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please help,model turned alcoholic and an embarresment to my baby girl

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    please help,model turned alcoholic and an embarresment to my baby girl

    posted here a few times,i just dont want to be me like this nemore!i used to be fit,attractive,fun,now im just a cider bloated mess,i dont do my hair,my make up,my house,my car,can go 2 wks without a shower ,i skip work,im an embarresment to my daughter(my rock) i do 12 tins a nte! on a bad day ill do that in the day! leave a note to my daughter saying im not well,then come down after 5 hours and start again,im a depressed mess,sorry to put it like this,sounds so selfish,ive become how i am as cider(ne booze)makes me not me,it passes time,it passes boredom,but ill wake up in a panicky mood,ive already embarresed my daughteri really cant take ths ne more,but the selfish side of me is thinking well least ill sleep, none of my clothes fit ,ive put on 36 pounds,im so pathetic,i just cant stop it,sorry for the moan,just wanted to be honest xx

    please help,model turned alcoholic and an embarresment to my baby girl

    my daughter needed picking up tonite and i coudnt do it as i was over the limit,its bothered me i hate myself x


      please help,model turned alcoholic and an embarresment to my baby girl

      Hi Bimble and welcome. Your post resonates with a lot of us here. I was a functioning alcoholic, i still am but the good thing is now i dont drink but i will always be an alcoholic.

      You need to be honest with yourself every single day if you want to give up al, if you lie to yourself then the only people you are letting down is you and your daughter.

      get rid of the al in the house, have a shower, eat some food, drink lots of water and take one day at a time. You will be amazed at how well you will feel in a few days. Believe me sleep is so much better sober than drunk. No anxiety, no hangovers, no nausea, no shakes, no regrets being sober. It is hard to stop but the benefits outweigh the pit of despair that al brings.

      head over the the Newbies Nest and get settled in Bimble. There is lots of support and love here at MWO.

      Hugs and good on you for wanting to take that first step.
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        please help,model turned alcoholic and an embarresment to my baby girl

        can i add,i was beaten as a child,my dad and his dad before were alcoholics,my daughters dads are big drinkers,ive been in custody,hopital theatres with broken bones due to booze,WHY isnt that enoough to make me STOP! im to scared too!! yet im a support worker to people with difficulties!! im sorry for posting as i seem so pathetic x


          please help,model turned alcoholic and an embarresment to my baby girl

          thank you,didnt see that msg when i posted again xx


            please help,model turned alcoholic and an embarresment to my baby girl

            You mention you were a model.

            Excuse me if I am way out with this but it is common for models to have eating disorders and it is a fact that eating disorders regularly lead to alcoholism.

            I was mildly anorexic/ bulaemic for years.

            Even if you are not your drinking has probably screwed all your vitamins and minerals. This makes it MUCH harder to quit.

            Check out this link and if you can afford it get their complete six week pack

            Seven Weeks to Sobriety | Health Recovery Center Incorporated

            And,if you read her book, you will find it fascinating and reassuring.

            I used their products and it gave me back my health so that I could handle quitting.

            You CAN do this Bimble :l


              please help,model turned alcoholic and an embarresment to my baby girl

              Thats okay Bimble. We all have a past that is carried with us through our lives but only you can move on and not be like this. There is so much to look forward to sober. Can you go to the drs for support and to help you detox? You need to stop drinking now, tip it down the sink, its suprising how good it feels and empowering. AL does not need to be your life or in it, you are a good person and you are reaching out.

              I have children also and i wish i could turn back time but now i can honestly be the best mother i can without al. they are very proud of my achievement as i am sure you daughter will be when you stop drinking. I do not drink because of my children and myself and i keep that thought daily.
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                please help,model turned alcoholic and an embarresment to my baby girl

                Hi Bimble welcome. Your story is a version of a theme that most of us can tell. We drink for loads of differant reason, lonliness, sorrow, heartbreak and a million other reasons. Al problems run in my family and I had a very difficult childhood all things that gave me permission to drink. The only thing that can change all this is you and you can do it. Step back take a big breath come on here read , post and get the inspiration and support to be the woman and mother that you want to be. Loads of us are and have done it Ms Bimble you can too just let yourself believe that and you will !!!!
                AF Since 2nd December 2013

                Being af is not your punishment ! its your salvation !!:goodjob:

                Diet Start

                25th Feb 2014 10st 6lbs 3rd March 10st 1.5lbs


                  please help,model turned alcoholic and an embarresment to my baby girl

                  thank you,ive neva had a problem with my weight or worried about it, i lost my dad in an awful way,went on antidepressants swigged down with booze! it helped! for me neway,not my loved ones tho,hence the weight gain(which makes me more depressed?)i just hate me,life, i just love my little girl and wish i could stop,we are an addictive family,my sis has been on meds(valium?)since the age of 12,we smoke she doesnt drink!!thank god!! but has awful ocd,and anxiety,i have a cancer phobia yet i drink and smoke!!!! i tried talking to my doctor but hes like you drink and smoke and youre scared of cancer!!! i understand! but its a catch 22,it helps till the morning x


                    please help,model turned alcoholic and an embarresment to my baby girl

                    Yes you can do this and yes you must. For your health, sanity and self esteem and your daughter.
                    I quit AL over 15 months ago and it's greatly improved everything in my life. It's a relief to have my daughters respect back and be able to do things like collect her at night. I have also lost weight and look much better. And I am an old trout too!

                    You have had a rough life and genetics are not on your side with regard to AL. but that's not a foregone link. Besides you must have got your lovely looks from somewhere! Now you must look to the future and starting here is a way to do this. You might need help from elsewhere like your dr or a counsellor. Keep us posted of your progress, don't give up easily and make this quit your all - out No. 1 goal.
                    Be kind to yourself and start to take good care of your body. But most of all take care of your mind.


                      please help,model turned alcoholic and an embarresment to my baby girl

                      and thank you you two xx good kind words,ive made a pact with my daughter,no cans tomorrow!! up to bed early xx with candy crush!! and chamomile!! xx


                        please help,model turned alcoholic and an embarresment to my baby girl

                        thank you tree tops xx


                          please help,model turned alcoholic and an embarresment to my baby girl

                          Bimble my heart goes out to you as you have obviously had a tough time and thats added to your drinking but we have a choice to let what life throws at us destroy us or we can take a stand and make a better life for us and our families. If you are anything like me I used all the crap in my life as an excuse to drink, the poor me poor me , pour me a drink seniraio !!! Might be time Bim to take stock of what you want for yourself out of life and make a plan how you want to get there. It is achieveable and al just makes you more depressed, did you see my post on how much better my mental health is now that I am af , hang in there lady xx
                          AF Since 2nd December 2013

                          Being af is not your punishment ! its your salvation !!:goodjob:

                          Diet Start

                          25th Feb 2014 10st 6lbs 3rd March 10st 1.5lbs


                            please help,model turned alcoholic and an embarresment to my baby girl

                            if i start a sort of blog tomoz will you help me?my best freinds my sister but shes never drank so shes not much good!!! bless her,ive lost my mates due to booze! and ive got no one to talk too ne more x


                              please help,model turned alcoholic and an embarresment to my baby girl

                              ive never been on here late,im so glad i have,thank you everyone xx

