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What made me drink

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    What made me drink

    Everyone has their own reason to start drinking first time. And today around 10 days of AF free I look back and see myself , my state of mind before and after I first drank.

    As. Child I have been around few elders who were supposed to be "cool" in the family.they were young successful, had lots of friends, were lively full of life. And I used to think hey I want to be like them when I grow up...

    I remember I felt so cool and proud when I had my first experience with Al. I was 18 then. I completely lost control of myself . This shy me ... Suddenly lost all inhibitions and became centre of party with dancing !!

    College and university I was so proud to have capacity to drink. So proud to drink everyday and enjoy with friends. It was the way to have fun.

    I guess my perception about Al started changing only after marriage ... When my wife used to see Al in a completely different way then me. She is a tea to-taller and and was not exposed to the "coolness" the way I was since childhood. Last 10 years of marriage i used to hate that she disliked me drinking. Infant she used to hate it more than anything else. None the less I am a strong willed person. I don't follow anything just because someone tells me. In fact I am the kind of person who will do just the opposite just to prove the point that "I am right" !! No wonder I don't follow any religious customs, no church, temple, mosque etc. I believe there is a Logical explanation to the God's ways, the "logical explanation" is so complex that it is beyond the intelligence or comprehension of us human beings. Just like it is impossible for dog to understand how car run or how plane flies. Considering myself right or correct also meant I am saying that my wave is wrong ... At least when it comes to drinking.

    Early years of marriage We had lot of problems and always due to drinking, even though I used to drink only occasionally, I meant like once in a week or so. And slowly I realised I cannot drink "normally" in front of my family. Meaning I have to drink outside somewhere. I had enough time for this with so much travelling all over the world, and so much time when my was doing stuff with new Borns which in next few years to keep my wife busy and myself free for drinking out.

    As I engrossed myself in work the only cool or the fun thing to do was drink in evening. First it started with few friends but then they had their own set of priorities ... Fuck it who needs friends I have AL.

    Today as I introspect, I don't see any coolness in AL. What has it given me ... I fact it feels like I was offering myself to AL and not other way round. Every evening priority and thoughts , where will I be drinking etc. I NEED have drink every night. So many hotels I have checkin with dozen of pints of beers. Eat drink, watch movies. Work during day ... Come back and do the same. Then I started to enjoy travelling much more than being at home, thanks to AL.

    I never made friends in last 10 years of drinking, lost or gained a huge distance from the ones which I had. My marriage is obviously not good. I have become from physical athletic person to this fat and ugly person. What happened to the coolness ?

    I feel deceived by the people whom I saw who made that perception as a child. I feel cheated by the society who also things that you need AL to enjoy.

    I feel so lucky to have family and wife who thank God does not drink. I don't know much contribution she has in making me realise. But now When I realise I am so glad to have a partner who does not drink. But someone who has such strong views about alcohol also make me difficult to open up and share.

    "Why do you drink ?" And not until long ago I used to literally ignore her thinking "what do you know ... You don't know what u are missing !" ... Such a fool I have been.

    Just feel like venting this out with you all.

    AL is not good. And I hope who so ever has this misconception hope this helps.
    Rewiring my brain ... done ...
    Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
    Rebooting ... done ...
    Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...

    What made me drink

    I agree AL is a very deceptive drug. We all have fallen victim to the deception. Society for some reason accepts the use of AL as normal and even cool. Our governments and AL companies promote the use through advertising and the make a TON of money off of our addiction. It is in their best interest for us to stay addicted.

    It is very easy to buy into this. AL is so easy to use and really can help if we are shy or need some sort of social lubricant to 'loosen up'. But it is a drug, a depressant, it alters our brain And it is a poision. We get so sick from drinking AL because we are basically poisioning ourselves and we know it!

    It is great that you know you can't drink now. I know it has taken a while to get here but you still have your marriage in tact and you are posting here. Keep posting, use our tool box and STOP drinking AL! We will help you.
    I can see how it is good and bad that your wife does not drink. She sounds very supportive of you though. If you want to talk to people who you would like to share your AL struggle with come to MWO. Also, you can go to a group in your area like AA or something like that. Those groups are full of people that understand the struggle with AL.

    I know we can help you. Thanks for posting.

    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

    AF April 12, 2014


      What made me drink

      Rahul that was a great post and very introspective. You can turn your life around without giving up your individuality. You live in a complicated world of marriage and work and I suspect cultural pressures. Just keep remembering how AL has isolated you so much.

      Hi there Narilly - missed you!


        What made me drink

        Hi TT!
        I am here, usually in the Monthly Abstinence thread with the Ladies on a Mission. I am sticking around this time

        "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
        "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

        AF April 12, 2014


          What made me drink

          Hi TT, what a great post. I started to drink cause I thought also it was cool. A shy kid in an adult world. Oh yes al helped me fit in, at first, but the last 10 years has tried to take everything from me. I am now about 32 days af and although I have bad days, this time around I am finally understanding that I can get by without al. I am using Ab in my struggle which has helped me soooo much thanks :goodjob::goodjob:


            What made me drink

            Great post Rahul!
            Plus it doesn't help that the advertising agencies portray alcohol as being necessary to have a good time. It's funny too that the girls in bikinis in beer ads probably won't drink a beer because it has too many calories!
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              What made me drink

              It's like an a awakening when you start viewing alcohol as a drug. Although my mind is partially accepting it that way and I know soon it would.

              I have been so many night life areas around the world - from village in NYC to La Ramba in Barcelona. Pat Pong in Bangkok to surfers paradise in Australia. It's now looks shocking how they have these bars dedicated to this drug. In Europe virtually every old city has an old town and then these bars. In Germany every small town has its own beer running thru centuries serving beer. From light to super dark.

              It's a paradigm shift in my vision and thought once I start seeing Alcohol as a drug.

              What a MASSIVE LIE !

              Wine and cheese ?!₹&. ... My arse ...

              Past ten years I have been doing only one thing ... Hunting my drug. Finding a bar which can serve my appetite for this drug.

              I can't believe even I was past of this massive lie. I too was in winery for wine tasting just 3 weeks back

              How being sober and bring back sense of reality. How being sober makes us appreciate life. How being sober is so much better than bar hunting to satisfy your addiction.
              Rewiring my brain ... done ...
              Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
              Rebooting ... done ...
              Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                What made me drink

                There does come a point Rahul when we realise what a croc AL is. But meanwhile I think its important to be humble and concentrate on own recovery. Thats just a wee bit of advice - I have seen many people on MWO (myself included) realise that AL is the enemy but not pay attention to our own complicity in this.
                Take care - you are doing really well in this.


                  What made me drink

                  Glamorous, sexy, smart, funny. What a crock.
                  Try slurry, boring, obnoxious, falling down, vomiting all over someone else's house.
                  Yuck. That drug really twists things around. When you get some af time you really start to see it.
                  No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                    What made me drink

                    Rahul, boredom seems to be the common thread in your posts. I agree it is boring being sober when you are used to being high. It takes time to find new things to keep you occupied and that give you a high. I can highly recommend endorphins. Walking outside, running, going to the gym. Feeling your body. Meditating? Learn an instrument? A language?
                    Newbies Nest
                    My accountability thread

