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A build-up to relapse..Yikes!

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    A build-up to relapse..Yikes!

    What a weird and almost crappy day yesterday......and almost a relapse.

    Im going to write down a few latent triggers I experienced yesterday that almost led to relapse. They say that the making of a relapse happens far before the actual drink. Well?....I think I get it since it may have happened to me yesterday,

    Had a nice morning...nice weather....healthy breakfast....had a swim and felt fine.

    After a nice balanced lunch, I ate a large chocolate bar...which I did not need. Hmmmmm??

    After a long nap...which I did not need ( Chocolate).......I was a tad guilty since my healthy diet was compromised and guilt was there.

    Here is where HALT appeared. I was alone all day and feeling lonely. I made the stupid mistake of replying to an old GF text (who is very toxic for me)...and we started a chat. It ended with her telling me to FO....and I obliged. She is soooooo not right for me and I have refused my therapist's advice to cut her out of my life. This FO comment was my perfect invite for escape ( Co-dependence?...Ummm --like--Duh!)

    Now Im ANGRY....How dare she say this to feelings are hurt and I feel like texting her big time. I refuse to and just stew on it and I blocked her.

    Time for dinner...and getting ready a lovely well balanced and healthy meal. Heres where hunger comes into play.........Turns out my protein portion of the meal is not quite right for cooking......and I have nothing else to eat. Im disgusted and out of Im getting very Im Im lonely.

    Stupid me decides to go out and order this huge steak meal with mashed potatoes ( a no-no for my diet).....and the steak was 16 oz. I had no crave for any alcohol but during dinner saw everyone else...EVERYONE!!!...drinking. Combined with my loneliness I started to re-cant days of old.....finished my incredible meal like a dog!...and limped home.

    Once home I check my phone to find a horrid and distasteful text from HER.....and even though its pure BS...I let it get to me but do not respond.....well.....I kinda responded this way......I ate 3/4 pint of ice cream.

    Sloth-like on my sofa......fiddling with the remote only to find?....NOTHING ON TV.....I retire early and finally get to sleep---only to wake up two hours later......but was able to get back to sleep. After two incredibly weird and colorful I am--awake---bloated....guilty...full of shame..still lonely...and my tummy feels...ummm?

    The moral for me was this.....I slipped in my recovery plan.....and almost relapsed

    HALT played a part...

    I was lonely...and reached for the absolute wrong person
    I was angry with this decision...
    I was hungary and reached for comfort food.
    I then became tired of all the above.

    Even though I did not drink------ I could hear the bells from a distance.

    So?....I managed a decent sleep.....and I get a fresh view "one day at a time" today will flush that steak and ice cream out of me...and thank my lucky stars I learned something.

    I need to learn to trust that if I stay vigilant on my TOTAL recovery plan that includes chances for relapse falls dramatically. I invited triggers into my life that led to follows
    #1....I did not have proper planning in place for my nutrition...there was no back-up and as such...I opted for convenience and comfort food.

    #2....My loneliness caused me to reach out to MS. Dangerous...Bad idea.

    #3....I did not assess my anger properly...and allowed a toxic person to control my feelings.

    But?....I learn from this and move forward with carrying out my plan and trusting that a total holistic approach is the best for me. At least Im safe...with safe friends here at MWO....and still AF....Yayyyyyyy

    Yup...this beast has a clever way of clawing back...not today beast!

    A build-up to relapse..Yikes!

    Lead, nice work. You are smart to work out what the triggers are, it's the best way to plan for the next hurdle. The longer you are AF the less likely it is you'll consider a drink as a remedy for anything in your life. Not saying the voices won't be there now and again but they're way easier to ignore.

    Maybe coming to MWO when you're feeling lonely is an idea? I've never personally been to an AA meeting but it might be a good face to face support mechanism for you in times of loneliness?

    I found I ate a lot of comfort food in my first month AF, but my friends here told me not to worry, just do whatever it takes. Ice cream, chocolate, it's all better for me than AL!

    Congrats on getting through a tough one, here's to a new day!
    Newbies Nest
    My accountability thread


      A build-up to relapse..Yikes!

      Thanks June

      Yes-- A close call without me even knowing it. I expect better things today and I guess I should be thankful.


        A build-up to relapse..Yikes!

        You are doing great. You were able to pinpoint your specific weaknesses during the day. It just seemed to go downhill after the chat with that girl. Can you cut her out of your life like your therapist said? Seems like a good thing to do. How about coming here and talking out your feelings with someone on chat? You may have been able to nip it in the bud a little sooner than the 16 oz steak (although sounds yummy). At any rate, you're here and sober and that's wonderful!
        Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


          A build-up to relapse..Yikes!

          Thanks J-vo

          Good advice--Yes--cut off is zeeee answer.....and simply staying with this amazing diet.

          Chat? does that work?

          Happy Sunday to you:thanks:


            A build-up to relapse..Yikes!

            Hi lead. EXCELLENT WORK processing your difficult day. And FABULOUS WORK not drinking!!!

            I think you mentioned the FOK movie in my journal (was that you?? the memory is the first thing to go!! :H) Is that what you are following?

            Dump Ms Horrible, K?

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              A build-up to relapse..Yikes!

              Doggygirl;1630547 wrote: Hi lead. EXCELLENT WORK processing your difficult day. And FABULOUS WORK not drinking!!!

              I think you mentioned the FOK movie in my journal (was that you?? the memory is the first thing to go!! :H) Is that what you are following?

              Dump Ms Horrible, K?

              Hey DG---

              DUMPED----thank goodness. Thanks for affirmation. This was true co-dependence.

              yes---I jumped off from this movie March 2013 and could not believe how lame I was with my nutrition. The last 6 months or so have been quite clean with cheating of course...but I would say a 50-60% improvement. I start a 7 day whole juice cleanse tomorrow and then a rigid assault on Mt. gluten well as ciggy free.

              Something deep inside me thinks that once I have a rave diet and no ciggies...much clearer skies ahead....and alot of silly little angst issues will resolve themselves. Baby steps.

              I feel quite strongly that if I keep my supplement regimen ( 30/day) exercise.....this diet thing will provide a much firmer landing pad for sobriety.


                A build-up to relapse..Yikes!

                It's sounds like you are building a great foundation for your recovery!!
                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  A build-up to relapse..Yikes!

                  Lead - I just saw this thread. You and I seem to be going through a lot of the same things lately, so I totally understand. Good job on realizing ahead of time that you were being triggered. I wasn't quite so astute. (heavy sigh). Love your morning rituals. I believe they are so important to setting the stage for a happy, fulfilling day.

                  A 7-day juice cleanse?? I'm intrigued. I've been juicing for years, but have never done a fast or anything like that. Let us know how it goes. I may just give it a go.
                  Everything is going to be amazing


                    A build-up to relapse..Yikes!

                    Lead -
                    I am SO proud of you for working through things on that horrible night. I, too, had a TOXIC ex that I would drink AT for years. All it accomplished was making me a fat, lazy drunk. I showed him, eh? Get rid of the poison in your life (food, drink, people!) and start living for YOU. Sounds like you are on a great path. You did such a good job, and now you will be even stronger the next time a craving hits. Keep up the great work!

                    p.s. The "cure" for nothing on TV is Netflix!!
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      A build-up to relapse..Yikes!

                      Thanks K9

                      Appreciate your comments


                        A build-up to relapse..Yikes!

                        This happened to me yesterday,we were taking my son out to eat so i had a tiny lunch at work,came home tired tried to nap,couldnt so drank coffee and 3 diet pepsis to get going,by the time we left for the restaraunt,i was shaky,irritable,hot bleh i just wanted a big fat beer! ididnt though,but after having waited so long to eat and overly,tired/caffienated i had a headache and had to go to bed.lesson learned,nap when i can,eat when i need to
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

