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    Hello Maude,
    Welcome, belatedly to a wonderful place.



      New Girl Too!!

      :new: Hi Maude. I am new too - my first posting - bit scary really !

      I am going to try and get in contol of my own drinking - although for now I haven't got a plan ?? First step is to voice myself here.

      Not had a drink today - so I guess today can be Day 1. I am not quite sure what to do really.

      My problem is having to drink every day. I keep vowing to have a day off but can't seem to make it. Even drinking 3 days a week would be good for me ?

      Anyway - lets get day one under my belt and then we will see what happens - although we have the in-laws here all weekend and a kids party - so going totally AF will be hard. Any suggestions ?

      P.S. Can you take all the supplements if you are on other meds - I am on Prozac ?




        Hello Monkey and:welcome:
        First off take it slow and get yourself a plan.
        If you can, get a copy of the book or you can download it.
        Reading some of the thousands of posts, and posting yourself when you feel like it, will help a lot.
        Best wishes for today.
        This is a lovely place.
        Stay a while.



          Thanks PopEye. All a bit strange at first. The site seems so supportive though !




            Not drinking for thirty days is a good way to start, if you can't do 30AF right off just do ten with a break another 10 with a break and then work up to thirty consecutive days later.

            That might be a good place to start. Or drinking less drinks per day is a good starting place as well.

            If you are going to abstain from alcohol and you feel aches and pains don't take tylonol, it is bad for your liver. Take Ibeprophen instead.

            I don't know if I should say this or not being new, but taking an amino acid and prozac together does not sound like a good idea to me. ( I hope I don't get in trouble for saying that.)

            Anyway I am not a doctor, you really should check with your doctor before mixing prozac and an amino acid.

            Well I better shut up now, I am starting to sound like a know it all- and that is not a good thing for a newbie!




              I had a negative reaction to Aminos last time I did a 30 AF, probably because I was on a high protein diet anyways so the two combined was just too much.

              This time I am getting my aminoes from eggs, milk, yogurt, cheese, chicken, fish and beef and I am not taking amimo supplements.

              An egg ,in fact, has every essential amino acid in it. Essential meaning the body does not create it, so you have to get it from food or a supplement.

              And that is working better for me, but everyone is different.

              I have decided that MWO is not a good match for me right now, but I do appreciate all the info I got on Topa and Campral and where to get em.

              I might change my mind at a later date and come back, who knows?




                What type of negative reaction did you have on the aminos. Just curious.





                  I felt tired and just out of balance. Like something wasn't quite right and couldn't figure out what it was.

                  I stopped taking aminos, cut down on protein and started eating more carbs and then I felt much better.

                  But that is just me, everyone is different. This AF30 I am not taking aminos and I feel much better.

                  Even now, without the aminos it is time for me to cut back on the protein a bit. Time to go to the 40c-30p-30f ratio again. I have been eating more protein than that to get over some initial withdrawls, but it is time to even that out more now that I am over withdrawls.

                  I am not trying to cause problems I just came over here to see what this program was all about really.

                  For right now everything I need is in MM and the Zone Diet. I didn't come over here to promote MM though. I was just curious.

                  Sorry if I am causing problems, I didn't intend to.




                    I am new too, on day 6 of abs, going to do 30 days and then reassess, if I end up doing mods then it will be only occasional drinking, not weekly or every weekend, that's my goal at least!
                    Good to meet you!
                    AF since 7/5/2009

