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I like me !!

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    I like me !!

    Happy Tuesday today I like me , sounds a very simple statement but to me it is massive !!! I shall explain. For the past 36 years I have loathed and dispised myself, these feeling have grown gradually over the years . At 15 I discovered if i drank it made me like myself and its just esculated from there. BUT over the years it became a chicken and egg situation. The more i drank the worse things I did so the less I liked myself so I drank to get away from those feeling then did more stupid things and so the cycle continued. Now that I dont drink ( whow how good does it feel to say that ??) the cycle has been broken I am not perfect I have my faults like anybody but I am not living with the constant shame of what I have done or fear of what I will do on my next binge session. I have tried to put my past actions firmly in the past, I have learned from them and will never forget them but i will not allow them to plague my daily life and the best part is the memories I am now making are good positive sober ones not drunken mayhem. I concluded that what I do today is tomorrows memories , so I am trying on a daily basis to make those the best memories i can. It is so liberating and refreshing to actually like myself, I even like what I see in the mirror I take time to apply make up daily i have clear skin and bright eyes and most importantly of all I have a clear consensious !!!! Praise the blinking lord only took me 36 years to get here !! here is to the next 36 years being as good as the past 66 days !!!
    AF Since 2nd December 2013

    Being af is not your punishment ! its your salvation !!:goodjob:

    Diet Start

    25th Feb 2014 10st 6lbs 3rd March 10st 1.5lbs

    I like me !!

    Hi Poppy..fantastic post! yourself..enjoy can be good when we forget the our clear eyes and see the world. You have inspired me. Im 32 days sober so i can relate to what you say. Keep going. Bella xx


      I like me !!

      Well done Poppy.

      You will get the highs as well as the lows.

      Enjoy the highs and surf the dips.

      As each week goes by you get more highs and less of the bad stuff.

      Last drink 6th September 2013


        I like me !!

        What a wonderful post! You are making good memories now! Keep doing whatever you were doing to get to this point, because it's working.
        Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


          I like me !!

          Hi Poppy

          Guess what I love you too! I love your positivity, your new found outlook on life is an inspiration to all of us that if we just keep trying we will get the reward at the end of the journey. Well done and good luck with the next 36 years!

          Bella- 32 days AF just like TJ is on today. It is a great achievement and just like Poppy I'm sure everyone can see the difference when they're looking at you, But more importantly its the way you see yourself in the mirror, cause that's what really counts. Keep going.



            I like me !!

            Lovely post Pop. It is a wonderful feeling to take each day as it is thrown at us with bringing al into the equation. You should like yourself, you deserve to. Its not easy to stop an addiction but you are on the right road to a happy sober life. The past is the past (thank god as way too many cringe worthy moments) and I, like you, am so looking forward to what the future brings
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              I like me !!

              Well said Poppy. Thank you for the inspirational post.
              Would you like you, if you met you?

