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New to to stimulants

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    New to to stimulants

    Hi, Not sure if this is the right place to post here but I'm new to this site so I hope you'll forgive me.
    I was talking to my psych the other day and he suggested Wellbutrin (branded as Zyban here in Oz). One of the reasons for this is because I would like to stop smoking and that's usually what it's prescribed for here. But he also said it might help with my terrible anxiety. I find this strange because I would have thought that it would make it worse. MY anxiety is more like apprehension than GAD or SAD etc, It's just a sick feeling in my stomach along with my heart beating faster and increased sweating. I have done a bit of research and found some people reporting success with things like Wellbutrin, Adderal, Vyvanse and Ritalin. I guess my question is has anyone here had success with stimulants? I have tried just about every SSRI, SNRI. Currently on Lamictal as a mood stabilizer and have just come off Doxepin and Zyprexa. I would like to be a bit informed next time I see my doc so I can be part of the process of finding what is right for me.
    I have also noticed that a lot of people on here that take baclofen. Would that be a good combo with a stimulant?
    Any info or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


    New to to stimulants

    I have been using nooptropics for about a year and a half, with various degrees of success. I want to stress that I am not an expert at all. I have made mistakes and I offer no one advice because we are all different. Here are some things I have learned.

    I have no experience with prescription medicines like ritalin, adderal, ssri, snri, or anything. I have generally been anti-pills for a long long time. My drug was alcohol and I didn't want to take anything I wasn't supposed to take with alcohol, nor did I want to develop "another problem". I can offer no advice there.

    I di begin taking baclofen in early January. I have found it very effective at reducing anxiety. I also have the same anxiety you described and it feeds my craving for drinking. Looking back at my life, it also contributed to me being a workaholic, to internet addiction, to me being emotionally unavailable to people who cared about me, and of course to drinking. I had time for everything but my own thoughts because left to my own thoughts, I was consumed with unknown anxiety. I didn't even know this until this past year. I just thought that was who I was. It's a terrible way to go through life.

    Baclofen takes the edge off the way a few beers does for me. In the "I'm not myself until I knock a few back" way. It just sort of softens me and makes me stress less about social interactions or day to day trudges. It's no kite flyer, I'm not stoned or anything on it. very subtle, but it's there.

    As for the more pertinent part of your question, stimulants.

    I really like phenylpiracetam

    Phenylpiracetam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I get mine from, from liftmode. Read reviews, read up on other peoples experience.

    The biggest and most consistently helpful one I use is l-theanine, specifically with coffee. theanine is found in green tea and has a calming effect that knocks the edge off of caffeine. you get the positive energy boost and its calmer and more smoothing.

    also, some sound science that indicates theanine is very helpful for reversing alcohol damage to liver.
    l-Theanine prevents alcoholic liver injury... [Food Chem Toxicol. 2012] - PubMed - NCBI

    I would say that instead of just focusing on stimulants, also consider vitamins. a good Bcomplex can give you enhanced mood and loads of energy, especially if you are deficit, as most of us drinkers are. C, D, K are all good as well.


      New to to stimulants

      Hi there! I've been taking Wellbutrin XL 150 mgs. every morning for about 6 years for minor depression. For that purpose, it's been very effective. Aside from headaches if I don't get enough water I have no side effects. I think it's a pretty decent drug, but have found the XL form to be better than the twice a day kind.
      I hope you have good luck with it!

