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I know it is possible - just gotta figure it out (long post)

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    I know it is possible - just gotta figure it out (long post)

    Tom, on behalf of the Newbies Nest, I hope you will accept this FULL MOON!
    This is for conquering every day that the week can throw at you! 7 days is huge in our world! The worst is behind you! Great Job!! Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      I know it is possible - just gotta figure it out (long post)

      Thanks All! It's been an awesome week. Tonight on the way home after 4 hrs visiting with family I was stopped by police for not using my turn signal, no ticket! Amazing. Any other Friday nite after 4 hours with family I probably would have gotten my first DUI. I'm a Christian, so I don't believe this kind of to timing is coincidence. At any rate, I am extremely grateful. For you guys, this program and my decision to choose life lived to the full.

      I'll check in tomorrow folks.

      Special thanks to you Byrd! Appreciate all you do to make this place special.


        I know it is possible - just gotta figure it out (long post)

        Theres your gift Tom! Run like heck! Your out! Just read as much as you can and care for your body mind and spirit with will immediately kill any crave

        Good job!


          I know it is possible - just gotta figure it out (long post)

          Great for you Tom! I'm with you on the coincidence thing!
          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


            I know it is possible - just gotta figure it out (long post)

            Morning folks! Great weekend! After lunch with friends on Sunday we were driving home and my wife tossed into conversation "I noticed you aren't drinking" I said, "yup"....(we were alone) that was all....there was a short silence and we went on to another topic....hhmmmm....she's thinking about it....we have a camping trip planned for Valentines day...camping trips used to be filled with cooking, gaming, cocktails, etc. Will be interesting to see how we fill our time....hiking, biking, etc...looking forward to best to you all!


              I know it is possible - just gotta figure it out (long post)

              This is just awesome news! Drinking REALLY changes us, and while we THINK it's for the better at the time, it's not!! You sound more confident and relaxed! Protect your quit like a pot of gold! It IS worth it! Well done! B
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                I know it is possible - just gotta figure it out (long post)

                Hi Tom - so glad to hear you sounding so upbeat and determined. You are doing great. I had to laugh at your story about getting pulled over. The same thing (almost) happened to me the other day. Cop was right behind me, turned on his lights and I panicked - just panicked - and then I realized, hey, I'm sober!! Worst thing that can happen is I'll get a ticket. Anyway, he was actually on a call and zoomed by me, but it made me realize how much better life is now.

                It sounds like your wife is having a positive response to you being AF, so that is good. Have a wonderful time on your camping trip. So jealous - we are in the deep freeze in my part of the world so being outside is not all that enticing right now
                Everything is going to be amazing

