My Father in Law is a recovering alcoholic and I need to find him some help. He stopped drinking by himself two months ago and hasn't had a drop of alcohol in his mouth since then. Still I am worried about him relapsing.
I tried to get him help and got him a meeting with MARS set up. Well these people are useless... All they did for him was give him a bloody printout from the internet of AA meetings around our house. I could have done that myself... I didn't need them to do it!
The man is in the middle of an eviction, he has no place to live (we can't afford to take him in) no job (he lost it because of his drinking) and nowhere to turn. I made it my mission to help him... My own father was an alcoholic, I never had the chance to help him... He died early this year because of his addiction. Long story, I'm not sure if anyone wants to hear it.
Anyway, is anyone on here from Ontario? Could someone please tell me where to get him help? The problem I have is that his English isn't all that great... He can't do one of those intensive rehab stints because he wouldn't understand anything. Please, anyone!!! I really need help!
Nemeia:new: :thanks: