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Staring Again Today

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    Staring Again Today

    Hello All,
    I've been here a couple of time before, last was Feb 2013, I managed 3 weeks AF with baclofen and various supplements. Kept taking the bac, going to higher doses, finally realized I was likely to break my neck falling due to the vertigo before I "hit the switch".
    At this point I have been reading here again, taking Topamax again for a month (it worked for me a few years ago), plus MWO supps & vitamins, and I've started to post a little.
    Today is my quit day. Last glass of wine was 11 pm last night. I have this weekend + Monday to detox at home. A Dr. gave me Librium to take as needed, he thinks I'll get DTs, but so far I just have a headache and feel dragged out a bit. My girlfriend is calling to check on me every few hours, since she has to work all weekend and can't stay with me. Other than that I am planning to post here fairly often hoping for some of the support I know is so often generously shared by others with this wretched disease.:goodjob::thanks::h
    Be Well,

    The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes....Marcel Proust

    Staring Again Today

    I remember feeling just like you are now. That last drink and then the fear of how was I going to do this. Just relax and get plenty of fluids and rest. The first few months I just worked and slept and cooked (I cooked alot to break my routine of drinking after work). I did it without any meds, just sheer determination to never be a slave to alcohol again. But meds can be a huge help for others to quit. Do what works for you. Post and read here lots, I was on here hours a day reading everyone's stories to pass the time and help me understand it could be done. Just ODAT, only worry about today.

    I am happy you have your doctor and girlfriend on board. That is going to be a huge help getting thru these first days. Just be safe and if you feel you need medical attention don't hesitate. Once the first few days are over you will start to feel so much better. Don't be fooled into ever thinking you are cured though. This is a lifelong disease. Once we cross that line we can never go back. I don't want you to think about this long term right now. Just know that our alcoholic brains will try to trick us when we are feeling better. That is why we need support and plans in place to deal with this. You can do this and you will feel amazing as time goes by.

    I hope you are doing ok today. Keep reading and reading and reading. I look at it as planting seeds of sobriety. The seeds will grow if you nuture them.
    AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

    Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


      Staring Again Today

      Hi jenn and congratulations on making the plan!! I think this is the hardest part... :goodjob:

      Please head over to the newbie nest- the link is in my signature. There is just a TON of actively and support there...never a dull moment !

      Stay close to us this weekend . You're in good hands.
      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


        Staring Again Today

        Welcome Jenn. Come on over to the newbies nest and also read in the toolbox. Links to both are below my signature.
        You have a great start and we know u can do this. Stick close this weekend and post often to let us know how u are doing.

        Newbie's Nest

        Tool Box
        AF 9.1.2013


          Staring Again Today

          How's it going?


            Staring Again Today

            Re: Starting Again Today

            Thank you Red67, Kradle 123, Dottie Belle, and Funny Girl for your kind responses.
            I am doing basically OK I guess. Headachey, feverish but so far no shakes or snakes on the walls (not that I ever did that before, but the Doc seems to expect them). I will go to the newbie nest now.:thanks::h
            Be Well,

            The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes....Marcel Proust


              Staring Again Today

              or maybe not....I can go there to read, but I don't know how to crosspost my original msg there to introduce myself. All I see is the place to respond to the last msg....
              Be Well,

              The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes....Marcel Proust


                Staring Again Today

                Hi Jenn - I'm so proud of you. You seem to be doing better than you had expected, so that's good news. As you already know, your body is going to go through some discomfort as you detox, but no DTs is promising. If it gets bad, promise me you will call your doctor. If it's manageable, just keep posting and stay with us. We are all here for you.

                Try to practice some serious self-care over this weekend - drink lots of fluids - and keep eating. You've got this, my friend. And we won't leave your side. xxxx

                edit: Jenn - you just sort of have to "jump into" the newbies nest and introduce yourself. Right now, you need to focus on your healing. Later when you are stronger, you can respond to the other posts. You'll make lots of friends there.
                Everything is going to be amazing


                  Staring Again Today

                  Hi Jenn! There are a lot of great long time abstainers in the Newbie's Nest who will support your choice to quit and who offer the words you need at the time you need them! I decided to end my relationship with AL 6 days ago, and the nest has been a tremendous help! You can do it - just choose today to be the day and read up on plans and tools!

                  Done. Moving on to life.


                    Staring Again Today

                    Thanks Moss Rose,
                    Yes, I am ending up mostly taking it easy, just feel crummy in general. Sort of dosing off & on. Alternating detox tea with large glasses of mineral water. Not much appetite, but I've got light soup in the cupboard. And my kitty to curl up with. This part should be history in a couple of days (I hope).

                    Thank you for your kindness and encouragement and wishing you the fortitude to maintain you decision.

                    Be Well,

                    The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes....Marcel Proust


                      Staring Again Today

                      How are you doing, Jenn? Thinking of you.
                      Everything is going to be amazing


                        Staring Again Today

                        Hi Jenn! How do you get a quote that will stay on your replies/posts? I've noticed a lot of people here have them. I'm wishing you success, and I'm just starting my journey. I already know the people here will be a huge help. I'd love to hear how you're doing!
                        One step forward, two steps back...:h
                        I will do this!


                          Staring Again Today

                          Hi Moss Rose, Thanks for the thoughts?:thanks: Yesterday was pretty rough! I jus t slept, read, slept, ate ice cream, slept. Still headachey/achey this morning, but it?s still early, and I am fighting off a sinus infection too. Figure things will improve as the day moves on. They have to. I have to be at work by Wednesday morning. Did have one point around 9 pm when I wanted a glass of wine , but my GF called right then, so talked me out of that. Plus I?d have had to get dressed and find a place open on Sunday nite?.
                          Will post again later, get around to getting on Newbies?. Thanks again :l

                          Just A Gal,
                          Thank you for the good wishes, surely the same to you.:thanks: My mind isn?t working well enough for me to advise where the signature lines instructions are, you can check thru the site or ask on Newbies Nest.
                          Stay in touch. Good Luck!
                          Be Well,

                          The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes....Marcel Proust


                            Staring Again Today

                            end of thread

                            I am going to try to get into newbies thread, will no longer check or post here. Thanks to those who came here and were so kind ans helpful.:h
                            Be Well,

                            The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes....Marcel Proust

