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please will somone understand

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    please will somone understand

    Hi all I joined this group the middle of April well i'll be presice the week during my period Im sorry to be so rude for the men here basically i drink the week b4 my period and the week during the rest of the month i carnt stand the smell of drink Im 31 and have narrowed down my drinking due too hormones ive told docters and councelers etc and they dont understand im getting frustrated bcuz i know im more prone to drinking b4 and during my period which makes me worse. Ive tryed primose oil and vitamins and anti depressants im confused and angry bcuz i dont know how i can help myself if proffressionals dont?????i will admit that drinkin is a depressant but i get depressed b4 i drink then thats why i drink please help....xxxxx

    please will somone understand

    Hi Keepon,

    I totally agree, before my period and during is my worst time ....

    Take a deep breath love .............. and then another ..............

    I realised this last year and started to plan meeting friends on bad days so that I couldn't drink ....

    Read the posts here and keep yourself occupied is the best advice that I can give ....

    By the way ........ the fact that you have realised this and asked for help is brilliant .............. You can so this love xxx


      please will somone understand

      keep on

      I would look for a new gyn / I know there is a new drug out there for severe PMS which has got to help!


        please will somone understand

        PMS= Wine...

        .... andmoreandmore and more!

        I hear you.... the three to 4 days before are excruciatingly psychologically battering to me... and I turn to the wine.

        You are not alone, and I too plan to seek some PMS solutions for that monthly bump in my road!

        "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison


          please will somone understand

          Hi! I completely understand!!! I, too suffered my worst cravings a few days before. I am fine once I got it but PMS - and craving has been tough for me in the past.

          Have you tried to add a serving of dairy to your daily diet? Yogurt, cheese, cup of milk, cottage cheese, etc?? Even a calcium supplement can help with PMS. It was suggested to me by my doctor to try first as opposed to a prescription. Ever since I started to add dairy/calcium to my diet 4 months ago, my last 3 bouts of PMS were dramatically lessened. My cravings for alcohol were also lessened. It works for me. You may want to give it a try?

          Also, if there are good prescrips for PMS now, I would suggest you go and get a second opinion seeing your doctor isn't helping much. Don't let anyone give you a feeling of 'no hope'. There is. Sometimes we have to find it ourselves. Sad but true. Never give up.

          Hang in there.


            please will somone understand

            I too have heard that dairy helps. You can be sure I'll be upping my low fat dairy consumption in the next few weeks.

            Chamomile tea has helped me in the past, maybe you can try it too.

            Best wishes.

            Suddenly I see
            This is what I want to be
            suddenly I see
            Why the hell it means so much to me.

            -KT Tunstall


              please will somone understand

              Check the research thread

              There is a book that classes people according to biotypes. One of them is linked to PMS related drinking. I copied part of the thread, posed by CV in the Research section of this website:

              Here's another excellent excerpt from a different website (Seven Weeks to Sobriety) but it has great background and some questionnaires that you can take to help you find more about yourself. Welcome to the Health Recovery Website

              It's long but can be really informative...and don't take offense at the "A" word in the text....

              The Difference in Drinkers

              Your body holds the key to understanding the effect alcohol has on you. If you have the ability to drink large amounts of alcohol, you have good reason to suspect that you might be predisposed to alcoholism. But, capacity is only part of the story. Alcohol affects brain and body processes in different ways in different people. In this chapter, you'll learn whether or not you are alcoholic and, if so, what kind of alcoholic you are. The following quiz helps illustrate three different body chemistries that underlie vulnerability to alcoholism (and one type that may lead to a mistaken diagnosis of alcoholism).

              A new biotype might be identified in the future, but, in all likelihood, if you have a problem with alcohol, you fall into one of the four groups. If there are alcoholics on both sides of your family, you may find that you fit into two categories. If so, the one that predominates, even slightly, is the one to work with as you embark on this program.

              The first step will be to test yourself to determine whether or not you are an alcoholic and, if so, what kind you are. Once you know your chemical traits, you can choose the right course to restore your health. Establishing your underlying physical vulnerability has another major advantage. It takes all the shame out of being alcoholic. There is no reason to be embarrassed about the hand your genes have dealt you.


                please will somone understand

                Hi Keepon, have you tried the Women's Nuturitional Advisory Service (WNAS). Its based here in the UK but I'm sure they have a website. I contacted them 5 years ago when I was having real problems with PMS. They have their own diet/exercise/vitamin and supplement programme to follow (bit like MWO for alcohol). I bought the book and followed it by myself for 6 months and noticed a big difference right from the first month. Good luck, Janice
                AF since 9 May 2012
                Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                  please will somone understand

                  i Keepon,

                  Being on the contraceptive pill was an absolute miracle for me. it totally removed all my pms and it is very good for reglulating your periods if they are a bit erratic.

                  So if your religous beliefs allow you to take it it may be worth you looking into it.

                  Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                    please will somone understand

                    Thankyou all for your advise ive been fighting this for years (drinking) but it was only 2 years ago i realised that i not only had a drinking problem but also a PMT problem and have slowely realised by taking dates and notes that my drinking is due to PMT (the bingeing) the drinkin comes worst when im due I personally think that if I could get my hormones balanced i could control the amout i drink I truley think this wud hely my drinking but no one will understand the docs give me vitamins but i need more!!!! the only thing to make me feel better when im hormonal is alcohol then after i get the shakes panic attacks etc i hate this so much i feel its controling my life every month....xxxx thanku for reading this


                      please will somone understand


                      Sorry to get onto the discussion so late. I have the same issue. I've noticed that I can drink ok during the most of the time, but when I haev PMT - approx week before periods -I go nuts and get really crazy if I drink - all my drinking fuelled mishaps/disasters are exactly 1 week before my periods! Always.



                        please will somone understand

                        This is based on info in the book Womens Bodies Womens Wisdom by Dr Christiane Northrup.
                        Simply put the menstrual cycle is in two phases, pre ovulation and post ovulation.
                        In the pre-ovulation stage we tend to be more inspired and active.
                        The post ovulation stage is a time of reflection, a time when issues that we are keeping hidden keep coming up. Untill we take time to reflect on them and sort them out they keep coming back.

                        Unfortuanalty no one tells us that when we are young and we are expected to carry on as usual each week of each month when taking some time off to listen to our inner selves and mediatate would be more advantageus to us and all around us.

                        She also says this
                        'There is a strong correlation between PMS and growing up in an alcoholic family system, in which parents and grandparents are alcoholic. There is a relationship between PMS and 'giving your life away' to meet other needs.'
                        She says low blood sugar is common in children of alcoholics and this can exagerate PMS.

                        As far as self help she recommends
                        Hi complex carbo, low fat diet, low dairy.
                        Magnesium 150mg and a 50mg B complex
                        No refined sugar, flour, caffeine.
                        Increased essential fatty acids
                        20 mins aerobic exercise 3 x week
                        Full spectrum light, two hours am or pm from natural sources or special lamps.
                        Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


                          please will somone understand

                          Dear Keepon
                          The last post quoted Dr. Christiane Northrup. She is very good so I'm sure it is good advice. I no longer have PMS since I had a hysterectomy years ago. But please get yourself a really good gynocologist. A good gyno can help you - mine gave me 20 mg (a very low dose) of Prozac for my really bad PMS and it helped a lot. You mentioned depression which is what happened to me right before my period - really BAD depression that had a lot to do with the PMS. You might want to talk to your good new doctor about some kind of prescription.
                          Best of luck to you.
                          Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

