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Oh the anxiety!

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    Oh the anxiety!

    Day one of my taper and I'm doing fairly well. But I've got weird anxiety. Since I have a fear of doctors and my hiding this condition, I've not had labs in 8 years. I'm up and doing normal things and feel healthy, so I want to be able to walk into a doctor, give them my blood, and say "yes, but I've quit". Now I'm starting to imagine aches and pains in various internal organs, etc and I get quite panicky. I don't want to rely on medicine but does this anxiety ever, ever go away?
    Please tell me your anxiety issues and coping ideas. :thanks::h

    Oh the anxiety!

    Hi Need,
    Have you ever tapered this way before? Do you think you need a doc, as sometimes detox can be a pretty serious thing without proper treatment. If you feel as though you're getting ill, I would call the doc. If not, drink lots of water and try to eat. Good luck. Is there anyone close by that you can call if you start to feel sick?
    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


      Oh the anxiety!

      Need - I agree with j-vo. If you start experiencing extreme withdrawal symptoms, it would be a good idea to seek medical help. It's nothing to mess around with. If you feel you are physically safe, then please try some self-care - lots of fluids, nutritious food, and try to get some sleep. The anxiety will lessen. I promise. But your body and mind need to detox first and that can take a while. Until you are feeling steady, just keep reading and posting. We're here for you.
      Everything is going to be amazing


        Oh the anxiety!

        Thank you both. This method that I'm going with comes from a former trusted psychiatrist (he retired) and I plan to go slowly based on his suggestions. I do have people nearby and a hospital 5 minutes away and do not have problems with shaking, sweating, etc.
        I'd like to attempt this on my own first. I'm doing my best with the self care: water, vitamins, healthy food. I just get a bit edgy sometimes. I promise to keep posting and will get help if I feel I'm in true danger. Promise.
        Just posting makes me feel better.


          Oh the anxiety!

          Need - I am so glad to hear that you have trusted people nearby. Getting edgy is part of withdrawal. It will pass. It sounds like you doing all the right things to help yourself. xx
          Everything is going to be amazing


            Oh the anxiety!

            Need -

            When I quit it was because of a hangover (read: withdrawal) that was accompanied by the WORST anxiety in my life. I called it a day-long panic attack. YES, it does get better, and leading a life without alcohol, my anxiety in general has decreased enormously.

            I suggest a walk outside, some breathing/meditation/exercises (in the toolbox Sunbeam posted a website about anxiety relief), and a detox bath (Epsom salts help). Keep posting here as needed.


              Oh the anxiety!

              Need I had horrible anxiety from alcohol. It took a couple of weeks, but the anxiety slowly subsided. I feel so much better now.
              Keep at it.
              No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                Oh the anxiety!

                Calm's Forte is also very useful as mentioned in Roberta's book. Most health food and drug stores have it. Good Luck.
                Enlightened by MWO


                  Oh the anxiety!

                  yep, I had really bad anxiety when I was drinking and when I quit, but it is almost nil now. it does get better, as does most everything in life, without the drink! also, doctors have heard and seen it all. don't worry about covering it up, or pretending to be all better, just get in there and be honest, it's the only way to get the care you might need.
                  all the best!


                    Oh the anxiety!

                    Thank all again for reassurance and suggestions. And bettygirl, if anything seems to get bad, I will go ASAP. For now my fear of them run deep and I'm currently trying to work up the nerve to just make that appointment.


                      Oh the anxiety!

                      Hi folks. Just wanted to update. After a rough night with nagging abdominal and back pain, I have decided I'm going to get a doctor. Since it's been so long, and I've relocated since, I had to find one online. The office will open shortly and I will call for an appointment. Possible bad news and rude treatment will come on way of another, so I may as well go.
                      Thanks for your responses.


                        Oh the anxiety!

                        Good Luck at the doctor! I agree with the others that the anxiety comes when you are trying to quit, and it is HORRIBLE. My therapist tells me that when "feelings" come, it's best to experience them and get over them... they don't last forever. I used to go into my closet, close the door, sit with a bottle of wine and down the entire thing when I was anxious. Now I just let myself cry (I HATE crying!) or throw a pity party and it does pass. Probably not the most scientific of methods but I've found that it works for me and the BAD feelings only last for 20 minutes or so. Thinking of you today!!!
                        Would you like you, if you met you?


                          Oh the anxiety!

                          Good luck at the doctor today! Do NOT worry about what they think of are there to get help, and they are there to give it. My doctor has always congratulated me on indentifying the problem and then taking steps to remedy it. Seeking help is not weakness, it shows strength. Good for you! Keep us posted.
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

