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my magical cure!!!

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    my magical cure!!!

    hi everyone, im on day 7 af now and im doing it without meds, sups,ect,but finding it hard at the mo!!!
    hubby came home yesterday (monday) with some herbal tea called 'rooibosh' also called 'red tea' and was advised it was good for insomnia, stress, and a tonic for the liver and kidneys. so u can imagine i was rather keen to give it a go!!
    brewed it up , bit of honey to taste and within an hour i was feeling relaxed and went to bed, i was sparko in15 mins and slept all night like a baby, something i havent done all week!!
    also all day 2day, i have felt calm and not craving a drink at all , apart from my tea!
    so give it a go , its early days for me but anything is better than me downing 2 bottles of vino everynight!! good luck and let me know if it helps, i will keep u posted!!
    lv lakota xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :h

    my magical cure!!!

    I just bought some of that tea myself but have not tried it yet. Looking forward to it.....thanks for the tip!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      my magical cure!!!

      I have a fascination for tea's and herbal stuff. Where do you buy it???? I am getting bored of the Chinese Black tea and Green tea's now. Plus I like the idea of it's cleansing/sedative factor.


        my magical cure!!!

        Will definitely try it ......


          my magical cure!!!

          AFM, a member on here highly recommended Teavana - Home. Lots of choices there.....
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            my magical cure!!!

            Thanks Lushy, I will check it out.


              my magical cure!!!

              u can get it in herbalist shops , health food shops or online, its quite inexpensive and tastes better than green tea ect, lovely with a bit of honey too.
              had great response from lots of u , let me know how u all get on !!
              take care
              lv lakotaxxxxxxxxxx
              day 7 yippee!!!!


                my magical cure!!!

                Thanks Lakota! I will definitely check out the health food stores here where I live first before attempting to purchase online. If it tastes better than Green Tea (which I don't mind) then I am all for it!


                  my magical cure!!!

                  Thanks for the tip! I'm buying some today!

                  Well done on 7 days - Bloody brilliant!

                  :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                    my magical cure!!!

                    Hi lakota...I'm gonna try that tea!!!
                    Jane :heart:


                      my magical cure!!!

                      Hi Guys,

                      Thanks for the info Lakota. I am definitely going to give it a try. You can find more info on this tea at The Rooibos Story: page 1.


                        my magical cure!!!

                        Lakota: I'm going to try the tea. Thank you.
                        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                        October 3, 2012


                          my magical cure!!!

                          If there's a Trader Joe's near you, you can find it there too. I like the taste much better than green tea.

                          AF since 6JUN2012


                            my magical cure!!!

                            Tea with skullcap as ingredient is also excellent for sleep. Do not be like me. I searched for SKULLCAP TEA. Skullcap is ingredient only.

