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    Oh boy! Just finished Allen Carr's Easy Way to Control Alcohol - would strongly recommend it. Janice
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)



      Morning All
      so nice to meet some of you in chat last nite Kitty can you bring your own beverage? Rebuplic of Tea has some good ones. Can you go for a walk until gym opens? For some reason eating an orange can destress me. The peeling, the smelling, the spray, pulling apart segments -- it's a little process that helps in a moment. 'course may not work for everyone.

      Good Luck with the trainer ducky -sweat all those toxins out and go for a swim as a reward!

      Hang in there lucky -sounds like you are doing great.

      O bird it catches me off guard when the need to drink is more celebratory than to de-stress. At least you are aware now. Good for you.

      -- can't wait for my book and supp and whatever. I think i got something that isn't supposed to be the powder. Some all in one package--everything is back ordered so I'm impatient as heck of course. I've got L-glut and love that Ezekial bread w/almond butter.

      Janice you are doing so great you are giving me hope that I can pull this off. I'm so tired of the drinking and all that happens with it. Yet day two doesn't exactly mean anything yet. I'm afraid if I screw up this time ... well anyway.... thanks for the wonderful suggestions for the weekend

      Hey blue the pounds do come off-- just give your body time to catch up, for some reason it doesn't get the fact you are really serious about this then some sort of metabolism thing happens and it comes off... why is it patience is the first thing to learn in changing any lifestyle habit?

      Day 2 --going to go put that on my calendar. My oldest son is home from the University and we are to visit my Gram in the nursing home (I was caretaker for her for many years and she has Alzheimer's) My other son graduates next thurs. I've been going through some emotional upheavals at the looming empty nest but need to quit drinking 'at' it.
      Well, off to make the boys breakfast. The youngest one can't wait to end this final week of HS! I don't want to be drinking when he graduates.

      Thanks for everyones warm welcome yesterday, it's keeping me strong today.

      AF 21, March 2010

      "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."



        Hey everyone AF day 10. Getting a little easier for me to wake up in the morning. I think I will try that tea, with everyone raving about it, what's to lose. I too am frustrated I haven't lost more weight. I thought w/not drinking 12 or more beers a day it would roll off. Oh well, I am not gaining.

        My hubby, who is also AF day 10, YEA! Got up cheerful and said see AF day 10 was the changing point for us he felt great. AFter he got up from me beating him up as I did not SPRING UP, he acknowledged maybe we are experiencing things different. Didn't leave any visible bruises so he should be okay....LOL. Weekend #2. I hope it will be okay. That is the time that scares me.

        Everyone have a great day and weekend and don't be hard on yourself whatever happens!:happyheart:


          NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 18

          Still Trying

          Hi everyone. I am so happy for all of you that are doing so well. I like to read that there are some successful with this.

          I would say most days are hard especially at first. I had two days and yesterday just ended up a flop and I woke up this morning extremely disappointed in myself. I really can understand who feels agrivated. Today I am working on Day 1 and I am doing it with a weekend upon me and I really hope I can do this.

          I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Good Luck to a us all.


            NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 18

            it's here

            the first hit of a craving and the initial mindtalk that goes with it. Day 2 fairly easy however uncomfortable to sidestep, still in the willpower stage. Wish I had the books and supplements .... so I'm here typing to distract and remind myself through reading your posts that drinking just isn't an option for me. Also just figured out there's a page two to these things! LOL

            Evergreen your comment: "At one point last night it occured to me that the "high" of being AF felt better than the buzz I got last night!!!" Really just connected for me and I wanted to let you know you helped someone saying that. I like being sober much more than being drunk, the only thing I'm looking for when I want that first drink is the initial hit and sometimes that doesn't even come because my body is so used to alcohol. So thank you for sharing your insight. You can get back on the horse and come Monday morning you will be thrilled with your first success. I'll bet anything you will get through this weekend.

            hart that is so cool you and your hubby are doing this together though i'd clobber DH if he expected me to 'spring' out of bed at anytime!! lol!! No springing for this girl, my eyes don't open till I'm at the chicken coop gathering eggs and I know those girls are on to me --one of these days I expect to be attacked for stealin their eggs LOL! It was good to hear you so cheerful, made me smile I know you'll do great this weekend!

            Good luck at the birthday party Dogwoman. Distract yourself with conversation-- as best you can. Will be thinking of you.

            Jacy, I really don't want another slip. It scares me that I won't be able to get back up and try again. So I'm so impressed you are just getting back on the horse and not giving up. WTG! I'm rooting for you this weekend.

            Ordered the book Janice! can't wait!

            thanks for this nancy: "Let's all try to remember this weekend that the world should not revolve around alcohol. We should be able to have fun and meet people without getting high."

            Aquamarine good luck on revving up your exercise program -- I hope to start swimming again on Monday!

            Oh can anyone tell me the difference in jr. and sr. members? and how to put your mood in. I think my Mac won't do a few things like gliffs. ----lordie, one can tell exactly when the alcohol is leaving the mood is just dipping into depression. Distract for the weekend...maybe I'll do some self nurturing, journalling, eating fruit and a healthy stir fry, putt about in the garden and try not to "THINK" just do. Shrek is out this weekend -ha

            Be well

            AF 21, March 2010

            "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


              NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 18

              Thanks for the support Padme. The weekends are the worst for me. During the week I go to work so most of my day is focused on work. Weekends I do house cleaning ect. and tend to want to drink. I know I am going to have find things to occupy myself so I don't give in. So again thanks.

              To everyone have a good weekend.


