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The Doctor Appointment

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    The Doctor Appointment

    Karma... what an interesting observation about displaying as people are driving home from cities in peak hour traffic!
    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


      The Doctor Appointment

      Imatree, don't give up. Start the program without topa and find another physician who works with people with drinking problems. Inpatient rehab is not practical. Don't give up!
      Geez, I was really hoping that you would have a better response. Crap!



        The Doctor Appointment

        i stoped drinking 1 am sun when i woke up i desided to stop. i started getting to trimors.
        scared i went to the hospital. they were full in detox so the gave me lorazepam to take
        but it helped only a little. then told me to see my doctor. i did and he has given me diazepam it works much better. will see over all but 20 and 1/2 hours of not drinking.
        I drank a 5th ov vodka and 8 beers a day for 6 months.


          The Doctor Appointment

          Wow Jacklsmith. You seem to be very courageous. And it seems like you are really tackling this. Congratulations. Good luck, and spend lots of time on this forum.

          Dog Woman, the doc did refer me to an addiction specialist doc. But I decided to give it one more shot on my own - full fledged try (I have to admit I hadn't truly given it my all yet). So today I ordered topa, have cds on the way, another book, etc. And I have committed to myself that if I don't make it this time I will go to that addiction doc.


            The Doctor Appointment

            I managed to find some doctors who specialize in addictive psychiatry. They are much more up to speed on the new drugs available for treating addicition and I have found they are very willing to try the different meds and seem excited about all the new developments. Maybe you can find the same. If you have an insurance plan, do a search for addictive psychiatry. That's how I found it. I don't know what kind of doctor you saw but if it's more of a general practioner than a specialist, they are going to be less informed and less willing to put themselves on the line unless they are informed. Congratulations on taking the step to see someone. That's a great first step. Also, I don't agree with the inpatient rehab thing. Seems kind of a knee-jerk reaction from your doctor as well as her recommendations about your boyfriend. Maybe it will need to come that (I say that for me as well) but there are many outpatient programs that I have looked into that don't have to disrupt your life so much. That could be worth a first try if you feel it needs to come to that but that needs to be your choice. Hang in there. I am rooting for you.



              The Doctor Appointment

              Thanks working.
              The doc (yes, a gp) also referred me to an addiction specialist. I've decided to give it one more diligent try on my own. I ordered topa today, have books and cds coming, and am creating a genuine 'plan' for my recovery. And I committed myself to going to this specialist if this one more try doesn't work.


                The Doctor Appointment

                Good luck Imatree. You can do this!



                  The Doctor Appointment

                  Ima, Nancy and workingitout are making a good point about the psychaitrist. They are so much more up to speed on this type of treatment. In my case it was almost impossible to quit without some chemical help. I know my brain is not right and needs to be rewired. The meds will help that to happen.

                  At any rate, I wish you the best and I am sorry your GP is an idiot. I would take a careful look at any other advice/traetment you have gotten from her.
                  What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                  ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                    The Doctor Appointment

                    Yeah MD, good point about taking advice from my GP. Last year I had some severe repetitive strain injuries, was on worker's comp for 8 months. All she did was give my pain killers. I went to several specialists, and just about when I was nearly labeled 'disabled' I found a doc who cured me with an intense 5 day a week physical therapy program. When I went back to the GP to close the case, after being healed, she said, 'oh, right, I forgot about that program'.

                    It's funny how we can sometimes place so much faith in the wrong places.
                    I think I'm going to switch doctors.


                      The Doctor Appointment

                      Hello Imatree,
                      I've just caught this thread.
                      You have the courage and most of the tools to get the job done.
                      Have faith in yourself.
                      You can do this.


                        The Doctor Appointment

                        Ima, I just read your response to all these suggestions and posts and I was happy to see that you are not going to let one physician deter from your plan. Keep at it.



                          The Doctor Appointment

                          Hi Ima

                          Sorry about it not working out. The great thing about the net is that you can research stuff for yourself so am sure you will get a program for you that works.

                          Did she even do a liver test on you ?

                          Much love from London

                          Gargy and Billy my cat


                            The Doctor Appointment

                            Gargy and Billy the cat,
                            I'm getting the blood work done next week. she gave me the lab orders the day of the appt, but because I'd already been in the clinic for AN HOUR AND A HALF, mostly waiting in a paper robe, I didn't do it that day. And I think I've put it off all last week cuz I'm kinda nervous....


                              The Doctor Appointment

                              Hey Imatree. Just wanted to check to see how it's going. I too have the paperwork for the lab orders but have put it off. Not to mention, I don't know where they are. Hmm. Can't imagine why. Anyway, I hope you are doing well.


                                The Doctor Appointment

                                Thanks, workingitout. Yeah, funny... I seem to have put off going to do the bloodwork yet another week... hmmm..... But really.... gonna do it this week. What worries me too... I have this nasty cough, have had it for months.... I smoke heavily when I drink... part of the lab order is a chest x-ray. I think I'm most nervous about that. Yeah, guess I'd better get my butt in there.

