I just found this site and I am hoping that I am on the right path.
I feel stuck and confused. This is not my first rodeo, as they say,
but I feel shaky and scared. I NEED to stop drinking. There is a
part of me that is afraid to let go...
I know I probably sound stupid, but I am feeling stupid right about
now. I know I am an Alcoholic and my body has been giving me
"hints" for a while now that I need to STOP drinking. I am losing my
mind, I feel like...I have LOST much of my memory, seriously, due to
drinking over the years. I have lost many things that were of GREAT
importance to me....relationships, personal goals, money, and now
feels like my mind.

has lost as much as I have and still wants to drink? I hope and pray
that I am not at the point of NO return. Thanks for listening.