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Newbies in need - Day 15

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    Newbies in need - Day 15

    Hi everyone: It looks like I'm the one to get this started today. I've been struggling. Today I awoke w/a hangover from yesterday. I don't know what gets hold of me. I can't give up. I absolutely must get the better of this addiction. This forum is a godsend to me. I must keep fighting. Hope you're all doing OK.
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Newbies in need - Day 15

    I have faith in you!! I have been following these threads and so much you have said, I relate to!! I've typed responses and did not like how they sounded or someone in the fam walked into the room (they don't know I am doing this) and I deleated them or closed down the site. Hang in there!!! Let's both go AF today - one day at a time. Today you are stronger than your craving!! Thanks for starting the thread!!


      Newbies in need - Day 15

      Morning all'
      Feeling o.k. this a.m. but depressed about having to go to work. Day 3 for me. Retteacher. Have you read that book THe Easy way to quit drinking? It is helping me some. Gives you a different way to look at your drinking. We'll just keep trying. Bird


        Newbies in need - Day 15

        I like the one day at a time concept. Yes, today I will try not to drink.
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Newbies in need - Day 15

          Hi Everyone, Still plodding along. I caved on Sunday once again. It amazes me that I can feel so strong on so many days and then in almost an instant that feeling takes over and I just don't fight back. I think I don't anticipate these situations enough. I'm going to try to keep a journal. I've never really done that and stuck with it but I think if I am more organized about these cravings and how to deal with them I can fight them a little better.
          I' m pretty good at resisting if I know I am going into a situation that I normally would have drank and I have kind of thought it through. It's the times that spring up on me that kill me. Reteacher- Hang in there. Your really have made progress since you started here. Look at all the AF days you have managed to do. Sometimes I think it makes it hard to think that you are starting all over again every time that you drink. It's not really starting over if you try to learn about why and how you gave in. You aren't really right back where you started at all. That's how I am trying to look at things anyways and it seem to help. It also is hard if you are hungover. That's how I felt yesterday and it really stunk.Hi Bird, sorry you have to go to work today, hope you have a good day. Evergreen - welcome!
          Good luck in your effort to go AF. I know this is so cliche but try to take it one day at a time.That really does help. Aquamarine
          AF SINCE 3/16/2016


            Newbies in need - Day 15

            HI everybody, don't know what happened here but I did start a new "newbies in need day 15 this am at 09:25" (as promised to Janice). Thanks to you to Reteacher for also starting one up.
            Reteacher, today is another day, don't give up, we are all with you please give it another try if you feel strong enough remember one day at a time. Good luck on your AF day 1 Evergreen and thanks for supporting Reteacher today. Bird I'm sorry you are depressed about going to work. When I feel like that I just tell myself that I'm lucky enough to have a job and am able to earn money not like so many other poor souls, not sure if that helps or not. Bird who is the author of the book you mentioned?

            Just in case this is the first thread that I started this morning:

            Good Morning everyone out there, isn't this such a wonderful site with each and every one of us helping each other through each trying day without alcohol or trying to moderate it or whatever. I have never felt this incentive before and it is because all of you members are helping me so much each and every day, thank you so much for being there.

            Starting day 9 AF for me and still awaiting the package from the States and still haven't put temptation in my way yet. Congratulations to all those of you who have the temptation in front of them and can still get over it, WOW. Have not slept like this in years it is wonderful to have such a deep sleep, a reward in itself for not drinking.

            Janice I hope your Mum is maybe a bit better today and thank goodness her brain scan was clear. I hope that you are getting answers from the DRs and that the outlook will be good. This is such a terrible time for you and yet you are coping with so many other issues and doing so well and all at the same time. Well Done.

            Amanda, please don't beat yourself up, you have done and are still doing so very well, we will all slip up from time to time and as all your other friends are telling you, just jump back on the bandwagon, we are waiting for you. You have so much going on with the B&B, come back on the bandwagon even if it's in moderation.
            This is what we tend to do isn't it, we abstain, then we think we are safe so we start off at a few glasses and then all of a sudden it's taken hold and we can't get enough of the stuff. But it's never too late Amanda you know that don't you? Today is another day, we can do this together, whether it be in moderation or AF. If you do decide to drink tonight try putting the kettle on before you get to the point of no return, and have a cup of tea and a biscuit that might break the drinking rhythm, just try hard to make the psychological effort to put the kettle on. Good luck and speak to you later.

            Nancy, thanks for the info on the non-alco wine, it's interesting to see what methods we all have, I've never tried it but maybe will give it a go.

            Adaptable, Good Luck with your Drs check-up and congrats. for your day 6, Long may it continue.

            Bird - Congrats, I hope you don't feel too tired today and that you remember yours supps etc.

            Grooveroftheheart, you have a lot on your plate also and think it would be a great idea to seek out the less bingy friends at the w/e. Good luck.

            Can't mention everyone as we are soooooo many but we are all thinking of each and everyone of us. Good luck for today, Tuesday 15 May. Have a great day!

            Bluesky XX
            It is easier to stay out than get out.

            Mark Twain


              Newbies in need - Day 15

              another day, after another sleepless night

              Hi all

              bluesky, that was such a thoughtful message you just wrote, taking everyone into account.

              I am on day 6 straight but have four AF days in the first days of the month.
              I am having trouble sleeping, but had insominia now and then prior to quitting.

              I hope everyone keeps trying despite setbacks. This is my first time trying to do a month after lurking around the site for five months, thinking i could not handle 30 days, doing a few days here and there and getting educated.


                Newbies in need - Day 15

                Aqua: I too feel strong, & then some little thought will just take over. Yesterday, I went to the store w/my hair wet from the shower. I just had to have it right away. I journal sounds like a good idea. Also, for me, a plan for when those thoughts hit me.
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Newbies in need - Day 15

                  Hello everyone. You know, this was never going to be easy - thats why we're all here. If you've slipped then don't be too hard on yourself but treat today as a fresh start for getting back on track again. Day 16 for me and I must admit I'm feeling much less motivated but I went and bought Allen Carr's Easy Way to Control Alcohol yesterday (Bird, I think you're reading it too?) and started that just to try and keep me going until the cds arrive. I've ordered Augusten Buuroughs "Dry" from Amazon as well. Physically, I just feel so tired still and I'm sleeping heavily but having really weird dreams then waking up feeling shattered. Anyway, keep your chin up everyone, and good luck for today. Janice
                  AF since 9 May 2012
                  Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                    Newbies in need - Day 15

                    Morning All,

                    I feel rested and ready to take on the day today. Had a great workout last night and plan another one for this evening. This is day 5 AF the second time around and I must say that it is at least starting out better than my first one. I am finding that the more AF days I have, the easier it is to stay AF - I am breaking my habit!

                    aduggan - You have been doing a great job, you'll be able to get back on track!

                    reteacher - You've made so many improvements since starting here, sometimes change comes slowly.

                    Best wishes to everyone else. Hopefully I'll get to check back in later!

                    Suddenly I see
                    This is what I want to be
                    suddenly I see
                    Why the hell it means so much to me.

                    -KT Tunstall


                      Newbies in need - Day 15

                      All of you are so inspirational!!! I will just keep trying. Haven't made it very far, but I hope to make it soon.


                        Newbies in need - Day 15


                        Reteacher, please hang in there. Try listening to the hypno CDs. I've listened to them for 4 days and they have helped. I get the best sleep I have had in years. Don't know if it is the CDs or not. Also, I have assumed, given your name, that you were once a teacher. Remember how visuals helps. Well, it might sound childish but I have set up a little area whee I have a cup of beads and a glass container. The "pearls" are for an AF day, the pink beads are for moderation (2 drinks or less) day and the purple bead means I went off and drank enough to have a hang over (at my age it doesn't take much). So, every morning I commit to an AF day and put a pearl in the container. If tomorrow I acknowledge that I drank the night before, I pull out the pearl and substitute a pink or purple determined by what I did the night before. You do have to take one day at a time, but I think you also must make that commitment every day in beginning of the day.

                        One more thing, when my sister and I were in Mexico we bought silver bracelets with the idea that we would wear them every day and when we looked at them, we would remember to make a commitment to live a healthy life so we could take more trips with each other. I later added the words, serenity, courage and wisdom to the inside.

                        This site is very helpful to assure one that you are no alone; it gives great ideas and offer encouragement and love without judgment. Please keep with the program, everyone.

                        Dog Woman (because I love dogs)


                          Newbies in need - Day 15

                          Good morning everyone. I am going to have to start taking notes to remember everyone's name/comments! A couple of us seem down. I was there yesterday after drinking way too much on Mother's Day. I am back on the mods wagon and feel much better today. Try to forgive yourself and move on. Nothing good comes from perserverating...

                          I am trying to get back on track and get a lot of things (organizational) done that I have been avoiding. The hangovers made it hard to get motivated to do anything.

                          Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!


                            Newbies in need - Day 15

                            Hi everyone. AF 7 for me. The not drinking hasn't been so hard, but BOY AM I TIRED! I also had hoped to lose more weight, I mean I was consuming over 1200 calories! But alas, I've only lost 4 pounds.... Yesterday was the first day I didn't exercise, but I plan to again today. I'm not feeling down but just wish I would have the energy I seemed to have AF days 1-3!


                              Newbies in need - Day 15

                              Hart, 4 pounds in 7 AF days is awesome! Just try to moderate the sugar and eat lots of healthy food. I have a friend who has been AF for 6 months and lost just 5 pounds. She realized that before she quit she was barely eating, just drinking, and now has replaced the calories from alcohol with food. As long as you make healthy choices most of the time the weight should drop I think. Great job on being AF!:goodjob:

