Thank you so much Daisy45. Today wasn't too bad?yesterday I was definitely a mess?emotional and everything?I just need to get through the irritableness and all. I am hoping night 2 will be better and that day 3 will be okay. But you are right, we can keep trying, again and again and again until it sticks. I really hope it does this time!
MossRose ~ thank you so much for your kind words. Isn't anxiety terrible?? :/ I really do hate it. But you are right?it definitely will lessen if I don't have alcohol in my life. It's happened before?I guess when I do slip then it's because there are just those days where I feel like I can't cope but instead I should be coming on here and venting - which I plan on doing in the future.
I seem to be doing okay after I get past day 1?I am just a little afraid of the weekend. Long weekend coming up here in Canada too. I hope I can do this. I know I can.