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Foolish no more

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    Foolish no more

    Many of you here know that I recently went through a divorce. It was final in August. It's been rough. I was hurt because I didn't want the divorce. Anyway, that's all water under the bridge. I have been so proud that my ex and I have managed to stay good friends through the whole thing. We talk often. My friends and family have been leery, but I have assured them that I know what I am doing. Well, last night I learned that I am a complete fool. I am only telling you all this because I need to vent. I am distraught - and when I get like this, I drink. Period. I haven't caved yet, but I am seriously wondering why not. Really, just why not.

    My ex left town for work almost 9 months ago. In that time, I have foolishly offered support, money, and ego strokes. I know how stupid that sounds, but he can be very charming. Anyway, my friends and family have seriously chastised me already. I should have listened. They saw who, and what, he was long before I did. So, about a week ago, he informed me that he was moving back to town. I was conflicted. I knew it would be hard to have him near again, since I still have such deep feelings for him. But as always, I decided to be a supportive friend. (Co-dependent, rescuer, idiot!!) He is jobless, penniless, and in some ways, totally pathetic. But, I offered to help him find work. Last night, he texted me about a job lead I had for him and asked me to give him a call. So I did. Imagine my shock when I realized it was a set-up. He was acting very strange on the phone which I didn't understand since he had asked me to call him. Finally, he told me that he was "staying" with another woman and it was really none of my business. She was listening in. I could hear her. WTH? We aren't 16 anymore. I felt so stupid. They were actually laughing at me.

    I know how this sounds. Immature, silly, and not worth caring about. Intellectually, I know this is true. But the cruelty was more than I could bear. Struggling mightily tonight. That's all. Thanks for listening. Thank God for all of you. I couldn't make this stuff up.
    Everything is going to be amazing

    Foolish no more

    MR, first - to answer you question - why not cave in because you are distraught? Well, isn't it obvious that drinking WILL NOT change anything in this situation. YOU are the only one who can put it behind and stop waisting your precious emotions and nerves on your ex (it is not easy). You have a choice and it is up to you. You are strong, and he doesn't deserve you pinky.
    AF since 10/20/2013
    Smoke free since 09/24/2007
    Meat free since 09/20/2008
    With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


      Foolish no more

      Wow, no good deed goes unpunidhed, huh?
      All I can say is don' t take it out on yourself. By drinking. I ate and drank at people for years and all that did was make me a fat drunk!
      If being decent burned you in the butt, so be it. I would rather be a civil human being than the man you are describing. The joke will ultimately be on him! We live and will know better next time he turns to you for help or a hand out. I am sorry this happened to you, but don't apologize for being a wonderful, caring person. And MOST of all, dont lose your quit over an asshole.
      You are so highly regarded here, Moss. Hang in there. karma is a bitch! Xxoo, Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Foolish no more

        Thank ML. I know how stupid this must all sound. But i just thought that after being together for decades, and building a life together, he could find a more respectful way to tell me that he had found someone else. I could have dealt with that. But to answer your I haven't caved, but I was so upset I had to leave work today. That's a first. Thanks for listening.,
        Everything is going to be amazing


          Foolish no more

          Moss Rose! We love you here like Byrdlady said, stay strong - I am married for 20 years and I am sure this is probably heartbreaking - what he did. What an ass. Sorry.
          AF since 10/20/2013
          Smoke free since 09/24/2007
          Meat free since 09/20/2008
          With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


            Foolish no more

            Byrdie - I promise I won't drink at him. Thought about it, but decided he's not worth it. xx
            Everything is going to be amazing


              Foolish no more

              AF since 10/20/2013
              Smoke free since 09/24/2007
              Meat free since 09/20/2008
              With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


                Foolish no more

                Oh Moss, dont ever put yourself down. He is the lowlife lovely and to do that to you is unspeakable and for her, this other woman, to let him does not say much for her in my opinion. You are a beautiful strong woman who has been through so much and you are the person you are today because of you, not because of that prick. So we all make mistakes, you made one, supporting him after separation but when we love someone we do that, it is our nature. I did the same thing with a guy i was with for 3 years after my 17 year marriage and i still dont think i have gotten over how gullible i was, he didnt love me he wanted to hurt me and that he did. Dont let him do that to you Moss, cut the ties, be a bitch and dont let him ever push you around again.

                It is fantastic that you came on here to vent, it truly means that no person will drive you to drink as much as you may feel like it. You have the power and maybe that is what scares him. I have a saying that "there are some people i would not P*ss on if they were on fire" and both of those people fit my bill.

                Big hugs from afar.
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Foolish no more

                  I am so glad to hear that. Imagine how much worse you would feel about it and it wouldnt have changed HIM at all!

                  You have a right to feel bad...what he did was uncouth and underhanded! . You cant change an asshole. ( god knows I've tried!). B
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Foolish no more

                    Oh, Moss,
                    Sometimes the world just isn't fair. You've treated him the way people should treat one another and he treated you horribly. You can be proud of yourself for being the kind of woman you are and for not drinking tonight.

                    xx - NS


                      Foolish no more

                      What a self centered, narcissistic, sick son of a bitch.... I would want to drink over that in a heart beat MR but luckily I watched my best friend go through something very similar and she did drink over it...for a long time and it made everything terribly worse..much worse...lawyers and crazy stuff worse......
                      She is three years sober and the ex is still a self centered, narcissistic , SOB but now he has absolutely no power over her, in fact he has become a very lonely, pathetic person and she sees him for what he is....the next step is compassion of course for such a cruel dysfunctional man so your heart can be completely at peace....but one step at a time, :l

                      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
             tool box
             newbie nest


                        Foolish no more

                        MR - my heart, love, support are with you. I saw a post on another thread tonight that was a quote from George Carlin. "Women are crazy cuz men are stupid. " Now I don't feel that way about all men, but if the shoe fits... Stay strong, we're with you.
                        Mary Lou

                        A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                          Foolish no more

                          Moss -

                          I am SO sorry for what that jacka$$ did, and I a SO glad that you didn't drink at the problem. That would have meant that he had pulled another one over on you. I'm sorry that he did it in such a jerky way, too.

                          Great for you to come here and get it out before you drink. We're here for you - take care of yourself tonight and tomorrow. Bath? Massage? Good workout? Whatever you need! :l


                            Foolish no more

                            Thanks everyone for the love and support. I feel much better today. In fact, I feel strong, perhaps a little silly at my overreaction, but strong. I've decided to treat my relationship with my ex the same way I treat AL - no contact - period. Letting either back into my life is a recipe for heartbreak, shame, and despair.

                            This may just turn out to be the best thing that ever happened. At least my eyes are wide open now. Time to say goodbye to that part of my life, and move forward. As always, I can't tell you how much I appreciate you letting me vent. Have a great MAE everyone.
                            Everything is going to be amazing


                              Foolish no more

                              it was not an overreaction, it was a reaction to a kick in the guts.

                              no contact is the best response, if he is like he comes across, that will get to him and he may try to get you to respond to him again. but you will be prepared if he does.

                              as you say, a tough lesson, but one well learned.

                              kudos for not drinking at him.

