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Non-Alcoholic Hangovers

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    Non-Alcoholic Hangovers

    Sugar gives me a big hangover. I'd say it was the stress from the argument. Also, you may have forgotten to stay hydrated. Drink lots of water!

    Also, have you thought about food allergies? I find if i eat a junky dinner (eg, fast food), i don't wake up feeling the best. On the other hand, if i eat a clean healthy meal, i feel okay in the morning.
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


      Non-Alcoholic Hangovers

      gracieb;1633392 wrote: It may also be food allergies. My daughter definitely gets hang overs from gluten.
      Yes, this. I feel pretty yucky after gluten. I also try to keep a low wheat diet.
      One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


        Non-Alcoholic Hangovers


        This is entirely normal. Post Alcoholic withdraw Syndrome (PAWS) is a normal reaction and once you understand it you'll be good to go when you experience it. It is different for everyone and can range from mild to not so mild. The key point is to understand it is real. People that struggle with it sometimes give up, thinking it is the new normal so, if you are going to experience the symptoms why not drink. The reality though is that the frequency and the severity of the symptoms do dissipate over time. Don't get discouraged, it really is your brain rewiring itself. I tend to have the not so mild version and at first I was really bummed out but over time I've gotten to understand it and so, I can deal with it.
        Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

        William Butler Yeats


          Non-Alcoholic Hangovers

          Thanks everyone for the input. These feelings are definitely annoying ~ and it's true. When you have these feelings sometimes the alcoholic voice attaches itself to it and tries to convince you that you may as well drink because you're feeling the hangover effects anyway! But I am ignoring it.
          Because it still feels 100 times better to wake up knowing that you didn't drink last night and you have another sober day under your belt.
          I still read as much as I can on these boards. It's a good thing I am keeping busy between school and work...but I don't want to push it either.
          I just hope this brain fog lifts over time. And soon.
          I also find that I can't retain information as well as I used to. I am studying for school and I'll read something and an hour later forget what I had read! It's very frustrating to say the least. I am taking lots of vitamins and was hoping it might help me but I need a bit more of a boost. Maybe will play some brain games more often and strengthen this thing I got in my head.
          But it's nice to know that I am not the only one and that this thing has a name as well.

          I am half asleep now at work. Feel like crap. I need to go home, hide under the blankets on the couch and just relax.
          Hope everyone else is doing well.



            Non-Alcoholic Hangovers

            briseus;1634893 wrote: Thanks everyone for the input. These feelings are definitely annoying ~ and it's true. When you have these feelings sometimes the alcoholic voice attaches itself to it and tries to convince you that you may as well drink because you're feeling the hangover effects anyway! But I am ignoring it.
            Because it still feels 100 times better to wake up knowing that you didn't drink last night and you have another sober day under your belt.
            I still read as much as I can on these boards. It's a good thing I am keeping busy between school and work...but I don't want to push it either.
            I just hope this brain fog lifts over time. And soon.
            I also find that I can't retain information as well as I used to. I am studying for school and I'll read something and an hour later forget what I had read! It's very frustrating to say the least. I am taking lots of vitamins and was hoping it might help me but I need a bit more of a boost. Maybe will play some brain games more often and strengthen this thing I got in my head.
            But it's nice to know that I am not the only one and that this thing has a name as well.

            I am half asleep now at work. Feel like crap. I need to go home, hide under the blankets on the couch and just relax.
            Hope everyone else is doing well.

            Hi Bri

            Not to worry---your brain fog will clear soon. Mine cleared around day 20-24...and my diet is pretty good and I exercise a bit each day. Keep taking the vitamins and just try and train your brain into being thankful for not drinking and counting all the good things being AF brings to you. Yes--keep reading---keep posting and dont fret at all about what it takes...Im starting to enjoy coming here and getting sooooooo thankful now that I'm past 30 days.

            You have a terrific start......and your good moods will build and your sleep will soon be ever soooooo sweet. mine is now and I would not trade anything for that luxury.

            Sleep?...and HYDRATION!!!...two of life's free gifts that get robbed from you if you drink. These two simple things are key to peace and a good life. Take them Bri!...they are free if you choose.

            Hope you post on newbies roll call....we would like all the help we can get :thanks:
            Have a lovely AF day


              Non-Alcoholic Hangovers

              Just remember: We abused our bodies for years (decades!), we cannot expect to quit drinking for 3 days, 3 months, or maybe even 3 years and expect to miraculously feel well again! Yes, we notice small things regularly, but don't get your hopes up too high, too quick. My first 6 months sober I swore I felt worse than when I was drinking. But that was AL trying to seduce me back, and it was my body trying to heal. Be patient, take care of yourself, and it WILL happen!!
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                Non-Alcoholic Hangovers

                This is an interesting thread. I thought that something was wrong because I had the Non-alcohol hangovers also. I noticed that my sugar consumption had gone up when quit al and I would notice that the "hangovers" usually occured after I had eaten a large amount of sweets the night before so I have been trying to moderate my sugar intake and the "hangovers" have become more rare . Hang in there Briseus I have 66 days and almost daily now I notice improvements.


                  Non-Alcoholic Hangovers

                  I'm 9 months AF and I get the worst hangovers now from ice cream. I really need to join IA (Ice cream Anonymous)
                  Newbies Nest
                  My accountability thread


                    Non-Alcoholic Hangovers

                    I'll sign up for Icecream Anonymous. I even make my own fresh stuff now. But I am quite good at modding when it comes to Icecream.


                      Non-Alcoholic Hangovers

                      I have been really trying to avoid sugar. But I too have been craving them like crazy. While actively drinking I hated sweets. Wanted nothing to do with them. And now very often I find myself thinking about chocolate all the time.
                      Tonight I had some chocolate though..I needed to get it out of my system.
                      But then after a few bites if almost makes me feel ill. But better sugar in the form of chocolate or candy instead of alcohol!


                        Non-Alcoholic Hangovers

                        Im exactly the same Bri.........never had sweets but now?.....quite a bit. I will tackle this one soon. Sugar does give you a pretty good hangover.

