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Why do I feel down?

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    Why do I feel down?

    I am on Day 16 now. I don't why I'm feeling down at the moment when I should be pleased with how I'm doing and motivated to keep going. I'm determined not to cave in and desperate to stay AF cause I know what would happen if I tried to moderate. I've been good taking my vits etc but I just feel so tired and flat. I'm coming in from work (only part-time!) and I don't know what to do with myself. I could easily go to bed and sleep. That's the time when I would have started drinking. I think I'm probably missing my old 'friend' but I know I can't go back there. Maybe all this stuff with mam as well is having an affect. Hope my cds come soon - I need some motivation!! Janice
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

    Why do I feel down?

    Janice it is perfectly normal to feel a bit down - your moods will fluctuate for quite a while. I experienced a period of the blues after a couple of weeks being AF. It does get better. Ride them out, even sleep if you have to. Your body is in shock from the lack of alcohol. It is part of the process as your body and mind are healing from all of the poison it is use to getting. Get lots of rest and take extra care of yourself.


      Why do I feel down?

      Janice, I think how you are feelingis pretty common. I've been working at this for awhile and I find that once I get past the very beginning of being AF it can get harder for awhile. I learned something that really helped me get some insight into why I would feel so down and "flat". It was on a show on HBO this year about addiciton. One of the doctors explained that when someone is trying to abstain from alcohol after drinking habitually they go through a period called anhedonia.( I think that is the spelling.) It is actually a feeling of inability to feel happiness and pleasure. You feel depressed and flat, kind of emotionless. It is a result of damage caused be the alcohol on the brain. This period can last for quite awhile. They said that this is one of the main reasons that people give up trying to stop because this period is so difficult and so long. The good news is that it is temporary. If you can get through it you will not feel like that forever, in fact you can feel great. This helped me alot because I had never heard of it. I find if you can better understand what your body is going through it can help , instead of feeling like you are just blindly trying to suffer through this. I was thinking wow I guess I've turned into an emotionless flat person. But knowing that if I keep at trying to get better I will get better , helps. I hope this helps a bit. Hang in there! Aquamarine
      AF SINCE 3/16/2016


        Why do I feel down?

        Hang in there Janice. I am sure your mom's situation weighs heavily on you too. I think one of the hardest things about going AF or even mods is filling all the time we used to spend drinking. Are there any hobbies you have wanted to try or books you'd like to read? Maybe treat yourself to something every now and then? You are doing great!


          Why do I feel down?


          I completely agree w/you. And the others. I am only on day 7 but I too am finding myself meloncoly(sic). I also think a lot of it is developing new habits to fill the time we used to spend drinking. I am exercising most days, but I don't feel the same "high" I did at the beginning of being AF. I have abused my body for a long time so I agree it's not just the physical aspects of the alcohol abuse we have to overcome but the brain altering the alcohol did. I guess that takes a lot longer, but we have a lot of others that have gone thru it and see the daylite at the end. Let's keep on trucking hon!:goodjob:


            Why do I feel down?

            Thanks xxxx
            AF since 9 May 2012
            Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


              Why do I feel down?

              Hi Janice,

              16 days is fantastic! Well done, be proud of yourself. I'm a great believer in sleep as a healer, if that's what your body is telling you to do then you need the rest. Having read a lot of posts on here by people at various stages of their recovery, this period of flatness is common and does pass. Still not pleasant to experience it tho eh? Hang in there.



                Why do I feel down?

                Hi Janice
                Go buy yourself a new frock with all the money you've saved on the booze! retail therapy is fabulous!! then come home have a nap!!!!! I reckon you're a star for reaching day 16, don't blow it are so close to success and a new life beckons.
                Jane :heart:


                  Why do I feel down?

                  I'm with Jane Rees & Nicole. If you feel like sleeping, then that's what you need. Don't feel guilty about sleeping

                  If you can manage it, go out for a walk or walk/run... any exercise. It's a real boost to the endorphines! I've been feeling a bit flat lately... but more likely to do with abstaining during the week and then weekend binges on Fri & Sat nights! So at least you are AF Hang in there.

                  Scoob xo
                  :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                    Why do I feel down?

                    I too have felt the depression/flatness after going AF for a few days. I wonder whether there is a supplement that would help speed up getting through this point - like a neurotransmitter that is low because of the lack of alcohol which could be boosted by taking a precursor. I've been doing research and experimenting with different supplements but have not yet found anything that works for me. It may be that will power and attitude are better than any supplement. Hang in there Janice.
                    AF since 6JUN2012


                      Why do I feel down?

                      I have the answer.

                      Exercise. The difficulty is putting out the effort to make it happen but once you do, the endorphins kick in and it is against the laws of the universe for you not to feel better.

                      The gods told me so. And I believe and know from experience.


                        Why do I feel down?

                        Lucky, you never told me you had a direct connection with The Gods of the Universe....
                        .... far out!
                        Do they speak to you in Quack-Quack talk or what?!
                        Hugs, from


                          Why do I feel down?

                          Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement and support. Janice
                          AF since 9 May 2012
                          Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                            Why do I feel down?

                            OK...I'm on day 24 AF now...I've been fighting the "blues"/depression (for lack of a better term) quite a bit....the last two weeks....not sure but I would say it is related to the cessation of the alcohol intake but I'm no rocket scientist or anything....hopefully it will pass soon.
                            :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:


                              Why do I feel down?

                              Janice: I drink to deaden my feelings (anxiety, fear, anger etc.). I think that when we go AF, our feelings begin to surface. Drinking our feelings away does not allow us to learn to deal w/our feelings or others in our lives. I've noticed that when I am AF for more than a few days, I begin to feel all those feelings that I drowned. It's scary. I'm hoping that as I learn to live sober, I'll learn to deal w/my feelings & settle my issues w/other people in my life. I hope this makes sense & helps.
                              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                              October 3, 2012

