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    New Here

    I am new to posting here. I really want and need to quit drinking badly. A little about me and my drinking, I am not a daily drinker but a terrible binge drinker. I'm talking several days straight and several bottles of hard liquor by myself over the course of a few to several days. I get nothing done, just sit around and drink then spend the next few to several days recovering. I have been fighting this for years. For me, I think it's all about not taking that first drink. If I can do that I am ok, if I take the first drink, well, I already described what that leads to. Any advice or support would be appreciated, thanks.

    New Here

    Welcome, JM8-

    You will find all sorts of drinkers here - all with one goal of staying sober. One tip that really worked for me was writing down exactly how I felt when I was recovering from a long weekend of drinking. I felt like s&$t! I wrote it all down and now if I feel like I am losing my resolve I have that to look on and remember as a LARGE reason to not drink again. As someone here said - you have power over alcohol as long as you don't take that first sip. So true for me, too.

    I recommend joining the community in the Newbies Nest - more action there than other places. Also, the toolbox (under monthly abstinence) has many ideas for getting and staying sober. There is a lot of collective wisdom here - it has gotten me to 83 days sober, and I am not looking back.


      New Here

      Hello JM 8

      I was the same as you...except I drank daily for ten years after being a binger for 20. Whatta guess thats why they call it wasted. ha!

      I would suggest reading here as much as you out supplements to help with withdrawals....try and come up with a list of benefits to not drinking...and get your mind in a peaceful place.

      Its a mind game really...Ive relapsed often over the last year...but now Im on day 18 and feeling so much better. Yes--Its worth it.

      Keep posting...and welcome here...This is a very nice forum


        New Here

        Welcome JM,
        You've come to the right place if you want to quit drinking. As Pav said, our drinking may have been different but we all have the same goal: to quit and stay quit. So check out the toolbox and jump in the NN. There's a wealth of information here on the site. Good luck.
        Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


          New Here

          thanks all


            New Here

            Welcome jm8. There's lots of thing to try! Eventually you'll find something that really works for you.


              New Here

              jm8;1629979 wrote: For me, I think it's all about not taking that first drink. If I can do that I am ok, if I take the first drink, well, I already described what that leads to. Any advice or support would be appreciated, thanks.

              :welcome: JM. you've already identified a huge step in getting sober - by simply not taking that first drink. Face it, in our world, there is no such thing as only
              one drink. (Very often, there's no such thing as only one bottle, either.)

              The is an incredibly supportive place, where you'll find a lot of encouragement from people just taking their first steps on this journey and from other who have many sober years behind the. join us there.

              The has excellent advice on how to plan your journey, and how to stay on track. Well worth reading - I still go back there from time to time.
              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                New Here

                Hi JM and welcome. As the others have said, jump into the Newbies Nest when you get a chance. Lots of support there...folks in all stages of quitting, including many of the angels of MWO...those who have made it to the other side and stick around to help the rest of us find our way. I promise you will be inspired. I was a different kind of drinker - every day - but one thing that is consistent for all of us is that we can't take that first drink. Sounds like you have already figured that out. Good to have here. Hope to hear much more from you in the future.
                Everything is going to be amazing


                  New Here

                  Hi JM and :welcome: I'm just like you. One drink to the races. With the help and support of everyone here, lots of us have found a way to avoid taking that first drink. You can do it too! Pull up a chair and find a support thread that appeals to you.

                  Good luck!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    New Here

                    Hi JM, I just want to add to the fine chorus here. When we get to the point of coming to a site like this, we have experienced everything we ever need to regarding alcohol. There doesn't need to be a farewell drunk or a just one more time drunk. There can be some fear but that's just temporary. AF life is not about deprivation at all. It is getting comfortable in your own skin again and feeling a subtle pride when you see yourself in the mirror. You deserve what you are searching for!
                    "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                    AF 11/12/11


                      New Here

                      Welcome! We all have our reasons for being here. Have you given any throughout to what gets you going on a binge? Might be worth the time to figure out your triggers and develop a plan of attack?
                      Newbies Nest
                      My accountability thread

