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Greetings from newbie in Uk!

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    Greetings from newbie in Uk!

    Hi everyone,

    I found this site quite by chance when "Googling" AA. I need to stop drinking. I have been drinking to excess for most of my adult life and having spent 20 years in the military it's not even perceived as a problem. 'Mystery bruises' are even seen as a badge of honour! Well, NO MORE.

    I am a single parent to a five year old who has behavioural problems and swings between being overly loving and swearing and throwing things at me. I have no family and my step-father died late last year. I had to clear the house and it was blatantly obvious his family resented me. (he left the house to me). I have been off work for 3 months with depression and am taking Prozac, my doctor has just doubled the dose to 40mg and I see a counsellor weekly. Last week I mentioned my drinking and decided I'd 'cut down' as since I have been off work I have been drinking more heavily (always in the evening approx 2+ bottles of wine EVERY evening). Well, I couldn't cut down so it gave me a real wake up call. I phoned AA and a lovely lady came to see me yesterday, her story seems to reflect mine. I am so scared they are going to take my boy away from me......but then maybe he'd be better without me? - Probably at the moment but I'm going to change. It's day 2 AF today (but then I did have a hangover yesterday!!) - I'm a big internet user so hope this community will help.

    Can I take the supplements with Prozac? - I'll check with my GP on Thursday (I called him yesterday to admit my drink problem). How long does the package take to get to UK?

    Hope to speak to you soon and hopefully I'll cheer up! Sorry to sound all doom and gloom!:new:


    Greetings from newbie in Uk!

    Hi Bacchus

    I am in the UK as well (South London) so welcome !!!

    One thing I would ask your GP is about whether it is safe for you just to stop drinking - if you look at the linky thing at the top of the forum "Look here for what to expect".

    Much love



      Greetings from newbie in Uk!


      I have been drinking too, i want to stop so much, :new:


        Greetings from newbie in Uk!

        Hi Kathy, I can't seem to find the link! HELP!:thanks:


          Greetings from newbie in Uk!

          Hi Jobo, have you spoken with anyone? Have you called AA? I called last year and was put off by a horrible man who tried to force religion down my throat! - I called the day before yesterday (whilst drinking!) and spoke to a really nice guy who put me in touch with a lady who is really all out to help me and totally understands.



            Greetings from newbie in Uk!

            Hi B,
            No your boy wouldn't be better off without you, kids need their Mums and you have made a big brave step admiting you have a problem and trying to do something about it. I'm not sure how long the MWO sups take to come but in the mean time you could try Holland and Barret for example and get a good multi vit, a B complex (to help replace the things the alcohol has been wiping out) and some l-glutamine and kudzu for the cravings. You can get the MWO book to download so that would be immediate.
            You may want meds to help so read the topamax section of this forum and talk to your doc about it. The supplements should be okay with the prozac and some people take other meds with it too. Try and get some alcohol free days under your belt, Even if you only manage one to start with then thats a great start, no one will tell you its easy but it is possible.
            Keep posting and reading.

            Hi Jobo, Welcome to MWO, jump onboard.

            Lots of Love
            Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


              Greetings from newbie in Uk!

              Hi again Baccus, we must have posted at the same time. The link Kathy mentioned is in the intro on the top of the page where it says Hello Baccus, Thank you for visiting etc etc.
              Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


                Greetings from newbie in Uk!

                Thanks Suz, I'll pop into town (or try I'm sort of Agrophobic at the moment!) and check out Holland and Barret. I have some milk thistle so I've had a couple today washed down with an Innocent Smoothy (1 litre!) - I might even have a go at eating today! My diet has become basically - coffee, cigarettes, wine and crisps!


                  Greetings from newbie in Uk!

                  Thanks! Found the link. Have also started a drink tracker as plan to abstain long term......



                    Greetings from newbie in Uk!

                    hi b, i'm in the uk today, i echo what has already been said holand and barrat is your best intrim bet you will get kudzu and lglut, i take b6 vitc and a multi vit.
                    most of all your son needs you, i know it's tough i was a single parent of 3 for quite a while and it was hell, i got lucky and remarried and have a 9 yr old son to go with my origonal 3 which is or should be great, trouble is the damn drink.
                    i too have been off work for depression for 4 months and take citalopram, i can only say that since i have stopped drinking my depression has improved dramatically and am hoping to go back to work in 3 weeks. i too had the bruises we all undersatnd you on here this site is a godsend i could never have managed it without, i still have a long way to go it is a daily struggle. but this mad family on here helps we all adore our kids, cats, dogs and ducks!!! so when you cant think what to do come and chat about your son or anything to take your mind of drinking welcome and hugs


                      Greetings from newbie in Uk!

                      i dont know why i said i'm in the u.k today i'm in the u.k every day must be wishful thinking sorry!!


                        Greetings from newbie in Uk!

                        Thank you hereatlast - lovely to 'meet' you all - I've brought the recycling box in and put it without it's lid next to the kitchen - it's FULL of wine bottle and a baileys bottle and that was in 5 days!! It's an incentive.....I've been AF for 36 hours now and going to attend my first AA meeting on Friday lunchtime. I'm admitting all to my counsellor this afternoon too and also seeing my GP on Thursday. I've promised my son I'm not going to drink wine anymore, he only wants me to give up smoking!! (next step.....)!



                          Greetings from newbie in Uk!

                          i take my hat off to you b i didnt dare put my whisky bottles in the recycling box in case the neighbours saw i used to bury them at the bottom of the wheelie bin!!


                            Greetings from newbie in Uk!

                            Thats a good promise to make to your boy. Keep up the Innocent Smoothies, I love the coconut one, and make sure you eat, keep sugar to the min. (The L-glut will help with sugar cravings too) plenty of veggies, complex carbs and protein.
                            Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


                              Greetings from newbie in Uk!

                              Have you tried AA? I'm thinking of going to the meeting.


                              The Pineapple Coconut is my favourite too!

