anything isn't easy. Alcohol, smoking, drugs, food etc.... they are all addictions. You have to re-train your thinking and do something else even if it seems mundane.

                        Maybe you aren't ready to go cold turkey yet? A lot of people have the desire to quit but aren't mentally ready. Maybe cut down your intake. Wean yourself off??

                        My suggestion is to not beat yourself up or continue on with any negative self-talk. One thing that makes quitting work are positive thoughts. Maybe compile a list of WHY you want to quit or cut down. It really helps having a list of reasons in sight. Alcoholism is a very physical addiction but it is also HUGELY a mental/emotional one.

                        Keep trying. I can't tell you how many times I have tried in the last few years. One has to stop glamourizing it and see it for what it is and what it is doing to/for you in order for a plan to work. Best of luck and hang in there!!!!! Keep posting and sharing your feelings. It helps immensely as well.


                          Here Goes!

                          Oh and if you need a prescription or supplements to help you along it might be worth your while checking into as well. A lot of us suffer from underlying problems like depression. Have you seen your doctor? Might be worth checking into. Whatever helps is what I say!!!!


                            Here Goes!

                            Starlight: I've had a lot of fits & starts since I came to MWO in April. Perhaps it is part of the process. Today was my first AF day after a very bad Monday. I'm always strong the day after a binge. It's when I start feeling better that I slip. I'm going to try to remember that when I feel temptation rear its ugly head. Good luck. Put this last episode behind you & start again. By the way, for me mod. doesn't has to be abs. I can't drink just 2 or 3. It's always to excess for me.
                            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                            October 3, 2012


                              Here Goes!

                              Wow! I cant believe that there are other people with the same problem as me!! I drink an average of two bottles of wine per night. I have from time to time managed two or three days but then always reward myself with a glass of wine which of course turns into a bottle which of course turns into two. Have been hung over and sick on many occasions. Have said never again on even more. Maybe we can help each other and I can do it this time.

