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    I have been trying to mod for a while now, I have good days and then reward myself, every day I have a good reason or excuse - yu all know the drill. I got my supplements and CD's last week and I just can't seem to see that they are helping me! I have cut back on my drinking and even an Odouls or two helps but it seems the habit and the taste are the biggest prob. I am having headaches every day with the supps and something is making me yawn all the time. I am not using a prescription yet and I'm hoping to not have to. The headaches and yawning are making me really not want to increase any dosages. This has to work for me I can't be this person anymore!!


    Hi Cjam,
    Which supp's are you taking and what doses? Sounds like you are like me. I drink for the celebration more than because I am feeling blue. I have had a good day so let's reward myself by having a drink and on and on. It does sound like whatever you are doing is working a little because you have cut down , right?
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



      Well done in cutting down on the drinking, maybe its time now to have a few days AF it may help get things in perspective.
      The headaches could be alcohol withdrawal if you are drinking less. Are you drinking lots of water you could be dehydrated.
      Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.



        I am taking the Vit 75 usually at lunch, the Amino Acids usually at night - that has helped with the yawning a little. The B-50, the Kudzo or however you spell that I'm taking 3 three times a day -- however it is 4:30 and I can't wait for that 1st drink!!!!!!



          Cjam, good for you giving this a try!!

          The CD's took about 2 weeks for me and then one day a click in thought process on that, I simply did not want to overdo. The Calms forte made me so sleepy I could not take it during the day. Itcould be the less alcohol giving you the headache.

          I personally found I had to change my habits! Go exercise instead of drinking. It actually meant changing what I made for dinner for a few months. I had to quit making Chinese meals as I would certainly want my first drink while chopping away. So I started making "oven meals" and drinking a glass of water while making them up quickly then getting on the bike while they were in the oven. Exercise makes you feel a little less like having a drink.

          New hobbies are good too taking your mind off drinking during the bewitching hour.

          Wishing you the best here!



            I thnk one of the hardest parts of this is giving everything time to make a difference. You have made a big step just admitting you have a problem and your desire to stop. I agree with Mary, change your habits and drink a lot of water; at least as much water as you were drinking in booze. More water would be better. None of us got in this condition overnight. We aren't going to get well overnight, no matter how much we want to. Work with the program and things should get easier.

            What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
            ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?



              I also had to change my eating habits to the new AF lifestyle for a while, fo the first couple of weeks I had to avoid common foods i had cooked or certain activities i had a ssociated with drinking, so that I wouldnt want it as bad. It really does help to switch up your routine.
              It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
              James Gordon, M.D.



                Just hang in there, buddy. You are going through a rough time, but you can do it. The headaches and yawning are probably part of your withdrawl. You have cut down - that's really great - a sign of success - but also means you may be going through some withdrawl. You might want to try a few days AF just to help get all those toxins out of your body.
                I also highly recommend exercise - preferably outside where you can breathe some fresh air and get into a new environment besides inside your house where you usually drink. When I come home from work, instead of pouring a drink, I hop on my bike and go for a ride. It really kills the urge and makes me feel much better. It becomes a habit after a while.
                Try to drop some old habits - things that you used to do while drinking. Try to develop some new ones like a little exercise.
                Whatever you do, I wish you the best of luck. Keep posting. You can do this.
                Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

