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Scared and about to lose it ...AGAIN

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    Scared and about to lose it ...AGAIN

    I just found this site and I am hoping that I am on the right path.
    I feel stuck and confused. This is not my first rodeo, as they say,
    but I feel shaky and scared. I NEED to stop drinking. There is a
    part of me that is afraid to let go...
    I know I probably sound stupid, but I am feeling stupid right about
    now. I know I am an Alcoholic and my body has been giving me
    "hints" for a while now that I need to STOP drinking. I am losing my
    mind, I feel like...I have LOST much of my memory, seriously, due to
    drinking over the years. I have lost many things that were of GREAT
    importance to me....relationships, personal goals, money, and now
    feels like my mind. I feel like such a loser. YES!!! Who else that
    has lost as much as I have and still wants to drink? I hope and pray
    that I am not at the point of NO return. Thanks for listening.


    Scared and about to lose it ...AGAIN

    Hello memoryshot, I know it is scary but just take it one day at a time, ... get the cds, read the book, get the starter pack of vitsmins and supplements and journal here,,
    U have the power
    ?Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday.?

    ― John Wayne


      Scared and about to lose it ...AGAIN

      Hi, Memory:

      That is the alcohol fog! Getting over that hump is scary, but I'll bet not as scary as heading any further down the road with alcohol. Go check out the Newbies Nest - lots of information there and many people at the start of their quits. Also, the toolbox (in the monthly moderation section) has interesting and useful information.

      Hang tight - keep posting if it is what will keep you sober.


        Scared and about to lose it ...AGAIN

        It is scary, but you aren't stupid. Due to brain chemistry and practice you have a drinking problem. It's not the end of the world, in fact, it's the start of a wonderful journey to sobriety where you will enjoy life without hangovers, anxiety, remorse and isolation.

        The Newbie's Nest and The Tool Box are a great place to start. Just do this one day at a time and don't project into the future just now. It is very doable, and there is tremendous support here.

        Good luck and keep posting your progress. We care.
        Enlightened by MWO


          Scared and about to lose it ...AGAIN

          Hey Memory,

          You'll remember who you are when your mind becomes clearer and it will become clearer when you stop putting this poison into your body. We feel fear when we don't know what is ahead for us.

          What do you like doing?

          One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


            Scared and about to lose it ...AGAIN

            Hi Memory and welcome. Been there and done that as we all mostly have on here with drinking, that is why we are here. I, like you felt my body giving me big indications that al was starting to affect me, what did i do i kept drinking giving myself every excuse there was under the sun that it really wasnt the al. When i finally admitted that i was an alcoholic and could never drink again then the sober path began. This site is a wonderful place to settle in and get the support you need. I never ever thought i could give up al and now 75 days later life is so much better.

            One day at a time, today i will not drink and I will never drink AT anybody again are my mantras. make them yours.

            Everyone has great advice and you are in a good place.
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Scared and about to lose it ...AGAIN

              Thanks everyone for the welcome it feels
              Good not knowing others care. I like to write and
              I also like watching basketball. Silly me, I am
              a real sucker for basketball. I will keep posting
              If it's ok. Thanks for all the helpful suggestions.


                Scared and about to lose it ...AGAIN

                MemoryShot;1626757 wrote: Hi
                There is a part of me that is afraid to let go...

                Hi Memory... welcome. You are not alone.

                We are all afraid to let alcohol go, at least, at first. After all, it has been our "best friend", right? How many times do you hear someone say, "I NEED a drink?" How many social events revolve around alcohol?

                When I have one, my mind is instantly looking forward to the next one. I can tell you that it's easy for me to "down a beer" within 10 minutes, but if I was drinking, say, a glass of milk, would I have three or four glasses in a night? Unless you were a dairy farmer, chances are the answer to that question is NO.

                For you, take one day at a time. You may notice that the mere THOUGHT of alcohol, and the fact that you plan on having none
                .. those thoughts may dominate your mind today. Like a little devil, little AL is on your shoulder, whispering in your ear, "NAH, you can moderate. You are blowing this thing out of proportion. Trust me. You can have just one. It's Friday!!!" :alf:

                Today, you need to shrug that little devil off your shoulder. Counter think. If you have to tell yourself, "Not today, sparky! Maybe tomorrow!" then promise yourself the tomorrow. And tomorrow morning, when you wake up fog free... when you hear the peaceful silence in your household, when you actually remember
                what happened on Friday night... you can decide then. :h

                Hugs to you! :l Patty
                "God didn't give you the Strength to get back on your feet
                so that you can run back to the same thing that knocked you down."


                  Scared and about to lose it ...AGAIN

                  MemoryShot;1626836 wrote: Thanks everyone for the welcome it feels
                  Good not knowing others care. I like to write and
                  I also like watching basketball. Silly me, I am
                  a real sucker for basketball. I will keep posting
                  If it's ok. Thanks for all the helpful suggestions.
                  Well, I think you should go out and shoot some hoops for fun! Which reminds me, I haven't done that for a while
                  One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

