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Life or Death?

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    Life or Death?

    I have deleted my post
    DD x
    New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!

    Life or Death?

    DD, glad to hear the good news about your dad, sad to hear bad news from you. :l:l:l

    Please, stay with us (and post before you drink). You know how good it feels to be sober, you know the shitty feelings of drunkenness and hangovers and the awful regrets, you also know that drinking does not make anything better - use that knowledge!
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Life or Death?

      DD, i just stole this from NS yesterday and I thought, wow, it's that simple! We can make it simple or make it difficult. If you want simple and not to drive yourself crazy, this method will work as it has for others:

      For me, the key element was changing my thinking in two major ways:

      1. Eliminating the idea that having a drink was an option I could consider. Ever. Once that is gone, you have to be a little more creative in dealing with the ups and downs of normal life.


      2. Developing an attitude of gratitude for the tiniest changes that resulted from not drinking - I mentally paused and appreciated things numerous times during the day - and still do. When it has occurred to me 8 or 9 times by 4 pm how much better my life is, my thoughts just don't turn to drinking anymore. It seems like a really stupid idea now.

      Over time, the physical addiction wanes and you're left with the mental/emotional/psychological aspects and for me, the points above really helped.

      And my new mantra: No matter what happens, no matter how I feel, I won't drink.

      Good luck to you and glad your father is doing better!
      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


        Life or Death?

        reply to j-vo

        Deleted my post
        DD x
        New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!


          Life or Death?

          DD - great post and really hit a chord with me.

          What do you really want? A long life with good PHYSICAL and MENTAL health?

          Or a shorter one plagued with poor physical and mental health all because you turned to that liquid in a bottle?

          Can I recommend a book? "The Path of Least Resistance". This book has been a life changer. You can either let the environment dictate your life i.e turn to drink when stressed OR you can be the creator in your life, so that you decide what you do not matter how you feel or what the situation.

          Step 1 - go cold turkey and replenish your body with the vital vitamins and minerals it needs from food.
          Step 2 - rest properly to lower stress
          Step 3 - when ready, get more active and seek some positive situations in life.

          Hope you get back on your feet ASAP. We're here for you


            Life or Death?

            DD you know how to do this. Implement the plan and follow through.
            I also knew that it would/could kill me if I didn't stop the madness as they say. I had a life threatening illness and survived. It was at that point that I realized that I wanted to live and not continue to poison myself with drink...It has not been an easy time but I feel so much better now.
            YOU can do this!!!!! WE are here to support you....

            Newbie's Nest

            Tool Box
            AF 9.1.2013


              Life or Death?

              I deleted my last posts I am ok, just felt I had said too much
              New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!


                Life or Death?

                You can never say too much here DD...C'mon.......just stay on and say what ever you wish

                Its all good


                  Life or Death?

                  Utterly fed up, loathe myself right now.
                  New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!


                    Life or Death?

                    DD, that may be so but you need to know there are folks here, me among them, that love you, support you and want you to be here with us. Your posts not only give you the place to vent, gloat, praise, etc., but they are also helpful to others here. I have certainly been in a place like you, and I still go there time to time. But I know MWO has been my rock, my pillow, my blanket, my support, and my friend (the ONLY friend that gets me) and is the reason I am AF for 27 days for the first time in 20 years. Please don't give up - please continue to post, anything. You've already taken the hardest step - recognizing the problem and reaching out. We got your back friend - please stick around.
                    Mary Lou

                    A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                      Life or Death?

                      DD please don't delete your posts. I truly beleive what you have to say can help. I know how painful and embarrassing it is to read our raw emotions laid out for everyone to see. But use the pain for strength to never want to be this way again. I am telling you I finally got sober after my most humiliating experience drinking. I absorbed every emotion (shame, guilt, disgust) and used it for fuel to never ever drink again. I still make myself feel every emotion of that night when I get any ideas of drinking in my head.

                      If you try to bury, erase or forget bad drinking experiences or feelings you can't learn from them (just my opinion). Use your pain for strength. You can do this!
                      AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

                      Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


                        Life or Death?

                        Thanks for the support I really need it today. xxx
                        New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!


                          Life or Death?

                          Hi, DD:

                          I agree with Red - I got the advice to write down everything and I did. I haven't had to open that journal again yet (I wrote a bit about it here, but not the gritty details) because the bad memories of how down I felt are still strong enough - I just think about how awful I felt that last time and it helps me stay strong.

                          I hope you are strong tonight - keep posting if you feel like drinking. You'll get through this.


                            Life or Death?

                            Thinking of you DD.


                              Life or Death?

                              Yesterday was an awful day but proud to say I did get through it without drinking.Thanks to support on here.xx
                              New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!

