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Just tired of it...

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    Just tired of it...

    The other very helpful thing is to break the routine. Its very weird at first but if you can make the not drinking habit the habit, you will miss AL less and less overtime. And soon it will be normally to not drink. Wont probably be easy, but it is VERY doable....let the success build on other success...........little battles can win a war
    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



      Just tired of it...

      Hey Nelz, do you have any examples? I am pretty sure I understand what you mean ~ like full my time up with other things? In the past it always felt like I was just running away from my problems and not drinking. Thus my going back to the drinking. I guess I was a dry drunk if that makes sense? I just think about it all the time. Now that it's 3pm and 5 is approaching the thoughts are getting worse.
      I do NOT plan on drinking today. I have none of it at my place and I don't want to buy any either. I won't. I refuse.

      But that voice is so annoying.


        Just tired of it...

        I know that voice all too well. I just keep telling it "Not today. We might drink tomorrow, but not today." Then I have the same coversation the next day. Before you know it, the voice gets a little quieter.

        I also found giving myself permission to do absolutely nothing during cravings helps. If I get productive I tend to want to reward my self. So, I lay my lazy ass on the couch and throw bananas and chicken nuggets at my children. One crappy meal will not hurt them. And I can pick the toys up tomorrow.


          Just tired of it...

          shelbysmiles;1622847 wrote: I know that voice all too well. I just keep telling it "Not today. We might drink tomorrow, but not today." Then I have the same coversation the next day. Before you know it, the voice gets a little quieter.

          I also found giving myself permission to do absolutely nothing during cravings helps. If I get productive I tend to want to reward my self. So, I lay my lazy ass on the couch and throw bananas and chicken nuggets at my children. One crappy meal will not hurt them. And I can pick the toys up tomorrow.
          Hi Shelby....good to see you and that you are learning to fool that voice. There are many ways to beat that addictive voice....and tellling it 'tomorrow' worked well for me early on. I have shared that approach but some may feel it keeps the 'hope' alive......I think we must be cleverer than a very cunning addiction that has lied to us for years.

          Well done you.....I know what this took :h


            Just tired of it...

            briseus;1622795 wrote: Hey Nelz, do you have any examples? I am pretty sure I understand what you mean ~ like full my time up with other things? In the past it always felt like I was just running away from my problems and not drinking. Thus my going back to the drinking. I guess I was a dry drunk if that makes sense? I just think about it all the time. Now that it's 3pm and 5 is approaching the thoughts are getting worse.
            I do NOT plan on drinking today. I have none of it at my place and I don't want to buy any either. I won't. I refuse.

            But that voice is so annoying.
            That voice is VERY annoying...try just watching it as though it is seperate to the real you that is quitting ( which, of course, it IS) it is simply a thought, it has no legs or arms or money. It cannot drive to the shop. It will stop when you consistently tell it NO!


              Just tired of it...

              Hi Bri,

              The issue of filling time was a big one for me because I spent SOOOO much time with a glass in my hand. What I have found over and over is that things seem to materialize that take up my time. It's not even things like hobbies, or new interests. It's just the little tasks and joys of daily living. It's kind of miraculous, how much more I get done in a day, and how little I crave a drink.

              Anyway, just my two cents. Like sleeping well, these things kind of take care of themselves as we rack up a few days AF! I'm no expert-only 32 days-but I am really struck by this.

              Anyone else out there experience this?



                Just tired of it...

                I made a list of all the things I could do instead of drinking both in the house and out of it. I haven't really gotten to any of them. Just as you said Acadia the time seems to take care of itself. I do always make myself a mock tail at 5:00. It has to something with a little of a sour zing like grapefruit juice or Pomagranite with a twist of lime and sparkling water. And then by the time dinner is over I am usually ok. I also have been treating myself every couple of days because I deserve it, just like I used to deserve a drink. Pretty soon the days just keep adding up. I also spend a lot of time reading here.


                  Just tired of it...

                  Thanks everyone. The week was a wash - but I am optimistic about starting fresh. I know people say "why start on Monday - why not start *now*?" but I think for me, it's going to be good to prepare. Also…I won't be drinking like a maniac until that day. I am going to spend the time this weekend to really prepare myself for the week - meaning, getting a journal together so I can write. Getting books together so I can read. Having my laptop charged up so when I get home I can go straight to the boards.
                  And you know what? Bastet (ps, I love everything to do with ancient Egypt and mythology) maybe for this first little while I will have myself a mocktail as well.
                  Thanks everyone for the tips.
                  I really do want this…it's that voice…I know…you all know it.
                  It really doesn't get any easier every time you quit. I wish that all my previous times it had stuck. I don't want this for the rest of my life.


