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That Friday Feeling !!

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    That Friday Feeling !!

    For many people and I am sure many of us Friday used signified the start of the weekend and the time to plan the weekend's drinking activites. I used to love Friday as I knew I could drink on Friday night and not worry about having to get up for work the next day , I also knew I could legitmately drink in the day as ' its the weekend ' time to relax and heck I deserve a drink at the weekends I work hard all week !!! all excuses to feed my demon and kid myself that my drinking was not a problem

    In the early days of being af Fridays and the looming weekend was a bit scary , what could I do that did not involve al ??????? how would I cope. Though it might be an idea to share what we all plan to do this weekend which now that it does not revolve around al.

    My weekend plans are have a nice meal and some af wine with my husband who has been away all week and not have to live with the fear of consequences of the evening ending in a drunken row ( I hate my husband working away so much but know he has to and does it for our family, my sober brain can deal with this but my drunken one used to rant and rave and get abusive and make my husband feel awful for supporting his family, spoiling the time we do get together).

    Saturday plan to be up bright and early go out for a hike in the mud and rain in my make up lol feel so amazing these days I love looking my best even hiking.

    Saturday evening will be spent in front of our log fire catching up and relaxing as we will be shattered after braving the elements and indulging in some treats of the chocolate variety !!! well I have to have something naughty .

    Sunday ??? no plan so far but know that I wil not be hung over, have fallen out with my husband or hating myself for something I have said or done while drunk, so anything is possible !!!.

    There was a time when contemplating the weekend without al would have bought me out in a cold sweat now it fills me with pride and hope and excitement as being af has given me the freedom to be and do what I want !!!
    AF Since 2nd December 2013

    Being af is not your punishment ! its your salvation !!:goodjob:

    Diet Start

    25th Feb 2014 10st 6lbs 3rd March 10st 1.5lbs

    That Friday Feeling !!

    sounds wonderful.

    i miss a log fire, they are so comforting in the horrible weather. until you have to go and get more logs from the shed.

    i will be painting my doors, watch telly, bit more painting, take dog out (avoiding shops), eat.


      That Friday Feeling !!

      Great post Pop. Weekends to me mean nothing anymore regarding al. It is such a wonderful feeling to just wake up sober and not hungover.

      Like you my plans for a weekend involved getting pissed as i did not have to work or wake up too early. I always woke up too early and proceeded to start taking Paracetamol to get rid of the raging, thumping headache to do it all again at 5pm or earlier.

      Today it is so different, i wake up, put the washing on, start the dishes, make a cuppa, come on MWO, read up and get inspiration and then start the day.

      Who would have thought nearly 70 days ago you and I would be typing about how good it feels to be af. I thought i could never accomplish what others had and now i know that i can.
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        That Friday Feeling !!

        Great stuff Avail and i an so jealous you do all this in sunny Oz. That feeling that you have accomplish this is a better buzz than any drink , dont know about you but it put a smile on my face everythime I think about it !! never want that feeling to go !!
        AF Since 2nd December 2013

        Being af is not your punishment ! its your salvation !!:goodjob:

        Diet Start

        25th Feb 2014 10st 6lbs 3rd March 10st 1.5lbs


          That Friday Feeling !!

          Poppy, what a wonderful post!! I had a laugh about your planning your weekend drinking - I always thought they just happened, like the sunrise:H:H:H.

          Enjoy the dirty weekend you have planned!
          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


            That Friday Feeling !!

            Hi Poppy,i posted just on monday on the steppers thread,that weekends are so relaxing without drinking,you feel relaxed instead of feeling like you got ran over by a semi-truck all weekend! sounds like you have nice plans,enjoy
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              That Friday Feeling !!

              I'm going through the Friday feeling right now and keeping myself busy.
              This weekend I'm going to enjoy it with my family, keep the woodstove going myself and enjoy the heat and the love of my three girls and my wonderful husband.
              Two Fridays ago was not so memorable and I don't want to relive that godawful night again.
              I'm going to get out my sander as well and refinish some furniture I have boughten, so picking out new paint colors, stains and things are pretty exciting for me. LOL.
              But, I will not drink today, tonight or this weekend. I really want to keep my AF days adding up.


                That Friday Feeling !!

                I work weekends and am currently on a taper. My plans for today are to have 10 drinks (coming off 30+ a day). Also, if you read another of my posts, I plan to grill up some salmon Hopefully I don't get a salmon hangover!


                  That Friday Feeling !!

                  The joys of waking early without a hangover. I have already marinated chicken for the carnivores in our house to eat for dinner, emptied the dishwasher and folded some washing. And debated the ins and outs of staying inside or outside with the cat.
                  It doesn't get much more exciting than this!:H


                    That Friday Feeling !!

                    to treetops: with all the bipolar, embarrassing and downright self abusive things we have done, mundane things like laundry and cleaning seem quite positive in comparison. I know that I have plenty of dishes and cleaning to do myself


                      That Friday Feeling !!

                      Well done Poppy
                      Last drink 6th September 2013


                        That Friday Feeling !!

                        Poppy, this is where I need to watch myself. So any drinking thoughts, I've got my people in my favorites to call. No ifs, ands, or buts. I have a really busy weekend which is a good thing for me right now. I don't love over busy weekends, but it's probably good for me since out of the last 4 weekends, I slipped up. So I'm keeping busy.
                        Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.

