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Ok, when's the best time to do it??

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    Ok, when's the best time to do it??

    At last, after 13 days I finally received my cds today from the states!! I was going to wait until this evening when all the family was out and I was home alone. But no, I couldn't wait. I was in by myself but my daughter was due home in about 45 minutes so I thought, "great, I can get going with the first of the clearing cds". So, drew the curtains, got myself all cosy on the bed, relaxed and started.... A lovely voice got me into a nice relaxed state, then my personal cd player jumped and it went all quiet - i wiggled the headphones about a bit, it came back on then a few minutes later, same again. Oh no! This went on for a while - eventually I used a cleaning cd on my player which seemed to work. So, got started again, halfway through and my daughter bursts in!!! I can see this is going to be tricky trying to keep to the recommended schedule but hey, I'm going to be so chilled out, it won't matter!! When does everyone else do it?? Janice
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

    Ok, when's the best time to do it??

    I tend to listen to hypno CD's right before bed. I sleep alone most nights so I don't have to worry about anyone but the cats bothering me. I have made attempts to listen in the tub but I end up almost falling asleep in the tub and that's not cool.

    Good luck with your hypno Janice!

    Suddenly I see
    This is what I want to be
    suddenly I see
    Why the hell it means so much to me.

    -KT Tunstall


      Ok, when's the best time to do it??

      It can be tricky to find the peace and quiet needed for the CDs. Even if the kids are out, the good old dog and/or telephone and/or doorbell tends to interrupt the hypno.

      For me, what has worked like a charm, was to download the CDs on my iPod and listen to them at night while lying in bed. If I am not real tired when first retiring, I'll listen to a CD. Othertimes, if I wake during the night and am having troubles falling back to sleep I'll listen to another. Otherwise, I just listen to the sleep CD all night long.

      I hope this helps.


        Ok, when's the best time to do it??

        In the book the hypno CD program involved almost 2 hours of time. How long to you all listen? I too want to download something into my ipod . . . . inconspicuous. Any suggestions?


          Ok, when's the best time to do it??

          Hi Evergreen,

          I too wanted to be inconspicuous so I put the CDs into a playlist on my iPod and named it "sleeping".

          As far as the amount of time goes, I just do what I can. I figure whatever I do is better than nothing.


            Ok, when's the best time to do it??

            I called mine 'Meditations' as a playlist on my ipod.

            I also play them at night before going to sleep. Sometimes I play them in the morning after my little one has gone to school and before I start work (I work from home). I jump straight back into bed and chill out with the blinds closed. Bliss!

            Evergreen. Each hypno session only lasts about 25 mins and you only need do it once a day or a few times a week. It's worth it for me!

            :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


              Ok, when's the best time to do it??

              I have a wonderful comfy recliner that I want to use for the hypno sessions. Last time, the dog stood RIGHT AT MY EAR with a squeaky toy during Clearning. I just ignored her. She eventually gave up and now sleeps on her bed. As for humans ... a sticky on the door with Do Not Disturb or Back In 30 Minutes?? If I do it at night it will make me feel like I've had a power nap right before bed, or I really will drift off.
              "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


                Ok, when's the best time to do it??

                hi everyone! Managed to do the clearing ones again as got interrupted a few times then played the subliminal one while I was pottering round the house. Tried the sleep one, but I had to remove it as couldn't get to sleep (and I kept needing the loo with the sound of all that water!!!!!!!!!!). The ipod is a good idea but I must admit having the earphones in and lying down to sleep was a bit uncomfortable - something I'll get used to though. On the instructions that came it says - clearing twice a week, hypnotic twice a week, subliminal once a day, sleep learning every night. You know when we play the subliminal - we can play it at any time and it lasts for 60 minutes - does it matter if you keep stopping and starting it??? eg if you go out in the car, come back, cook the tea, etc. Really interested to hear how all newbies are getting on with the cd part of the programme. Best wishes to everyone.....Janice
                AF since 9 May 2012
                Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

