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1st night without alcohol-Scared shaky
1st night without alcohol-Scared shaky
I have been on this site many times and I tried the tapering method which worked for a weeks at best then I'd get hammered and start drinking every day again. I realized that I can't be near any place that has alcohol, friends who are socially drinking, or in any bad setting-I just give in-I am not strong enough. I on an island in Asia and drinking is part of the culture, but at least my boss and girlfriend don't drink. My girlfriend knows of all my problems and will stay with me and refuse to let me drink, monitor my behavior (I told her about DT's), and just be supportive. I just boiled actual Kudzu root and made tea, took L-Glutamine, and some B-Vitamins. Drinking a lot of Vitamin Water instead of beer and trying to stay positive about going cold turkey. Anyone have any suggestions during the initial process of going cold turkey after years of abusing alcohol? Recently I have been having reoccurring dreams of never seeing my family again and dying on this island. These scared me so much that I realized it was cold turkey or a serious rehab facility. Thanks for reading and I LOVE this site and all the people who have helped me before. Day 1 almost made itTags: None
1st night without alcohol-Scared shaky
Hi, Spicoli
I did the cold turkey route, too. I gave myself permission to do nothing other than meet my absolute responsibilities and not drink. That was it. Otherwise, I did whatever I wanted - sat in a chair for hours reading MWO, went to bed at 8 pm, took long, hot baths, did nothing social, really - I was totally self indulgent and only started doing more when I felt like it.
For a couple weeks it was like I had a bad bug and then as the days passed, I wanted to do more normal things but even then, I wasn't very social for a couple months.
It takes time to undo something that was years in the making - please give yourself the best chance possible to succeed and that means treating yourself kindly. Think of how you would treat your girlfriend if she were ill and treat yourself with that kind of love.
All the best to you, NS
1st night without alcohol-Scared shaky
Welcome, Spicoli!
It's perfectly normal to be scared.... you have a lot on the plate, and you realize you need to make changes. Scary changes. No Sugar gives some great advice to change your social scene, at least for now. If you know deep down in your heart that if you are near alcohol, you won't have the willpower, then do yourself and your girlfriend a huge favor and change your surroundings. You do not have to go to the club! Become a tourist and see your island through a visitor's eyes- there a many places where alcohol is not the focus.
You can do this. :hug:
Patty"God didn't give you the Strength to get back on your feet
so that you can run back to the same thing that knocked you down." :hug:
1st night without alcohol-Scared shaky
hey Welcome here.......Day one to four are troublesome...BUT?....its only uncomfortableness......and a foggy head and lousy sleep. Try and get into a thankful spirit and away from thinking your missing out on something....YOUR NOT!
Your gaining.......l-glutamine is great and I would suggest you read lots on Alcohol, watch vids.....anything to keep you in a sober state of mind.
Ive relapsed a lot and am on day 11....but im still around 100 free out of last 150.
Education and supplements and a good diet helps a lot.
Just keep trying and think good thoughts
Post lots
1st night without alcohol-Scared shaky
Accepting you cannot go near situations that will set you up to drink is a very good start, you will be called a bore, spoilsport and a number of other childish names, but only by those who need to drink themselves! Keep clear of them for a while and then as the mist clears you realise you don't want to be in that sort of company anyway. The first few weeks are difficult but as the others have said, focus only on yourself and your quit. you won't regret it one little bit.
The peace of mind and calm that follow years of heavy drinking are absolutley amazing, you will find you wonder where on earth you found the time to do all that boozing. Your physical health will improve beyond your expectations too and you will be able to afford to do things for yourself you've neglected for years.
And don't forget, you are well through this week of hell and ony you will take yourself back there so enjoy the new you, wishing you luck
SylvAF since 9 December 2012 :yay:
1st night without alcohol-Scared shaky
Day 3 and my mind is holding on strong, but I have the shakes and had trouble sleeping last night really bad. But drank the Khudzu tea I bought from the Korean lady, been taking the L-Glutamine, and found Milk Thistle on the island as well. Trying to do this the right way and set high goals. Also, my girlfriend bought me a journal to write notes in and keep track of my diet, supplements, and feelings. Optimistic, but scared. I have been trying to trace back the time, year, or month when I needed alcohol every day. Has anyone done that and can't figure out when it all went so wrong? At least with this journal and MWO I know where it started to go right. This week I know will be tough-My job as an English Teacher to Korean students takes a lot out of me and hopefully I can make it through the week and sleep. Thanks everyone for the nice messages-ANY feedback is great. Peace-Jeff