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    Good Morning everyone from rainy, grey Europe,
    Welcome to any newcomers and hello to my "other Family", hope things are going well for everybody.

    Thank you so much for your posts yesterday, we can all relate to each other can't we, the guilt, the panic, the black-outs, the checking the phone history, the hiding, the recycling bin, the shame, the hurt, the unexplained bruises, our tears, our families tears, the list goes on and on doesn't it? Anyway, just thought I would remind ourselves why we are here. Once again I feel so humbled to "know" you all, you mean so much to me that it brings tears to my eyes, thanks for being there all of you.

    Start of day 11 AF for me and yeh, yeh, yeh, my package arrived today so I'm about to dive into it, can't wait.

    Nancy - thanks ever so much for your thoughtful and helpful words, the get together has been cancelled but there are other social events on the w/e and next week. I have been avoiding anything social and it's great as there is no temptation, but that's not living in the real world is it? I loved your words "just think it's not permanent", I'll use them when I have to, thanks you were a great help to me. I don't really have any goals as yet - I'm just taking it 1 day at a time. PS Nancy I love the way you count your days I think it's a good idea not to put the counter back to 0.

    Bird - how are you feeling today? maybe you should see the DR if you are feeling so tired all the time, are you trying to do a bit of exercise? Things will get better, they will and we are all behind you and sorry to see that you are not feeling your best. XXX from us to you.

    Janice - how did you get on with your package. how is your MUM?

    Amanda - where are you? Are you still opening the B&B? You must be ever soooo busy.

    Retteacher - I can so relate to everything you say, such as from leaving the heavy drinker stage and passing over to the alcoholic drinker (hiding, drinking alone), and it happened to me about 6 years ago also, let's get this sorted out!

    Aquamarine - I love the sound of your journal, and yes the stress of hiding the drinks, bottles etc. it's just not worth it is it?

    Luckyone - Welcome to our family and congrats on day 2 and hope to hear from you today.

    Ducky - you are doing great with your mods, let me know how you do it!

    Julie001 - You are really getting back on track, imagine being able to go out for a lunch without alcohol, heaven, congratulations.

    Zincityzen - You made me laugh so much telling us that your recycling bin "blew away", brilliant.

    Kitty - Yes we all have lists upon lists of mad, embarrassing things we have done whilst under the influence, try to let them go they are in the past now. Hope you are feeling less exhausted today.

    Lorelei, Brilliant posting, hope you found a punch bag at the gym.

    I want to mention everybody because you are all so wonderful, but we are becoming so many it's impossible unless we spend all day writing one message, but a big thanks to each and everyone of you for your messages of support and love and for carrying us through yet another day of fighting this disease.

    Love you all.

    Bluesky XX
    It is easier to stay out than get out.

    Mark Twain


    Good morning all'
    Thank you for all the kind words yesterday. I am feeling great this morning after a good nights sleep. I'm not going to work today as there are some things going on at my kids school. More later. Have an easy day all. Bird



      Hi all,
      I just put my third 0 in a row on the drink tracker. Does not sound like alot but it has been awhile since I could have done that. Don't those 0s look so pretty on that chart - they are such a beautiful shape. Ha!!! Ha!!! They especially look good all in a row - some of you have some pretty impressive rows! They also look nice alone - one day at a time. At any rate it is great to have a place to make these ridiculous (sober) observations!!! Have a great day all! Off to work!


        NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 17

        Hello everyone - Day 18 for me, haven't gone this long without a drink for 5 years. Not really feeling the cravings this week so thats good just a bit lost and like I said the other day, flat. I know this will pass and its so nice waking up on a morning without that guilty feeling. Tried the cds yesterday. I did the clearing ones again early evening as I got disturbed a couple of times in the afternoon. It was very relaxing but not sure if I actually was as "deep" as I should have been! Played the subliminal one while I was pottering around doing jobs in the evening and then tried the sleep one on my ipod. I put it on continuous play but I couldn't get to sleep for it so had to turn it off!! Going to try hypnotic cd today. Interesting though! Thanks for asking about mam - still in hospital, she has now been moved to the elderley care ward. I'm going to talk to a social worker today about getting some help in the house for when mam is well enough to go home. Hope everyone has a good day and everything goes to plan! Janice
        AF since 9 May 2012
        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


          NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 17

          Hi everyone,

          Glad you're feeling better Bird and well done on you "0" Evergreen.

          I'm feeling a bit lacklustre today, was up late because I couldn't sleep and ended up taking a sleeping tablet which has just made me feel really groggy and a bit hungover this morning. Actually it's already afternoon because I got up so late!

          Back to day 5 again, I must say they do add up quickly which is something at least. Nothing much else to say at the moment cause I'm feeling a bit low, but hopefully I'll cheer up a bit later and see you all tonight.

          Have a good day everyone.

          Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


            NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 17

            Hi Everyone: Just put my 2nd zero in a row on my drinktracker for yesterday. I have had 5 heavy drinking days in May, one light day, & the rest zeros. I really want to string those zeros together. In spite of trouble falling asleep last night, I feel emotionally great today. When I don't drink but can't sleep, I might wake up a little tired. However, I don't feel guilty, heart-pounding, sweaty, & awful as when I have a hangover. I'm going to try to remember how great sobriety is for me. This coming weekend, we're having our toddler grandsons sleep over, so there won't be much temptation. Good luck everyone & thanks for being there.
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 17

              Hi Everyone, Once again I caved yesterday. I really didn't anticipate it at all. I had no craving throughout the day. Then I had to bring in a bunch of drinks and snacks for my sons class who are going through testing over the next few day. I was somewhat stressed thinking about how much to get , how I was going to get up two flights of stairs by myself, and I was running behind- menial little stresses but stresses non the less. When I was done and on my way home the feelig came over me to drink. And well it just takes over. I am making a list of "standard" triggers for me to anticipate. This is definately that after a stressful event( even small) that feeling of relief that something is accomplished definately gets something going in my brain. I think I have not been appreciating that even relief from small stressors can be a trigger. I only drank 3 glasses of wine but still it is three glasses too many. My husband is furious with me since he tolerates no drinking at all with me. I drove to the store ( 2 minutes away) a full 3 hours after the last glass and having eaten and he called me at the store begging me to come home . I completely am against drinking and driving and I am really careful about it. This time I think he was overreacting especially since he involved my kids in the whole thing. Anyways will pick myself up and be strong today. I am going to try not to feel like I am a piece of c****
              until my husband comes home when it will be unavoidable.
              Bluesky- congrats on day 11. I'm jealous , that's great. Bird- glad you are feeling better, hope today is good for you.Kitty- good job on day 5, hope you feel better as the day goes on. Evergreen- congrats on you third 0. They do look good when you see them in front of you don't they.Janice- wow, day 18, that's great! Keep up the good work.Stay strong!
              Well that's it for me for now. Hope everyone hangs in there and has a great day! Aquamarine
              AF SINCE 3/16/2016


                NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 17

                May day group

                May 1-4: AF
                May 5-8: off
                May 9 to present: AF!

                I really like that we are all reporting our ups and downs.

                I am feeling pretty good. I took another sleeping pill last night, but that is it! no more, should be back to normal sleeping patterns soon.

                It's great to have no hangovers, work with a clear mind, no bottles to throw away aside from mineral water.

                I was thinking about my off days, May 5-8. I remember really enjoying the first glass on the first day and thinking i never ever wanted to quit. But on the last day, it was a binge and I didn't enjoy any of it. I was alone so luckily no embarassment. Without moderation, drinking is no fun. It's a waste of calories and it's antisocial and self-destructive.

                Last night, I had an urge to drink so I bought some more non-alcoholic wine. Don't want to make this a habit though because it keeps the psychological addiction going.

                I feel pretty confident that I can do month of May at this point. I think i owe it to myself to see what i would look like and feel like without the alcohol.

                More and more, I am seeing how bad it is to rely on booze to help moods. I am looking into nutritional ways to do this. The more I read the more i see how damaging alcohol can be for health. I am going to step up exercise, put try to get some variety in exercise so I don't get bored.

                Good luck to all, sounds like you are doing so well.
                Bluesky, I am impressed with the time you took to acknowledge your MWO friends!

                I sometimes will be walking around thinking of how I am doing this with some people named retteacher, bird and bluesky, particularly when i picture birdy. IT's like I am quitting with some animals and environmental features. I think that is kind of funny.


                  NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 17

                  Good morning all. I went a bit over my mods plan (by 1) last night and ended up snapping at hubbie for something. Mind you I would have been pizzed anywho, but that extra drink made my reaction a bit stronger. A good reminder that 2 is generally enough but no hangover today so feeling good. Running to the doc so more later!


                    NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 17

                    Hi all AF day 8 for me. Still struggling with the getting up in the morning. I mean it's not as hard as when I drank so much but considering I practically bounced up on AF day 2 and 3 it's kind of discouraging.

                    But I take such comfort reading your posts because so many of you experience the same thing and those that stuck it out assure us it gets better.

                    I am proud of you all, those that are moderating, those that are keeping count YES those 0's are beautiful, and those that are trying the AF route.

                    We are family.....hear the music? :H


                      NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 17

                      Good morning everyone! This is AF Day 18 for me! Since hubby isn't drinking either for other health reasons, and half of our social contacts aren't drinkers, I don't really feel tempted in social situations. We still have booze in the house, nothing I really like. I did pour some white vermouth into the stirfy I made a couple nights ago. I had a fleeting thought about drinking some Wyder's Cider that's been sitting in the fridge (yick) - but, again, I'm feeling like I just don't want it. My original plan was to go to moderation after 30 days AF, but now that I'm over the hump, I'm not so sure. I'd hate to spoil a good thing.
                      "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


                        NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 17

                        Hi all,

                        I'm home from work today (what fun). I slept ALL morning. Today is Day 5 AF for me. I've only managed that one other time since joining MYO. Psychologically, I feel happy about that, but physically, I'm still kinda have that hungover feeling--unmotivated, tired...Looking forward to when that passes.

                        Aquamarine--today is a new day. Start over. We have all slipped. Pick yourself up. Good idea focusing on your triggers. I also use alcohol as a reward, but am finally coming to recognize just how demoralizing it is the next day.

                        Have a wonderful Thursday everyone. Good luck.



                          NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 17

                          hi everyone. im new here so just saying hello really. i have been tryig to quit drinking for years and went into rehab last year but keep on relapsing so im hopig to get some advice and support on here. everyone seems cool so far so im sticking with this site. im sober at the moment but am not counting days anymore iv done it that many times it has started getting me down going back to 0 again. i think the most important thing anyway is the way i feel. in the past i have had a year off drink and been miserable and mad for most of it and no way do i want to do that again. good luck to everyone out there. will be back soon.


                            NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 17

                            Aqua: I sometimes don't know what triggers me...just a fleeting thought that I act on. In the past, I've procrastinated getting the wine & the feeling passes. Sometimes I talk out loud to myself: "No, I don't want it." "I know I'll feel rotten later." "I won't have it because I don't know when to stop." etc. etc. That sometimes works. I'm on day 3 today & there is nothing in the house (that works for me). Good Luck.
                            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                            October 3, 2012


                              NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 17

                              Last night was my day 2. It started out great I ate my dinner I was doing some reading on resentment which I really could relate to. All of sudden it started pouring and I had to run outisde to my balcony and retrieve my cover that was blowing off my lounger and at the same time I left my patio door open and my curtain had practically blown out the window. I know I looked like a serious mess. What really bothered me was how much anxiety I felt just over something so simple.

                              I really don't want to cut this short but I have to get back to work. Take care all and thanks for the support.

