AND, I really can't wait for my camomile tea tonight!
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so day 2…..last night I did not have the blissful sleep I had hoped for. I guess I have to wait for a few more days before that happens……Patience is a virtue. BUT, last night was my birthday and I had such a nice time just watching a little TV, eating leftovers and having birthday cake with my chamomile tea…..I marvel at how much I enjoy being sober and yet I still hit that stupid bottle. Anyway, despite feeling tired, I am feeling pretty good compared to the last couple of weeks!! I am much more motivated this morning. I actually emptied the dishwasher while my coffee was brewing….normally, I would be lying on the couch waiting for the elixir to finish brewing so that I could get the strength I needed to function….
today is a big conference in NYC that everyone is going to. I decided yesterday that I would be suddenly too busy to get away. All people do at this conference is go to restaurants and bars and drink NON STOP. It just sounds so unappealing to me……I am hoping this means I really am on the right track this time.
Have a great Tuesday!!!I just won't anymore
Welcome back Jenni! You know the drill, so stick around, post and read, read, read! Sleep will come in time, just be patient and let your body heal. It may take a while, but it will happen. Develop new, good, habits and you will find that you are sleeping better than ever. Take a hot bath, drink your tea, get a pair of fuzzy socks, hop in bed with a good book...enjoy the little things. You DESERVE to be healthy and sober. Now let's kick AL's ass, ok? :l:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.
AND you just had your 1000th post and became a Senior member! Great job on all fronts!
oh wow…..although I hate the word "senior" having just turned 50, I feel privileged and honored!!!!!!!
I am truly part of the MWO family!!
day 3 begins…..fog is slowly lifting. Still having trouble sleeping through the night but when I do sleep, it feels like REAL sleep…..not passed out sleep. So my body is happy…..I am, however, looking forward to having more days under my belt…..once the fog begins to lift, I get a little impatient!!!I just won't anymore
Jennie, 50 is still a youngster around these parts! You are doin great!
Glad you are getting a little more rest... Drink more chamomile tea???? Lot's of times I take melatonin to fall asleep faster and it really seems to help. Have you tried it. Also, are you eating enough. Could you be hungry at night? Why don't you try eating a light snack before bed and be sure to stay away from caffeine after lunch time.
Hold your horses, little lady....this is a process...and a very important one. Enjoy the fact that you are headed in the right direction now and hold on to it all and protect your quit like gold (from Byrdlady):heartbeat:
I am only one drink away from never being sober again.
thanks starfish
eating has NEVER been a problem for me. So it definitely isn't' that??and the chamomile tea is starting to even TASTE better (is that possible)
I have tried melatonin?..but FALLING asleep has never been a problem for me?.is waking up the in the middle of the night and not being able to fall back asleep?..and, i read that melatonin actually slows down your metabolism?..this girl doesn't need that
and yes, you are SO SO right. I need to hold my horses and really and truly remember that this is a process??..PROCESS with NOTHING BUT GOOD THINGS TO COMEI just won't anymore
Yikes, melatonin has been slowing my metabolismnfire:
Yet another thing to blame this extra baggage on (in addition to the additional 1000 calories I have been taking in in the form if alcohol and junk food). hmm.....
As far as getting back to sleep in the middle of the night...i have that problem too...some people use breathing exercises to go back to sleep, but I can' get the hang of that either. Sorry, I can't help out there. Maybe someone else can give us some advice.
Have a great day!:heartbeat:
I am only one drink away from never being sober again.
Believe it or not, counting backwards from 100 usually will get me back to sleep, who'da thunk it. I told my hubs and asked him to try it...I followed up and asked if it worked and he said, " it's hard to tell, I keep dozing off!" :H