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Rock Bottom

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    Rock Bottom

    Hi Guys,
    This is my first time here, and this is my first day of trying to give up alcohol.
    Im in desperate need of help as I have started to black out and woke up in a strange bed this weekend, even tough I am married. I didnt even remember getting there..........

    Rock Bottom

    Mate that is not good hey. Glad you found this place the people here are great really supportive and you know what you can do it if you really want to. I did it for 105 days, mind you I have fallen off the wagon now but no were near as bad as i was before. This place is amazing the programe if you stick to it and really want it to work it will. Just trust and beleive I was a drunk for 20 plus years mate it works. Kim
    Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


      Rock Bottom

      Hi and welcome, I found this site 3 months ago and for almost 12 weeks I have'nt
      had a drink. This is after years of blackouts and hangovers, fear, and self hate.
      I got the mwo book and followed the programme, and now my life is so much better.
      So stick around and you will get lots of support.
      Best wishes.Paula.


        Rock Bottom

        Welcome Capricorn,
        Lots of support here! I read the book and have found the sups helpful!!! The first days are scary. You will feel SO much better!!


          Rock Bottom

          Hi Capricorn,
          In some ways rock bottom is a good place to reach, you can push up of the bottom and head on up to a better life.
          Glad to have you here
          Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


            Rock Bottom

            Welcome Cap....I believe Mum has it right....Rock Bottom is really a good place to be...all you can do is go up...and you are in the right place to do that...I've struggled for years to get a handle on my problem and finally I am slaying the dragon through this program...get the book and follow the program...I've tried a lot of different programs and methods in the past and this one seems to be what works for me and a lot of the good people here too....
            Here you will find a lot of good people who really understand where you are and where you have been...that is the key...people who understand you and what makes you tick...who can relate...people who have done many of the same things...I don't know how many times in reading the posts here from folks relating their stories I've just had to chuckle as I've been reminded of how I've done the same or a very similar thing in the past...
            Anyway...again...welcome....keep reading the posts here!!!
            :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:


              Rock Bottom

              the only way is up!

              thanks for your words of support guys.
              Just thinking of putting anything with alcohol in down the sink- better that it goes down the drain than i do!


                Rock Bottom


                ...sadly, sometimes we need that rock bottom to wake us up and get it is not so bad...this is the beginning of all the good things now...

                ...sinks do not get liver cirrhosis... :H that's the place for booze...

                Good to have you here.



                  Rock Bottom

                  Capricorn: I don't keep alcohol in the house. Sometimes, I make a special effort & go out & get it, but often I just go without. I also have black-outs which I feel are the worst part of my drinking. They make you realize what a powerful effect alcohol has on a person's brain. I'm just beginning day 2 sober. I felt great to wake up wo/a hangover. Keep coming here. It works.
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    Rock Bottom

                    Yeah retteacher!!! Let's feel great tomorrow! One more day at a time!


                      Rock Bottom

                      Hello Capricorn, welcome to the site. I found it a couple of weeks ago and its been a godsend - I'm on Day 17 now AF and not doing the meds but really went to town with the vitamins/supps and just received the cds so dying to try them. Don't be too down, you can turn things around - one day at a time is the old cliche but it really is true. Just keep coming on here because you are surrounded by people who understand and know exactly what you're going through and how you're feeling. Why not check out the couple of "newbie" threads that are going on each day - day by day we support and motivate and pick each other up when times are hard. Look forward to hearing from you, Janice
                      AF since 9 May 2012
                      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                        Rock Bottom

                        best friend

                        Isnt it weird how I have thought of booze as my best friend for years, when if any real friend made me feel that bad I would have nothing to do with them!
                        Just been reading about panic attacks on some of the other threads, I really thought I was the only one that had them!
                        I even called an abulance once thinking I was having a heart attack (that was amighty big hangover- Im only 34, and never had heart trouble)
                        Does anyone have any distraction techniques they use.I tend to find myself sat on the sofa with wine in the evenings, just as the hangover of the day wears of.
                        Do the supplements help?


                          Rock Bottom

                          Capricorn, Welcome, we are glad you are here. this is a great place with lots of people who can really understand what you are going through. I have "backed out " many many times over the years. It is very scary. Keep coming back. This place can help. Aquamarine
                          AF SINCE 3/16/2016


                            Rock Bottom

                            Thanks Aquamarine,
                            I hope this is a new start. I begin a new job on Monday and don't want to blow it with another hangover


                              Rock Bottom

                              Hi Capricorn, and :welcome:

                              This is one of the greatest distractions during 'drinking hour' - talking here has got me over the hump so many times

                              Other things to do: some excercise - it's part of the programme so get started immediately - just a short walk if you've not done any for a while - it gets you out of the house away from temptation and it also gets you fitter - good for body and head! - Read, read, read - posts here, self-help books, anything to increase your understanding of alcoholism and how to beat it!; new hobbies - think of something you wouldn't do if you were drinking; goals - write a list of things that you want to achieve in your alcohol-free life! - It's starting now so make some plans (being sober actually takes some planning as you not only need to avoid temptation, but you find you have a lot more time on your hands to do something productive with!); dancing, time with hubby, time for yourself (I love the spa now - imagining all those toxins being got rid of!); mixing non-alcoholic drinks; Keep a journal of your 'journey' - you can include anything you choose; how you feel, your issues that day, celebrate successes, analyse any drinking to learn from it; write goals, note any triggers you note...etc. Basically think of anything you can to get you past those witching hours!

                              Also think of planning for what to do when in situations that are normal drinking times or surrounded by alcohol - for me I couldn't cook without a glass of wine (or 3) so I found that really difficult -parties etc. needed resolution and a good excuse for not drinking - other people find it surprisingly difficult to cope with the fact that you're not drinking!

                              Just a few ideas that I've heard of or have found worked for me - others have many other ideas so gather as many as you can and pick ones that might work for you.

                              So again, welcome, and good luck with this new start - your future awaits!
                              :rays: Arial

                              Last first day - 15th April 2012
                              Days 1-7 DONE
                              Days 8-14 DONE
                              Days 15-21 DONE
                              30 days DONE
                              60 days
                              100 days

