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Need help in Toronto, Ontario

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    Need help in Toronto, Ontario

    Hi everyone... I need some help.

    My Father in Law is a recovering alcoholic and I need to find him some help. He stopped drinking by himself two months ago and hasn't had a drop of alcohol in his mouth since then. Still I am worried about him relapsing.
    I tried to get him help and got him a meeting with MARS set up. Well these people are useless... All they did for him was give him a bloody printout from the internet of AA meetings around our house. I could have done that myself... I didn't need them to do it!

    The man is in the middle of an eviction, he has no place to live (we can't afford to take him in) no job (he lost it because of his drinking) and nowhere to turn. I made it my mission to help him... My own father was an alcoholic, I never had the chance to help him... He died early this year because of his addiction. Long story, I'm not sure if anyone wants to hear it.

    Anyway, is anyone on here from Ontario? Could someone please tell me where to get him help? The problem I have is that his English isn't all that great... He can't do one of those intensive rehab stints because he wouldn't understand anything. Please, anyone!!! I really need help!

    Nemeia:new: :thanks:

    Need help in Toronto, Ontario

    Welcome. I'm not from Canada, so can't give you any specific advice. I don't have a relative who is an alcoholic, so I am basically useless as far as information. I know that you are a very caring person who is going through a difficult process trying to help your FIL. Would it be possible to get him to start visiting us on this site? If not, then at least you can keep coming here and hopefully let us help you with this struggle. I'm sorry I am not more helpful - but I am glad you came to MWO for help.
    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


      Need help in Toronto, Ontario

      Hi Nemeia,
      I'm not in Canada either but this might help, its a forum in French for alcoholics who have quit or in the process of doing so.
      Alcool / alcoolisme / la maladie alcoolique - Forum
      and here is another
      Arr?ter l'alcool - Forum
      Also the supplements from this site would help replace vits etc he has missed out on whilst drinking and probably not eating properly. The Lglut and the Kudzu would help cravings if he gets them.
      The book by Allan carr called the simple method to control alcohol is available in French. 'La methode simple pour controler sa consommation d'alcool.' there is another called 'pour finir avec alcool'. I guess they are both pretty much the same. I have the first one.
      I'm sorry you lost your father to alcohol and congratulate you in what you are doing to try and help your FIL.
      I hope that helps
      Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.

