For those of us who had an alcohol free evening or moderation evening - isn't it just wonderful to go to bed sober and to waken up in the morning feeling proud of our achievement and at the same time feeling fantastic and guilt free. For others who slipped up, today is another day, and please remember that we are all here for you when you feel strong enough to start out again.
I say this every day and I'm sure it is getting boring - but what a wonderful place this is to come to with such wonderful caring people. I am humbled to be part of it and gratified that I feel us as one big family looking out to help each other.
Start of AF day 10 for me and thank goodness it's going well (still being 100% unsociable). I like quite a few of us am trying to lose all the weight that the alcohol has piled on and am disappointed to have lost ony 1.6 kgs in 9 days - I thought it would come rolling off. I am exercising and dieting, but it will come. Has anyone out there tried the apple vinigar - 1 t/s diluted in water before each meal and it's meant to speed up the metabolism, I'm going to start today. Still waiting on my package from the States.
Welcome to all our newcomers and good luck, we all have our ups and downs and it wont be easy but we are all there for each other 24/24 on this wonderful MWO site. Have a great day.
Bluesky XX