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Goal: Graduate from the 'Just Starting Out' Forum

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    Goal: Graduate from the 'Just Starting Out' Forum

    Hello. I have been infrequently posting here for well over a year. I drank last night - and have the usual regrets. I just want to get this behind me - but can't imagine it. I go 1 month - then get bored with the whole process - and the cycle begins again.

    So every time I return - it seems like the just starting out forum is for me.

    Goal: Graduate from the 'Just Starting Out' Forum

    I am new here but I totally feel for you! Similar experience last night. I am hoping the comraderie of a group like this will be helpful.


      Goal: Graduate from the 'Just Starting Out' Forum

      Hi Ambrose, just wanted to send you some support.

      Do you think something might be holding you back? Are you self sabotaging your sobriety?
      I did that to myself a few times before I can to MWO. Like you, I was able to go AF for a while and then returned to drinking. Part of it was showing that I could do it but then saying "see how easy and boring this is?" to myself which devalued my sobriety. Because I made it unfulfilling it was easier to throw away. For me to make a clean break required a big leap into unfamiliar waters. I also had to make (and continue) to make life changes in all areas. I'm not patting myself on the back here, I'm a very broken person in some ways and in need of major repairs. AF life is the light that lets me see that that road is even there, though. Without that, I don't want to think about it! Maybe you've proven that you can do it but now you just need to put all your eggs in that basket? Wishing you all the best!
      "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
      AF 11/12/11

