I started taking baclofen last year for it's intended purpose, but quickly found this site when I googled information on the drug. Ironically I was also drinking about 375ml vodka a night. I was depressed and in a lot of pain. The vodka didn't really help but it's all I had. So I started at 20mg of baclofen a day, found this site, but didn't read much and tried to bump up my dosage here and there. Probably would have been a good time to introduce myself then and to actually ask questions and to read the information available, but I didn't. So I just took baclofen occasionally in 40-50mg doses. It made my stomach hurt. I stopped but I was drinking more and more. I went back on my Prozac and as I started to feel less depressed and miserable I wanted to quit drinking. I tried, but everyday I would come home from work and my husband would irritate me so much I would end up in my bathroom drinking out of the bottle. No matter how much I wanted to quit I couldn't take more than a night or two off and that was hard. So I came back here and actually read some things. I got my dosage increased at the doctor to 60mg/day and I placed an order through River pharmacy. I went up really quickly and I had side effects but I instantly felt better than I had in a long time. I've read other posts recently about baclofen being great for anxiety. Just like everyone in those threads I had no idea I was anxious. What people called anxiety is what I called strength. The constant stress and misery of life I'd just shove it down and move on. Keep waking up, going to work, cleaning the house, pretending to be a productive caring human being, rinse and repeat. No matter how miserable I was (and I was really fucking miserable. I would have killed myself but I couldn't scar my son for life and my family. So I just kept trudging through everyday because I had no other choice but I secretly wanted to die) I didn't know that I was stressed about being the bread winner in my family when I hated my job and it took everything I had to get out of bed every morning. I thought I was being strong because I didn't want to do it but I was sucking it up and going because that's what adults do. And there was a lot of other anxiety. It came out in other ways like hypochondria, bulimia, just other weird quirks that I didn't realize were my screwed up heads attempt at controlling things. The baclofen made me feel balanced for the first time ever. So yeah I titrated up way too fast and I ha headaches and weird brain zaps and twitches but I was an engaged human being again. I was actually excited about life for the first time in a long time. This allowed me to make some other changes as well. I had been supplementing vitamins and amino acids for about 6 months. I was convinced I could figure out what was wrong with my health and fix it myself. Well I decided to focus more on my brain and my emotions. So I started taking Rhodiola, ashwagandha, NAC, Inositol, mucuna pruriens, 5htp, DMAE, and some various other vitamins and minerals, including magnesium. I got back into running which has always been something that makes me feel good. About a year and a half earlier I had been training for my first half marathon. At the time life was going well and I decided to stop taking Prozac because I thought I should be able to handle my depression with exercise and proper nutrition. Haha a couple of months later I became convinced that I had arthritis or MS or a dozen other illnesses. I stopped running because my joints were constantly Inflamed. So I'm back to running, I've added a yoga class twice a week, found a new psychiatrist, and I'm trying to practice some balance in my life. I feel like baclofen has been more than just a way to stop drinking for me, but it's been helpful with my anxiety and depression as well. So right now I'm just trying to remember to keep up the things that got me to this place of feeling good. I'm taking 175-200mg of baclofen a day. It depends on the brand. As I've posted in a couple of other threads I've had some issues with different brands. I think there's a lot of resources here that can help me. I just have to commit to becoming part of the community.
No announcement yet.
I've been coming here for a few months. It was recommended that I introduce myself somewhere, but I never did that. I started to several times, but it was just too overwhelming. I didn't know where to start because I wanted to say everything. I didn't know where to post because I didn't want to do the whole daily check in thing. I just wanted to do my thing and come here with questions. Eventually I felt like that was kind of selfish. Also, as I learned more about how to search the forums I've found a wealth of information that's already out there. All the stuff that is new to me has been discussed for years by the older members. Anyway, so this is my experience.
I started taking baclofen last year for it's intended purpose, but quickly found this site when I googled information on the drug. Ironically I was also drinking about 375ml vodka a night. I was depressed and in a lot of pain. The vodka didn't really help but it's all I had. So I started at 20mg of baclofen a day, found this site, but didn't read much and tried to bump up my dosage here and there. Probably would have been a good time to introduce myself then and to actually ask questions and to read the information available, but I didn't. So I just took baclofen occasionally in 40-50mg doses. It made my stomach hurt. I stopped but I was drinking more and more. I went back on my Prozac and as I started to feel less depressed and miserable I wanted to quit drinking. I tried, but everyday I would come home from work and my husband would irritate me so much I would end up in my bathroom drinking out of the bottle. No matter how much I wanted to quit I couldn't take more than a night or two off and that was hard. So I came back here and actually read some things. I got my dosage increased at the doctor to 60mg/day and I placed an order through River pharmacy. I went up really quickly and I had side effects but I instantly felt better than I had in a long time. I've read other posts recently about baclofen being great for anxiety. Just like everyone in those threads I had no idea I was anxious. What people called anxiety is what I called strength. The constant stress and misery of life I'd just shove it down and move on. Keep waking up, going to work, cleaning the house, pretending to be a productive caring human being, rinse and repeat. No matter how miserable I was (and I was really fucking miserable. I would have killed myself but I couldn't scar my son for life and my family. So I just kept trudging through everyday because I had no other choice but I secretly wanted to die) I didn't know that I was stressed about being the bread winner in my family when I hated my job and it took everything I had to get out of bed every morning. I thought I was being strong because I didn't want to do it but I was sucking it up and going because that's what adults do. And there was a lot of other anxiety. It came out in other ways like hypochondria, bulimia, just other weird quirks that I didn't realize were my screwed up heads attempt at controlling things. The baclofen made me feel balanced for the first time ever. So yeah I titrated up way too fast and I ha headaches and weird brain zaps and twitches but I was an engaged human being again. I was actually excited about life for the first time in a long time. This allowed me to make some other changes as well. I had been supplementing vitamins and amino acids for about 6 months. I was convinced I could figure out what was wrong with my health and fix it myself. Well I decided to focus more on my brain and my emotions. So I started taking Rhodiola, ashwagandha, NAC, Inositol, mucuna pruriens, 5htp, DMAE, and some various other vitamins and minerals, including magnesium. I got back into running which has always been something that makes me feel good. About a year and a half earlier I had been training for my first half marathon. At the time life was going well and I decided to stop taking Prozac because I thought I should be able to handle my depression with exercise and proper nutrition. Haha a couple of months later I became convinced that I had arthritis or MS or a dozen other illnesses. I stopped running because my joints were constantly Inflamed. So I'm back to running, I've added a yoga class twice a week, found a new psychiatrist, and I'm trying to practice some balance in my life. I feel like baclofen has been more than just a way to stop drinking for me, but it's been helpful with my anxiety and depression as well. So right now I'm just trying to remember to keep up the things that got me to this place of feeling good. I'm taking 175-200mg of baclofen a day. It depends on the brand. As I've posted in a couple of other threads I've had some issues with different brands. I think there's a lot of resources here that can help me. I just have to commit to becoming part of the community.Tags: None
Hi Anon, I just wanted to welcome you and send you some support. It takes a lot of guts to put our issues on the table for all to see like you just did. I have zero experience with medication but many here are successful as you have read. I found that quitting drinking was the single biggest thing to rid myself of anxiety and depressive type feelings. I had always thought that I had some minor anxiety disorder but it turns out it was drinking alcohol. I also find exercise to be a huge help. Although many of the issues have been rehashed over and over again, making connections here is a big part of the support system that so many here benefit from. :welcome:"When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
AF 11/12/11
welcome back Anony - you sound like you have been through a train wreck but thanks to your efforts you are surviving. Yes, going AF really helps to sort the other mental health issues and the family stress so many of us face.
As you probably know there is a wealth of info and support on the Meds threads from people who have found so much relief from Baclofen. They will give you lots of great support but don't be shy about popping in elsewhere.
Best of luck with life and kicking the booze
Welcome, Anonygurl!
It DOES take a lot of courage to spew everything out there- I really relate to your comment about pretending to be a productive human being, rinse, and repeat... in my mind, I've made a lot of quiet promises, only to myself.... so when I've quietly broken them, no one even knew.
Hugs! Patty :l"God didn't give you the Strength to get back on your feet
so that you can run back to the same thing that knocked you down." :hug:
Thanks everyone! You're right there is a wealth of information here. It's a little overwhelming at first. Coming from an AA/NA program where your told to shut up and listen it's a little hard to know where to start with something like this. I guess I'll figure it out. Anyway thanks again.
I'm glad things are looking up for you, Anon! I saw myself in your comment about your husband irritating you so you'd head to the bathroom to drink. Often, I don't know how to respond or deal with my husband if I'm not drinking, so I drink. I use it as an excuse NOT to deal with him, because I often just get super tired and go to bed. I have just barely begun this journey, I made an appointment with my doc today but won't see her for about two weeks. I've always dealt with anxiety/depression and have tried several different meds: Wellbutrin, Celexa and the last was Zoloft. My husband didn't understand why I "needed to take a drug to feel ok" and it didn't matter how many research studies I sited or my own knowledge of the brain (I'm not super smart, but have a BA in psych and a Masters in Teaching so I know some stuff) I couldn't get through to him. He'd actually get angry with me for being on meds, especially when he was drinking (he drinks a lot, but gets a break when he's working 12 hour graveyard shifts). I finally told him last June, when he was sober, that I couldn't deal with his...I don't know what to call it...irrational thoughts. I was, and have been doing everything I can to be healthy. I've got through a bout of pancreatitis, after which I completely quit al for about 6 months, then a doc told me I could drink 'moderately' and be ok. So I did, for about 5 more months. And I'd have no more than 2 glass of Merlot (I was a heavy vodka drinker before) a night, when I did drink. Once I realized I wasn't going to get sick like before, the drinking progressed and I got hit with Ulcerative Colitis. The cause is unknown, so I felt I could keep drinking wine. Well, now I have the hardest time NOT having 2..or 3..or more sometimes glasses of wine a night. I didn't drink for 3 days last week, but it was a struggle and I just stayed home while hubby was at work. As soon as I went out to have dinner with my dad...guess what?Anyway, I'm so sorry for going on and on...I'm also taking Rhodiola and 5HTP as well as Organic Lithium, Folic Acid, Vitamin D and weekly B shots. It truly has helped with my anxiety/depression. I find it curious that during my time of not drinking, my anxiety went through the roof, and I've read several times (and believe it) that the drinking causes much of the anxiety. That was also before the supplements though, too. Like I said, I'm meeting with my doc to discuss what she thinks will work best for me. I'm going to get the CD that RJ recommends if you're not going to buy them all, and really talk it over with my doc about the Topa. I haven't read much about the bac you're taking, so I'll bring that up too. I just don't think the cognitive SE will mesh well with being a teacher. We're not out of school until towards the end of June, but I need to get something started. Thanks for listening, like you had a choice
and hang in there! You can do this!
One step forward, two steps back...:h
I will do this!