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Laying it on the line with my doctor

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    Laying it on the line with my doctor

    Hiya Imatree

    Wow your list is fantastic. I went to see my family doctor (GP in the UK) a few weeks ago. My uncle (also saly 56) had just died and had been an alcoholic - on the day he died of cardiac disease he was attempting to leave to get some booze. My GP just went on about how he himself drank too much and also smoked.

    Can I ask what is the set up with your doctor ? Has she been sympathetic before and does she know you very well ? In the UK we get to see our GPs free on the National Health Service but it means sometimes that it is hard to get time to really talk to them as they have targets and lots of people waiting. Also sometimes you have to start from the beginning and then they fob you off with meds or a referral to some counselling service. So my advice would be to make sure you have enough time as you dont want to be under pressure and kick yourself afterwards about what you should have said.

    Best of luck and yes give us some feedback as I for one find it hard to deal with my doc - even reminding him about my mum being a senior nurse finds him saying things about why isnt she dealing with it.

    Much love



      Laying it on the line with my doctor


      I would like to ask though does Topa affect other medication ??? Maybe if you are on other things you should ask whether it is safe to take anything you can order online ?????

      Best wishes again



        Laying it on the line with my doctor


        Also just re-read the original post if you have problems with fatigue get a thyroid blood test done for an underactive thryoid - which I have. In another post we were discussing this. Basically makes you exhausted and makes everything - skin, periods, weight, concentration, mood swings go away from normal.

        V easy to diagnose once they have done test and also can be treated - in the UK we get it free our medication (just as diabetics do)- not sure about the US.

        Will try and find thread for you as we had a nice discussion about it about a week ago.

        Yes and agree about the time difference - how the world turns !!!!



          Laying it on the line with my doctor

          Thanks for the thoughts everyone. I have my package ready to go!

          Kath, good points. I made the appointment 3 weeks ago for a full physical, including pelvic exam, etc. So I believe it's scheduled to be longer than the usual appt. I want a full work-up - blood testing, etc - so I have a baseline from which I can rebuild my good health and compare in a year. I do like this doctor - I think she will truly listen to me. And yes, a big part of the reason I want to talk to her about topa is because I'm concerned about drug interactions etc. I take antidepressants, thyroid pills, and have a congenital heart condition.

          Yes Kath, I have been extremely hypothyroid since I gave birth 10 years ago, and take meds for it.

          Thanks for all the support ya'll.
          I'll let you know how it goes (appt is in 5 hours). I'm kind of excited because it feels like I'm being very proactive in my healing.


            Laying it on the line with my doctor

            Wow! Very impressive. Can I use that list when I final work up the courage to discuss my drinking issues with my doctor? And I agree with DW, if your doc isn't even willing to discuss it with you, then consider finding a more empathic, willing doctor. Good luck with your doctor's appointment. Let us know how it goes.


