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Feeling desperate

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    Feeling desperate

    Hello all,

    I haven't been on here in a long time. I am really struggling with drinking again. I just want to get out of the cycle. I was wondering if anyone had any practical tips that would help for at least the short term (first few weeks) to stop drinking. I have been to the doctor and have made an appointment again with a psychologist.

    Although I seem to go for a week and then binge drink and feel awful the next day, swear I will change and a week later am drinking again. I have been aware I have a problem for sometime now, and have had periods of completely no alcohol (6-7 months) then end up going out and thinking I'll be fine to have a few and a few weeks/months later I'm hooked again.

    I can't keep doing this to myself. It's ruining my life. I just turned 25. I want the next half of my life to be great and not have the same struggle I did through my teens and early twenties.

    Love, angel77.
    Courage is not the absence of fear, it's acting in spite of it.

    Feeling desperate

    Hi Angel,
    If you're looking for something to help yourself through the next few weeks or so, this is what I would do:

    1. Take it one day at a time. Tell yourself each morning, afternoon, and evening, I don't drink.
    2. Read in the "toolbox" in the monthly abs section. There is plenty of reading there and should last you a good two weeks!
    3. Post in the newbies nest as there are lots of people there that help people new to this sobriety thing. This important sobriety thing.
    4. Know that if you've had periods of abstinence before, you can do it again.
    5. When you feel you want to drink, come here and ask someone to help you. Someone will.
    6. Don't put any big tasks on your plate for the next two weeks. Just think about not drinking and making that priority.
    7. Watch any documentaries. There's a really good one for younger folks that I posted last week, and I'll copy the link for you here.
    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


      Feeling desperate

      here's the documentary:

      Also, the docu "rain in my heart" and I think it's at the top of general discussions.

      Oh, and newbie's nest is in "Just starting out."
      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


        Feeling desperate

        Hi Angel and welcome.

        Perseverance, determination and pure strength will help you quit.
        Posting on here morning, noon and night when you are feeling the cravings.
        Drinking lots of fluids.
        Eating to make yourself full if you have an urge to drink
        Getting rid of ALL al out of the house
        Having a support person/s to call or text
        Watching alcoholism doco's/movies, some good ones on youtube
        Being strong willed and determined
        Sleep when you are tired
        Keep busy
        Be honest with yourself

        I was a 20+ year drinker and gave up a few times until everyday was not worth anything, i was going through the motions of living but in reality the al was taking complete control over my life. I had to ultimately make the decision to quit and quitting meant NEVER drinking again. That in itself was a hard thing to get my head around i must say. Never, surely not, i will be able to control it, i will be "normal" eventually. Admitting also i am an alcoholic was a big turning point and being honest with oneself about our drinking problem.

        You have done it before Angel which is a big positive in moving forward, you are young and have your whole life ahead of you.

        There are lots of good threads on here to look at and lots of sound advice from MWO'ers. I have now completed 70+ days and i keep thinking it is someone else, not me. One day at a time and everyday i wake up saying to myself "i will not drink" and as much as people annoy me i keep saying that.

        Good luck angel. the Newbies Nest is a great place to go to also.
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Feeling desperate

          J- Vo - Hello, Thank you so much for your ideas. I will certainly use them. Your words mean a lot to me at the moment.

          Available - Hi, thank you for your reply also. I really need support and am glad I chose to post.
          Courage is not the absence of fear, it's acting in spite of it.


            Feeling desperate

            Welcome Angel from a fellow AL-problem woman across the ditch!
            Try to do the one day at a time and when you do think of the future concentrate on the amazing opportunities that being sober brings. Don't see it as a life sentence - but see it as a new way of life. We all make big changes throughout life and in time it becomes our normal. In time also you will be confident about this and it won't be a handicap. Its crap to deal with at the moment - but that will pass.
            i am an old chook and I only wish I had not started drinking heavily in my twenties. It just gets worse and worse and the amounts I drank increased as my tolerance to AL grew, as my income grew and as life brought more stress. I have stopped now - and was so hard and caused so many problems.
            You can do this - and we are here for you!


              Feeling desperate

              Hi treetops, thank you. That is a good perspective to have. "A life change, not sentence" I guess it does seem really daunting when I think about the rest of my life. (and I know it has to be) Maybe I can look at it more positively this time, as a life change.
              Courage is not the absence of fear, it's acting in spite of it.


                Feeling desperate

                Hey Angel.....not only a life change but the biggest favor you will ever do for yourself. Its true---a few more years and tolerance then dependence occur. Just good to yourself and treat it like an interesting puzzle to solve. Read lots---post for help...look at nutrition and supplements........and by all means don't ever berate yourself. With a little time you will be clean and free. Sober is the best deal on the planet. Just give it a good try.:welcome:


                  Feeling desperate

                  Hi lead366, I'm not giving up, I plan to keep on trying. Thank you so much.
                  Courage is not the absence of fear, it's acting in spite of it.


                    Feeling desperate

                    Hi Angel,
                    I am at 34 days so not very long. Last time I abstained from alcohol I did a 30 day with the idea that I would moderate after. I felt so deprived the whole 30 days and white knuckled through the whole time counting the days. This time I am grateful for not having to deal with all the issues around drinking. I am also finding that the different mind set has completely changed everything. It is so much easier this time. I guess I am still counting the days but to feel good about it not hurry it along so I can drink again. I think feeling grateful instead of deprived is the difference for me.


                      Feeling desperate

                      Hi Basket,
                      Yes I think the mindset is the key, which is ironic as that's what got me here. At the moment I am still awake and 12.00am can't sleep and am generally feeling hopeless. I feel regret,shame and guilt. I can't seem to shake it. I feel like I am living a nightmare. I'm just going to focus on one day at a time and getting through tomorrow. I've lost so much through drinking. I don't really want to go into it all now as it will just upset me more. Anyway, thank you for your support.
                      Courage is not the absence of fear, it's acting in spite of it.


                        Feeling desperate

                        Baskett gave you some great advice there Angel. Like you say in your tagline..."Courage is.....

                        Einstein said that you cannot solve your current problem with the thinking and mindset that got you into your predicament.

                        The guilt, shame and regret is something we all go through..Welcome to zeee club lol.

                        You have already started the mindset are here...and you are communicating.

                        The bright side?......Yes--you are addressing the issue.....a couple more days of good nutrition and lots of hydration will brighten your skies....try and get your mind into a state of thankfulness and gratitude. Your safe.....I presume you are healthy.....and your good sleep will return in a few days. Just "embrace" this chance and ask questions to all these fabulous members here. They will help you.

                        Just do one thing today that will lead you to take a walk...a hot bath.....or gentle inspiration reading. Before you know it you will be free as a bird. Choose FLY!

