I haven't been on here in a long time. I am really struggling with drinking again. I just want to get out of the cycle. I was wondering if anyone had any practical tips that would help for at least the short term (first few weeks) to stop drinking. I have been to the doctor and have made an appointment again with a psychologist.
Although I seem to go for a week and then binge drink and feel awful the next day, swear I will change and a week later am drinking again. I have been aware I have a problem for sometime now, and have had periods of completely no alcohol (6-7 months) then end up going out and thinking I'll be fine to have a few and a few weeks/months later I'm hooked again.
I can't keep doing this to myself. It's ruining my life. I just turned 25. I want the next half of my life to be great and not have the same struggle I did through my teens and early twenties.
Love, angel77.