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Living MWO for a fortnight.

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    Living MWO for a fortnight.

    Hello everybody
    I've been lurking around on the edges of this forum for a fortnight now, posting replies every now and again and starting to get a feel for all the different souls out there. I live in Melbourne, Australia and I know there are a few countrymen battling the addiction who have also stumbled upon MWO. To say the book has changed my life would be an understatement. I have barely drunk since finishing the last pages, but that isn't to say I don't work on it 24/7 and still feel very vulnerable. Tonight I am going to a party and I hope and pray I stay strong. Trouble is, my life revolves around the wine bottle! my hubby and I drink every night and our friends are HUGE drinkers too. I play golf, then drink. I work, then drink. I take the kids to sport, then get the picture. Well, yesterday the supps finally arrived from the States and I've divvied them all up into their little containers ( felt like an old woman buying one of those dispenser packs from the chemist!) . There are so many vits to take and my wee has turned yellow !! is that too much information? the CD's are ordered and the red tea has been consigned to the bin ( I'm sorry, it's yuk) . So, now I just have to keep truckin on...
    On a positive note to any brand new comers, the feeling of waking up in the morning fresh and headache free is wonderful. I truly feel like a new person! I have drunk every day of my life for 30 years and I had forgotten that it wasn't normal to feel so crappy. AND, I love being in control again...not engaging in risky behaviours or saying damaging things to people I love. Who knows, I may salvage some self respect back one day.
    Anyway, i just thought it was time I shared a little of my story after gaing strength from all of yours.
    Thank you so much.
    Jane :heart:

    Living MWO for a fortnight.

    Good on you Janie!

    I can relate to the bit about the 24/7 thing. My whole life revolves around alcohol at the moment, and I'm barely touching the stuff! :H It's just so nice to take the control back.

    Stick with it Jane. I'm waiting for my topa dopa to arrive, to help me with the weekends.

    Bernie in Sydney xo
    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


      Living MWO for a fortnight.

      Hello there Jane, I'm glad you posted. You sound like you have this all under control. that is great. Being positive is half the battle. I know what you mean about that lovely feeling of waking up fresh in the morning. I had completely forgotton what normal was. I have been coming to MWO for a few months now and all I can say is it has kept me on the straight and narrow. I am a binge drinker. I drink to escape things, but the other week I found out I am pregnant, so I have done the right thing and stopped cold turkey.This place is so fantastic. You will always find someone who can relate to you and help you. I wish you well on your journey. Post again. Bella xxxx


        Living MWO for a fortnight.

        Hey Jane, I've already sort of responded to you in the Australian post (above) but really wanted to make sure I touched base with you as your post really rang some very familiar bells!!

        I'm a little further down the track than you and so far it's working like a dream. Not always easy but so much easier than I would ever, ever have thought it could be...

        That feeling of getting your life back under control is pretty damned good isn't it? Hope the party goes well.



          Living MWO for a fortnight.


          It is a wonderful feeling, waking up hangover and guilt free, isn't it! Your post was inspirational. I've been sticking to the program as closely as I am able and am finally seeing change. It's a great thing. I wish you the very best and good luck with your party. Just keep reminding yourself of how proud you are of the progress you've made.



            Living MWO for a fortnight.

            GREAT news Jane!!! What a lovely're obviously putting a whole lot of effort into this thing, and really trying every which way to make it good on have my deepest respect dear....

            I'm so glad you're feeling so many of the better bits about controlling your alcohol intake...often they are completely overshadowed by feelings of emptiness, frustration, and weird mood swings, which can sometimes make it difficult to appreciate just how well one is doing, and the reasons you should continue along the track...

            Here's to you....and may it last forever:h
            Weemelon xx


              Living MWO for a fortnight.

              [QUOTE=jane rees;137242. So, now I just have to keep truckin on...
              On a positive note to any brand new comers, the feeling of waking up in the morning fresh and headache free is wonderful. I truly feel like a new person! I have drunk every day of my life for 30 years and I had forgotten that it wasn't normal to feel so crappy. AND, I love being in control again...not engaging in risky behaviours or saying damaging things to people I love. Who knows, I may salvage some self respect back one day.

              Thanks for sharing you sound wonderful. Good to have you here. I haven't received my stuff yet but looking forward to it.

              AF 21, March 2010

              "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


                Living MWO for a fortnight.

                Well done Janie, it is so nice to read about the positive simple things that make us happy when we are not drinking (like no hangover headache in the morning) cause I know how important they are. Sounds like you're doing great!!!:welcome:

                Sober since 30/06/10


                  Living MWO for a fortnight.


                  Hi everyone and thank you for all your encouraging responses.
                  Scooby doo, where are you getting the ' topa dopa' from??
                  Congrats to you Bella on you happy event, now you will really have something to stay motivated for. Is this your first child?
                  I appreciated the comments from Julie, Weemelon ( where did you pluck that name from?) and Amelia about focusing on the positive aspects of quitting the booze. it easy to get caught up in the difficuly experiences, but on the whole, I think it's just wonderful and at the risk of sounding like Oprah, i feel liberated and free. So hope that feeling last, it's quite a high.
                  The party went well thanks Robin. I only drank coke and my mates were all so sloshed that I didn't even have to explain myself ( I inteneded to tell them I was doing a detox....well, it's partially true!) . I even danced without needing a loosener...astonishing. I didn't miss it at all. I actually suspect that my biggest test will be when I sit around at home with my close girlfriends...we always share a bottle of wine,or two.
                  Hope your stuff comes soon padme and then you too can have yellow wee!
                  Thanks to all my new found cyber friends. I couldn't do it wiothout you.
                  Jane :heart:


                    Living MWO for a fortnight.

                    Jane, I ordered mine via this website :: Generic Medications Superstore
                    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                      Living MWO for a fortnight.

                      HI jane

                      I am in australia too, but sydney. Really great to here things are working, I am a newy too and can not wait to recieve my package, how long did it take to arrive? I cant wait to feel all the things you have explained, my life to is surrounded by alcohol every were you go.
                      i have become a bit of a hermit lately as i dont trust my self around people, and i dont want to wake up wondering if i have offended anyone.
                      All my friends are huge drinkers too and this makes it very hard, a few off them even try to control what i drink which irratates me to no end,(i hate it when people tell me not to drink anymore it just makes me drink twice as much) they can drink a couple of bottles of wine, you wouldnt even know i drink one and i am paraletic,i will follow your progress for inspiration so keep posting i need the help...
                      you go girl.....
                      ACCEPTANCE IS A POWERFUL THING


                        Living MWO for a fortnight.

                        Welcome Jane!

                        Control, self respect, participation in life... really a completely new lease on life now it's not based on alcohol - you're right - it's a wonderful feeling! And you'll find that after a while even the 24/7 thoughts dissipate and set your thoughts and mind free! I think that freedom, that peace in my head, is one of the greatest things I notice now after being AF for a while - and it didn't take as long as I'd thought for it to start clearing.

                        So great to have you here, and good luck as you continue with your new life! Look forward to hearing about it
                        :rays: Arial

                        Last first day - 15th April 2012
                        Days 1-7 DONE
                        Days 8-14 DONE
                        Days 15-21 DONE
                        30 days DONE
                        60 days
                        100 days

