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50+ days in .... my 'story' so far

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    50+ days in .... my 'story' so far

    I wanted to share my experiences so far with how I have progressed. Apologies if there is no flow and things appear random at times - I am reeling of different thoughts so that I can get it all down.

    So far, what I have learned about my problem:

    - I drink alcohol to cover up my perceived inadequacies. I have always used it to fit in and get over my anxieties in clubs etc.

    - Alcohol in turn makes me more anxious, so I drink more to get over the anxiety caused by it.

    - AL loses its buzz eventually and I resort to stimulants on nights out to get to the next level. Stimulants in turn make me drink more and more as they stop you from getting drunk.

    - I didn't realise it was a problem. Having 4 pints, a few mixers and shots and clubbing all night was just a bit of fun.

    - Alcohol was keeping me immature. By not facing my problems, I was in teenager mode still. Please everyone and anyone. Be manipulative to keep myself safe. Stay away from threats etc.

    After 50 days:

    - Giving up AL has given me the energy to approach other areas of my life. Without the blanket of AL, the uncomfortable feelings in life have to be faced. I cannot use AL to escape, as it were.

    - My health, both physically and mentally is improving. Again, I didn't realise how bad I felt/looked until about 4 post after giving up drink and drugs. This is because of a host of other things - AL and narcotics obviously reek havoc on your body, but my sleep pattern has improved, I eat better & do not use processed rubbish as another blanket and I am back into a good exercise routine.

    - I am wanting to go out more. Lack of money has always stopped me in the past. I needed drink to be out and about - which meant needed at least ?50 in my pocket. Now I know I can go anywhere on ?20 - a travel card and a bite to eat.

    - I do not have to be what I think other people want me to be. I need to be what I am comfortable and happy being. Being inconsistent with my deeper philosophies only leads to confusion, anxiety, jealousy and frustration. I am unique - I am not another person I want to be.

    - I am comfortable going to a pub and telling my friends straight that I want a soft drink. No lies about being on antiobiotics or driving. If they do not like me not drinking, so be it. If they are uncomfortable being around a sober person in a pub, then deep down they have problems with AL too IMO. Drink is an escape from something. Not drinking does not make me less of a man.

    - I cannot impose what I want other people to be on them. Everyone is unique and they are on their own path.

    - Giving up AL allows you to explore deeper and more meaningful avenues in life. You stop being so materialistic. Success for me is giving true value to other people. I used to have my own priorities at the centre of everything. I did everything to ultimately benefit me. Now I want to help spread energy, not to absorb it from other people.

    - There is more to life than AL and sitting in front of a computer all day.

    - Concentrating on the problem only makes things worse.

    - I still have a long way to go, but I know this is the path to be on. When you let your spirit free you can achieve what you want.

    - I value money more. ?50 on a night out.....I'd find a way to get 50 if I didn't have it to get out. ?50 on something fulfilling like a meal out with friends or a day trip was a waste of money. ?50 now has so much more value and potential to it.

    - Reading is the biggest gift I have been missing out on. I am learning more about everything so quickly. My life was a tunnel vision of go out get smashed, recover, get smashed, recover, survive, get smashed etc. There was no passion for anything. Reading is helping me discover what I really want in life.

    Ultimately it all leads to one thing. Being comfortable in my own skin. Which makes people more comfortable around me in turn. I cannot feel human if I drink. It ruins my physical, emotional and mental health - I become weak.

    Being AF makes me stronger. Many hurdles to face yet, but I am ready for them.

    50+ days in .... my 'story' so far


    Londoner, you've struggled with this beast for so long, and yet you kept on trying and trying and trying... This is a wonderful post - congratulations.

    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      50+ days in .... my 'story' so far

      Londoner it really is wonderful to see the world through sober eyes again. So many things you miss when you are in that vicious cycle of party, recover, and do it again.
      Good for you.
      No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


        50+ days in .... my 'story' so far

        Great post London, you have had the grit, determination and persistence to keep going to be af and you have succeeded. I for one am very proud of reading about your journey and you insightful posts, you are an asset to have on MWO.

        AL is a merry go round i wish not to be on anymore either and the benefits are fantastic to our mind, body and health.
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          50+ days in .... my 'story' so far

          Thank you for this post, London! I think it's really great to write down all of the benefits of an AL-free life, and notice the things going on inside yourself. We get "stuck" mentally and emotionally when we drink, and what you're discovering is growth in all areas without the beast. How awesome!
          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


            50+ days in .... my 'story' so far

            I am thrilled to hear you sounding so upbeat, and on track! Right on!
            Newbies Nest
            My accountability thread


              50+ days in .... my 'story' so far

              Excellent post Londoner!!!

              Thank you....I sense many of those same thoughts and feelings which you convey.

              Like you---I feel so much better AF. Lets keep this going.

              I wish you a lovely day today


                50+ days in .... my 'story' so far

                Londoner - SO great to hear your story, and to remember how great an AF life is. The things that resonated with me are - dealing with the feelings, anxiety worsened by alcohol, and the freedom to be who WE want to be, not who we think others want us to be.

                You sound amazing, keep it up!


                  50+ days in .... my 'story' so far

                  Thanks - for anyone who has read my previous posts you know how bipolar I am when it comes to drinking and not drinking.

                  Today was my first REAL test. Out for the day and stopped at a pub with a group of people on the way out. A laddish group. I only knew my friend - and had to turn down the offer of a beer. That's progress right there.

                  I know it's easy to slip up at any time, and my brain is still in the mode of thinking I can have a special night out a couple of times a year. But for now, I'm focussed on that 90 day mark and to start discovering who I really am.

                  Thanks, and hope everyone is doing well.


                    50+ days in .... my 'story' so far

                    Well impressive - you are inspirational
                    Last drink 6th September 2013


                      50+ days in .... my 'story' so far

                      Great post !
                      Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                      Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                      Rebooting ... done ...
                      Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                        50+ days in .... my 'story' so far

                        Londoner;1630268 wrote:

                        - Alcohol in turn makes me more anxious, so I drink more to get over the anxiety caused by it.

                        - Alcohol was keeping me immature. By not facing my problems, I was in teenager mode still. Please everyone and anyone. Be manipulative to keep myself safe. Stay away from threats etc.

                        - I do not have to be what I think other people want me to be. I need to be what I am comfortable and happy being. Being inconsistent with my deeper philosophies only leads to confusion, anxiety, jealousy and frustration. I am unique - I am not another person I want to be.

                        Being AF makes me stronger.
                        Great post Londoner.

                        I love the above extracts especially. Congratulations mate, i'm very happy for you. You are on the right path. Keep it going.

                        G bloke.

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          50+ days in .... my 'story' so far

                          :new: And I'm only on my first day of a taper. I am so, so inspired to read this. Thank you so much, Londoner, for sharing. You brought a tear to my eye. :l

