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Non-Alcoholic Hangovers

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    Non-Alcoholic Hangovers

    Not sure if this is going to make sense...
    There are times when I wake up in the morning and it takes me a minute to remember what I did the night before. As if I had a blackout. Does that make sense??
    Last night my SO and I had an argument and I thought of drinking to quell that anger but didn't.
    But the thing is, I woke up this morning feeling the affects of a hangover in a way when I absolutely did not drink.
    I woke up feeling not refreshed, a bit of anxiety, mini headache and an overall feeling like I overreacted in the argument (much like I went cray while drinking) all while stone cold sober all night.

    What's with these non-alcoholic hangovers I'm getting?
    I never experienced this before so it's a little strange to me.
    I hope this makes sense!


    Non-Alcoholic Hangovers

    Ice cream does that to me big time. Maybe emotional exhaustion?
    "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
    AF 11/12/11


      Non-Alcoholic Hangovers

      Now there's a thought Pinecone.
      Yesterday was definitely emotionally exhausting for me.
      Also the weirdest thing happened. Whenever I was drinking and went shopping I would draw blanks sometimes. But just yesterday, I went to a store and completely didn't remember what my PIN number was for my card!! And I use it every day! Aiaiai.
      I must have looked like a fool standing there for a few minutes trying to remember what it was. :/


        Non-Alcoholic Hangovers

        Bri,i get hanogover feelings all the time when af,so does my friend at work,its weird headaches,dizziness,etc i think its the brain healing?good for you not drinking girly
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Non-Alcoholic Hangovers

          I hate that feeling - thankfully the nausea doesn't accompany it. I am so tired today and just want to sit on the couch and veg! I still have to go out and do groceries though.
          I am thinking it's our brains healing too, Paulywogg…just gotta persevere.
          And thanks!!


            Non-Alcoholic Hangovers

            Only happens as far as I know, when I use Ambien Like a light switch...Im gone, and forget even getting to bed.

            But I dont think I got any of that just from quitting. Good luck getting it figure out, cuz thats gotta suck
            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



              Non-Alcoholic Hangovers

              It may also be food allergies. My daughter definitely gets hang overs from gluten.


                Non-Alcoholic Hangovers

                Yes Bri...this makes sense. The brain takes a number of months to rewire. One way to really speed this up is to take a load of vitamin supplements. They really helped me alot. If you read the book " 7 steps to sobriety"...they have a great section on what ones to take. Also perhaps see a good dr. who knows about this. Well worth the effort


                  Non-Alcoholic Hangovers

                  I remember feeling that way and posting about it here a long time ago -one of my first AF attempts :-( anyway I would wake up feeling foggy and thick and wondering what happened the night before and then I would realize that I didn't drink the night before! It was very strange. I know what you mean. It did get better.

                  I am on Day 5 today - I haven't had that happen so much this time but wouldn't be surprised if it starts.


                    Non-Alcoholic Hangovers

                    frances;1633480 wrote: I remember feeling that way and posting about it here a long time ago -one of my first AF attempts :-( anyway I would wake up feeling foggy and thick and wondering what happened the night before and then I would realize that I didn't drink the night before! It was very strange. I know what you mean. It did get better.

                    I am on Day 5 today - I haven't had that happen so much this time but wouldn't be surprised if it starts.
                    Just be a little patient Frances and Bri...I had a huge brain gain on day 15...and then another one on day 24. Today Im quite clear and sleeping really good. It seems that there are certain humps to get over and the skies clear. Right now so many mental and emotional things are so right I wouldnt dare risk a drink. NO WAY JOSE!...Im just chillin out......and the one thing I do that helps is remind myself that this whole global BOOZE thing is media driven...and most who drink to excess would love to be where you and I are right now. LETS trust that this indeed is a salient FACT.....and we should hold tight to this truth.


                      Non-Alcoholic Hangovers

                      GracieB ~ that would make sense as well, although I don't *think* I have a gluten intolerance?yesterday the only thing I ate was a smoothie and than dinner - mushroom stuffed chicken with garlic mashed potatoes at the Keg - YUMMMM. Unless?one of those have gluten!

                      Frances ~ yes!! That's exactly what I'm going through. I never really had that issue before in the past?it's such an ODD feeling! Especially when you're not drinking. Hopefully it passes. It just happened today and once - maybe a few days ago - we'll see.

                      Lead ~ you're totally right - I definitely am not giving up my sobriety just because of this odd feeling here and there. I'm really trying to work through all my issues, sober. Of course there are times that are more difficult than others, but I gotta do this, especially for myself.
                      I am actually reading "7 Weeks to Sobriety" right now?and am taking many vitamin supplements. I'd like to think they are helping me. Actually, I do think they are helping me a lot?who knows where I would be without supping.
                      And yes?I need to just chill out too.


                        Non-Alcoholic Hangovers

                        Briseus -well done on staying AF.
                        But I think its important to keep some of the yukky feelings we have in perspective. Lots and lots of people wake up feeling wretched, zonked etc - especially after an argument or such like the day before - and it has nothing to do with AL or giving up AL. Its part of the emotional and physical reactions from the day or night before -or its just part of some people's make-up.
                        I am not downplaying hangovers or the 'fug' and tiredness many have in the early days of quitting AL. That will pass - with time.


                          Non-Alcoholic Hangovers

                          Yes Bri - I know exactly what you are talking about. But I thought I was the only one. Thank you. I feel just a bit less crazy now.
                          Everything is going to be amazing


                            Non-Alcoholic Hangovers

                            It took a bit for the fog to lift. You being younger I think your brain will heal faster.

                            I still get "emotional hangovers". I think normal people have these, I just didn't know it because I was actually hungover. I just read an article written by someone talking about the emotional hangover they had when they over reacted to a situation. Realizing they are normal and I don't like them.....I work harder to not have them.

                            The old adage never go to bed mad. Easier said than done...but, realizing the toll it will take the next day....I do my best to avoid my over reaction to stupid things.


                              Non-Alcoholic Hangovers


                              When I drank and for a few months after.......every molehill felt like a mountain......Now its almost like a 180 degree turn. Sooooooo important to get a few months under the belt at all costs...the brain gets better and thinking becomes so much clearer

